Die Suche ergab 50 Treffer

von miri
Do 26. Nov 2015, 12:53
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: CRP-2401CI+ startet nicht mehr
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 5766

AW: CRP-2401CI+ startet nicht mehr

I just bought a CRP-2401 CI + Conax. When I try to install it, it behaves as described by phase3000 in # 1 - I can not get a picture on the screen, and I've tried both HDMI and analogues compounds and different tv-sets. And the remote control is also defective (!) No reaction at all. With a remote f...
von miri
Do 29. Okt 2009, 14:30
Forum: Topfield Bugs
Thema: DVB subtitle bugs in Topfield 7700 HDPVR
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 4421

AW: DVB subtitle bugs in Topfield 7700 HDPVR

The same bug appears in the TF5XXX series, but no one at Topfield cares about it. Even minor manufactors of STB and PVRs can handle transparancy in subtitles. I admit that my TF5000PVRt is very stable, but i can't understand why Topfield can/will not fix this bug?
von miri
Fr 26. Dez 2008, 12:03
Forum: TF5400PVR combo
Thema: New FW TF5400PVR 081217
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 4130

New FW TF5400PVR 081217

There is a new firmware version (081217) at the korean site:

http://topfield.co.kr/include/download. ... ec17%2Etfd

There is no information about changes.....
von miri
Mi 8. Okt 2008, 18:01
Forum: FTP-Server
Thema: FTP-Server for Topfield 1.18
Antworten: 73
Zugriffe: 34873

AW: FTP-Server for Topfield 1.18

The problem with VLC-streaming could be a problem within FTP-server. I can use VLC to stream from other FTP-sites, and I understand that streaming is possible when you use the UK Linux FTP server (FTPD-Topfield)... EDIT: There is a UK solution that makes it possible to stream from Topfield to Window...
von miri
Di 15. Apr 2008, 15:19
Forum: iTiNa Wünsche und Anregungen
Thema: Other languages???
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 3382

Other languages???

Will iTiNa be translated to other languages or will it be possible to make the translation on your own like 3PG???
von miri
Mi 2. Apr 2008, 10:55
Forum: TF 5x00/6000 PVR TAP
Thema: Hat TAPWORLD aufgegeben?
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 3782

AW: Hat TAPWORLD aufgegeben?

Tapworld.net works
http://www.tapworld.net does not!!!
von miri
Fr 19. Okt 2007, 17:06
Forum: TF77x0HDPVR
Thema: Topfield TF7700HDPVR
Antworten: 2746
Zugriffe: 564035

AW: Topfield TF7700HDPVR

I don't know if anyone has found the manual before, but there is a manual dated 19/10/07 at the korean site: http://www.topfield.co.kr/include/download.asp?dn_dir=1&fname=TF7700HDPVR%2DEng%2De7A19%2Epdf Some of the pictures are dated 17/10/07! No taps! ...and only record one while watching another!
von miri
Mi 19. Sep 2007, 09:20
Forum: TF5x00PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Tf5020pvr Hdmi
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 1753

AW: Tf5020pvr Hdmi

[quote=""Maliboy""] Die Frage ist/war doch eher: Für welchen Markt ist dieses Gerät bestimmt. Bei Google habe ich nichts dadrüber gefunden. Und es gibt ja einige, die wollen halt einen TF5000 via HDMI an ihren Flachbildschirm anschließen. Vielleicht ist ja der TF5100 HDMI eine alternative. Den gibt ...
von miri
Di 18. Sep 2007, 12:28
Forum: TF5x00PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Tf5020pvr Hdmi
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 1753

Tf5020pvr Hdmi

There is a satellite pvr (TF5020PVR HDMI) at the korean site that comes with HDMI... http://www.topfield.co.kr/eng/product/detail.asp?idx=176&page=1&lang=2&img_title=title_satellite&leftmenu=left_product2&cateL=SD&cateM=PVR&cateS=Satellite&cate4=&cate5=&mainmenu= Anyone knows where to buy it? :think...
von miri
Di 14. Aug 2007, 09:34
Forum: TF 5x00/6000 PVR TAP
Thema: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)
Antworten: 2269
Zugriffe: 275567

AW: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)

The problem is that all subtitles in Denmark are sent in form of dvb-subtitles, so it doesn't work.....
von miri
Mo 13. Aug 2007, 15:08
Forum: TF 5x00/6000 PVR TAP
Thema: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)
Antworten: 2269
Zugriffe: 275567

AW: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)

[quote=""mvordeme""]Is there no way to convince your TV set to do this? What happens if you use mode 5/10? Scaling on the toppy always results in loss of quality.[/quote] The problem is not making my TV do the the "zoom", but that the subtitles vanishes when the the TV makes the zoom. I hoped the To...
von miri
Mo 13. Aug 2007, 14:48
Forum: TF 5x00/6000 PVR TAP
Thema: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)
Antworten: 2269
Zugriffe: 275567

AW: WSSkiller TAP (autom. Formatumschaltung für TVs)

I would like my Toppy to remove the the black bars from top and bottom (zoom), when a 16:9 movie is sent in 4:3 mode. The reason is that I think the dvb-subtitles will then move from the bottom black bar into the visible area of the movie, and it will then fit much better on a 16:9 TV-set.... Could ...
von miri
Di 7. Aug 2007, 09:06
Forum: TF 5x00/6000 PVR TAP
Thema: TAP für mehr als 2 Aufnahmen
Antworten: 105
Zugriffe: 12891

AW: TAP für mehr als 2 Aufnahmen

There is now a version of bdb's "record-a-mux" for the TF5000PVRt:

http://forum.toppy.org.uk/forum/viewtop ... c&start=45
von miri
Sa 30. Jun 2007, 21:16
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Bee-Player - VLC Media Player
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 1492

Bee-Player - VLC Media Player

Anyone heard of Bee-Player (Bee-Box)?. Its a Media Player that integrates VLC (which plays .rec files) and in France it's priced about 140 €.

von miri
Do 21. Jun 2007, 20:26
Forum: TF5000PVRt - Terrestrischer Empfang
Thema: Fernseher schaltet auf 16:9
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 6214

AW: Fernseher schaltet auf 16:9

Es laufen ImproBox und 3pg.[/quote]

If you use the "autooff" function when you do the nightly scan, then I have noticed that 3pg changes the aspect ratio - just as if you had pushed "0"!
von miri
Sa 16. Jun 2007, 13:29
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG v1.13
Antworten: 205
Zugriffe: 19456

AW: 3PG v1.13

I've updated to 1.13, and I must say, that there is lots of improvements around :hello: .....but my trouble with the changing of aspect ratio after the nightly scan is not solved :cry: I can see the aspect changes after the scan and just before the autooff is activated (or at the same time) I don't ...
von miri
Di 12. Jun 2007, 12:15
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG v1.12
Antworten: 303
Zugriffe: 34593

AW: 3PG v1.12

[quote=""Maliboy""]@mvordeme miri has a TF5000PVR t . With this Model, you can change the Aspect Ratio from 16:9 to 4:3 (and back) via the zero key of the remote controll. @miri which taps are running. I renember, where was the same problem with the tap 'Jags AutoOff'.[/quote] You were right. Its th...
von miri
Mo 11. Jun 2007, 15:40
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG v1.12
Antworten: 303
Zugriffe: 34593

AW: 3PG v1.12

[quote=""Maliboy""]which taps are running. I renember, where was the same problem with the tap 'Jags AutoOff'.[/quote]

Besides 3pg I have TF5000Display, SuperPip, TAPCommander, AutoResume
von miri
Mo 11. Jun 2007, 15:25
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG v1.12
Antworten: 303
Zugriffe: 34593

AW: 3PG v1.12

[quote=""mvordeme""]In which sense has the aspect ratio changed? Has some setting been modified or has the TV just switched to a different format? [/quote] My TF5000PVRt has three different aspect-options if the broadcast is in 16:9. 16:9, 4:3 and 4:3 zoom. Every day when I turn on the toppy after t...
von miri
Mo 11. Jun 2007, 13:51
Forum: 3PG
Thema: 3PG v1.12
Antworten: 303
Zugriffe: 34593

AW: 3PG v1.12

I understand that there has been an issue about 4:3 aspect, WSSKILLER and 3PG v1.12. My problem is that every night after the scan my aspect is changed from 16:9 to ZOOM and I don't know if it is a bug in 3pg or a bad combination with other taps and/or FW - but I don't have WSSKILLER installed.....

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