Die Suche ergab 8 Treffer

von Catch
Fr 2. Jan 2009, 08:28
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: Welche Fehler habt Ihr mit der aktuellen Firmware? .29
Antworten: 98
Zugriffe: 18955

AW: Welche Fehler habt Ihr mit der aktuellen Firmware? .29

When recording a timeshare service where video and/or audio PIDs are changing, like for a regional news break, the recordning probably gets corrupt, and at playback the following message is displayed:
"Cannot play this file. The file may be damaged or not a supported file type."
von Catch
Sa 6. Dez 2008, 10:00
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: Welche Fehler habt Ihr mit der aktuellen Firmware?
Antworten: 107
Zugriffe: 19129

AW: Welche Fehler habt Ihr mit der aktuellen Firmware?

A bit too technical maybe, and should maybe have been posted elsewhere, but I give it a try: When performing a channel search (TF 7700 HDPVR), I get multiple entries of several channels in the channel list. I have analyzed the transportstream, and have found that it is channels where PAT version_num...
von Catch
Do 4. Dez 2008, 19:21
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000
Antworten: 298
Zugriffe: 54511

AW: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000

Great. As I already had english menus in TV-Browser when I updated to eTipotPlugin 0.9.4, I had to change to german first, restart TV-Browser, change to english again, and another restart. Thanks Sascha
von Catch
Do 4. Dez 2008, 19:11
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000
Antworten: 298
Zugriffe: 54511

AW: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000

Hmm, the only place I find a language setting is TV Browser - Settings - General Settings - Locale. English was already selected here.
I may have misunderstood this: Aktiviert:Mehrsprachunterstützung (DEU/ENG),
as I find no way to change to english menus in the eTipotPlugin 0.9.4
von Catch
Do 4. Dez 2008, 18:37
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000
Antworten: 298
Zugriffe: 54511

AW: eTipotPlugin 0.9.4 (für TV-Browser) für 7700/6000

How do I select english language menus ?
von Catch
Sa 22. Nov 2008, 15:17
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: eTipotPlugin (für TV-Browser)
Antworten: 101
Zugriffe: 18215

AW: eTipotPlugin (für TV-Browser)

Great Sascha, that was the missing detail.
Thanks alot for your superfast help.
Then I can explore what looks to be a great tool. :hello:
von Catch
Sa 22. Nov 2008, 14:56
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: eTipotPlugin (für TV-Browser)
Antworten: 101
Zugriffe: 18215

AW: eTipotPlugin (für TV-Browser)

Sorry for writing in english, but my german is very limited. I am using a 7700HDPVR, and I have today installed TV-Browser and the eTipotplugin. When selecting Plugins/eTipotplugin/Timer in TV-Brower, I can see timer entries that I have made manually on the STB, but when I rightclick on a program in...
von Catch
Di 11. Nov 2008, 20:14
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English
Antworten: 67
Zugriffe: 20372

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English

I have finally got the three TF7700HDPVRs ordered long time ago. All 3 units is delivered without harddisk, and I guees that is not correct ? First thing on the to-do-list is to upgrade the software, as they are delivered with 7.00.08 from october 2007. Very old SW for brand new receivers ?? I have ...

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