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von LarsHol
Sa 21. Aug 2010, 20:49
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Dixie hat geschrieben:Klick


Thanks , I did it in another way but I got help how to fix it/Lars
von LarsHol
Fr 20. Aug 2010, 11:56
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Error in Channellist I have used 3PG 1.29rc4 for a couple of months and it has worked without any problem. Last week three channels where deleted here in sweden since they where not used any more. After this I got the message Error in chanellist. I have tried to update the the Toppy by doing a new c...
von LarsHol
Fr 18. Jun 2010, 10:21
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Ok, thankyou for your answer.

I did one finally test yesterday.
Deleted all taps that I have.
Disconnected the electricity for two hours.
Installed the Firmware onceagain
Installed only 3PG.
But the same thing once again when I started it froze after about 30 seconds.

von LarsHol
Do 17. Jun 2010, 06:40
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

I took a look at it and they do not run on the same firmware. Perhaps this is the problem that 3PG doesn't support the firmware for the 5700 ?

von LarsHol
Mi 16. Jun 2010, 17:23
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Hello again

My mistake I should have typed the correct name TF5700PVRt HDMI and TF5710PVRt HDMI. My guess is that they are the same. It is only a visible facelift. It is the 5700 that won't work.
I hope that these are sold in Germany.

von LarsHol
Sa 12. Jun 2010, 16:22
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Hello I have two different Toppy one TF5710 and one TF5700. They have both have had version 1.21 from 3PG. I have installed the latest version for 3PG on the TF5700 and it is working without any problems. Today I have tried to do the same thing on the TF5710 but it wont work. I have tried to install...
von LarsHol
Di 1. Jun 2010, 22:50
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Hello again Cactux didnt have any logos from sweden. I have tried to convert the the file to png and it works. But it seems as if it wont be uploaded to any logos file. Could it be somthing wift the size ? I have tried to change the size but it doesnt get the right amount of pixels. Dont know if thi...
von LarsHol
Di 1. Jun 2010, 14:56
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Do you know how I convert from ibl format to png ?

I will take a look at cactux homepage later today.

von LarsHol
Di 1. Jun 2010, 12:36
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Hello I have previously got this tip to insert new logos That has to be done on Your PC. Put the new Logos in the appropriate ChannelLogos/TV or ChannelLogos/Radio folder, start LogoEditor.bat and add these Logos. I have created the two catalogues Tv and Radio. In the Tv catalogue I tested to put on...
von LarsHol
Do 27. Mai 2010, 13:01
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Thanks for all your answer/Lars
von LarsHol
Do 27. Mai 2010, 10:11
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Hello again

I'm trying to find out how some functions works
1 EPG SCAN and nr 4 "EPG Recorder" what is this for ? My status is Off
2 Additional functions and nr 34 " Skip Function" what is it for ? My status is On
3 How do I insert new channel logos into the existing file 4-56.logos ?

von LarsHol
Mi 26. Mai 2010, 18:27
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc4
Antworten: 454
Zugriffe: 166966

AW: 3PG 1.29rc4

Since my German is not good enough I try to write this in english. I used to use verson 1.21 but now this version 1.29rc4 seems to work. I have a terrestrial reciver and the previous rc3 did not work. Does anybody know where I can find the information about the difference between 1.21 and this versi...
von LarsHol
Mo 12. Apr 2010, 14:51
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc3
Antworten: 93
Zugriffe: 11886

AW: 3PG 1.29rc3

Ok, thanks for your help anyway, I'll get back if I need any more help.

von LarsHol
Mo 12. Apr 2010, 14:18
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc3
Antworten: 93
Zugriffe: 11886

AW: 3PG 1.29rc3

I could try this but before that........
Or could you perhaps send me (mail) your ini file and I try to use it ?
Or could I mail you some hardcopys where you can se the files that I have installed ?

von LarsHol
Mo 12. Apr 2010, 07:43
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc3
Antworten: 93
Zugriffe: 11886

AW: 3PG 1.29rc3

Now I understand a little more. I'm not using a satellite revicer, terestian I think it is called. So now it seems like I need to know how more about the 3PG.ini file. Where should this ini exist ? Or should it be created when I start the 3PG ? I tried to delete the 3PG.lst and then start again but ...
von LarsHol
So 11. Apr 2010, 21:52
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc3
Antworten: 93
Zugriffe: 11886

AW: 3PG 1.29rc3

I had this when I was rearranging my channel lists. Copy tuner 1 to tuner 2 to make shure they are identical. Delete 3PG.lst Delete 3PG.ini Start over. For me it did not work to delete 3PG.lst only. I have a 3pg.lst file in the 3PG cataloge but no 3PG.ini file. Where should this ini exist ? Or shou...
von LarsHol
Sa 10. Apr 2010, 22:30
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29rc3
Antworten: 93
Zugriffe: 11886

AW: 3PG 1.29rc3


Since my German is not good enought I try write in English instead.
I'm trying to start 3pg but gets the error message something like "Fehler der Senderlist" does anybody know what I should do ?
von LarsHol
Di 1. Dez 2009, 22:16
Forum: TF5x00PVR Allgemeines
Thema: TF5700PVRt starts slow
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 671

TF5700PVRt starts slow

Hello My German is not good enougt so I tri to write in english instead. My Toppy started to start very slow today and the display normally shows which chanel is on right now. But this has changed today it always shows the clock it doesn't matter if the Toppy is on or off. And when I turn it off it ...
von LarsHol
So 7. Jun 2009, 15:59
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG 1.29 beta
Antworten: 282
Zugriffe: 42030

AW: 3PG 1.29 beta

Hello I have previously tried too use 3PG but it wont work for recordings since it moves the recording 1 hour. The only version that work is 1.21. But now I would like to try this version to see if it work or not. The first problem that I’m having is that my PC wont unzip the file file. Does anybody...
von LarsHol
Mo 1. Dez 2008, 07:35
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3pg 1.26
Antworten: 226
Zugriffe: 35899

AW: 3pg 1.26

I should have asked you what type of Toppy you have. As far as I know, this option only exists for satellite receivers. It would be interesting to know whether it still works. If it does, there has been a change in he way 3PG collects its data, which has not been advertised in the change log. Maybe...

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