Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von bulletmark
Fr 8. Jan 2016, 07:30
Forum: SmartEPG TMS
Thema: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS
Antworten: 255
Zugriffe: 55556

AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS

My first thought is that your code doesn?t exit normal mode. As TAP_ExitNormal() is part of OSDMenuMessageBoxShow() and OSDMenuInfoBoxShow(), it is hard to give more specific tips without seeing the code. I don't explicitly call TAP_Enter/ExitNormal anywhere. The only thing my code does is to prese...
von bulletmark
Do 7. Jan 2016, 03:32
Forum: SmartEPG TMS
Thema: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS
Antworten: 255
Zugriffe: 55556

AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS

I have a question about SE and Firebirdlib and not sure where to post but given this is an English thread I will post here and hopefully somebody (Firebird?) may respond. I have a small personal tap called AskDelete which I have happily used for years. Recently I installed SE on my 7100+ and now fin...

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