Die Suche ergab 16 Treffer

von musicman
Mi 4. Nov 2015, 06:56
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: Andoid version of the CRP-model?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1145

AW: Andoid version of the CRP-model?

The SRP versions with Android don't support TAPs or any TAP-similar interface. So I don't think there will be a CRP version that does this. Anyway, as far as we know no official from Topfield is reading here, so it might be better to pose that question to Topfield/Korea. Might even happen you get a...
von musicman
Di 3. Nov 2015, 13:24
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: Andoid version of the CRP-model?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1145

Andoid version of the CRP-model?

Does anybody know if there's going to be a Android model of the CRP-2401CI+ with TAP/TMS - support available in the near future?
von musicman
Mi 7. Jan 2015, 11:45
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: Neue Firmware mit erweiterter API 26.3.2014
Antworten: 91
Zugriffe: 110471

AW: Neue Firmware mit erweiterter API 26.3.2014

Are there going to be more firmware updates for non conax version in the future? Or is the conax version the only one who is getting them? As this (CRP2401_CONAX_20140825.tfd) has been released for the conax version and not the for the non conax version.
von musicman
Do 25. Sep 2014, 09:20
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1661

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

Roemer hat geschrieben:Seems to be a common problem with CEC which isn't supported by Topfield. Try to get a HDMI-cable where Pin 13 is disconnected. this should solve the problem.

This seems to be the answer. I have disconnected pin 13 and no problems so far!
Knock on wood! :puh:
von musicman
Di 23. Sep 2014, 06:56
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1661

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

I don't think so. I think the difference is the standby mode of the Topfield. I use passive (if my Topfield is off, the power button has an red led on). As I wrote above, the SONY will not switch automaticly to the HDMI input of the TOPFIELD. So it will nor recognize the Topfield if it on or off. T...
von musicman
Mo 22. Sep 2014, 14:02
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1661

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

You can also change the Stand By Mode of the TOPFIELD. The only problem is that the antenna signal will not pass through if you changed this. I don't think that disabling Pin 13 will help. I have also the 1040 and the Receiver Switch off always. Only the HDMI pass through will work, but not all tim...
von musicman
Mo 22. Sep 2014, 12:01
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1661

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

Seems to be a common problem with CEC which isn't supported by Topfield. Try to get a HDMI-cable where Pin 13 is disconnected. this should solve the problem. Okay, I will look in to it. It is just odd that it doesn't do it every single time.. Sometimes once a week and sometimes daily. There is no p...
von musicman
Mo 22. Sep 2014, 07:46
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 1661

HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

Hi I'm having issues with my CRP-2401 and my audio reciever. When I shut down everything the CRP-2401 leaves the HDMI output "open" so the audio reciever cannot shut down completely and after that it cannot be started until you unplug the Hdmi cable. This doesn't happen everytime but occasionally. T...
von musicman
So 27. Jan 2013, 21:00
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: TAPtoDate (2016 wieder in Betrieb :-))
Antworten: 4239
Zugriffe: 636478

AW: TAPtoDate

I've deleted everything related to tapstodate and reinstalled -> It works again. :)
von musicman
So 27. Jan 2013, 19:53
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: TAPtoDate (2016 wieder in Betrieb :-))
Antworten: 4239
Zugriffe: 636478

AW: TAPtoDate

Yes I know. Everything else works besides TAPtoDate. For exaple Shoutcast works..
von musicman
So 27. Jan 2013, 19:22
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: TAPtoDate (2016 wieder in Betrieb :-))
Antworten: 4239
Zugriffe: 636478

AW: TAPtoDate

[quote="FireBird"]Did your network change? The old IP on your Toppy was and now it is[/quote]

Yes, I've tried several diffrent settings to get the TAPtoDate to work. I will make make a system restore and see if it helps..
von musicman
So 27. Jan 2013, 19:02
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: TAPtoDate (2016 wieder in Betrieb :-))
Antworten: 4239
Zugriffe: 636478

AW: TAPtoDate

[quote="Twilight"]please post the log file from taptodate that we can have a look in it.


Here is the TAPtoDate.log file
von musicman
So 27. Jan 2013, 17:29
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: TAPtoDate (2016 wieder in Betrieb :-))
Antworten: 4239
Zugriffe: 636478

AW: TAPtoDate

i have setup my DNS to and, but I can't still download any TAPs "The download has failed".
von musicman
Do 17. Jan 2013, 16:30
Forum: CRP-2401CI+ Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware CRP-2401CI+ (17.01.2013)
Antworten: 140
Zugriffe: 16131

AW: Firmware CRP-2401CI+ (17.01.2013)

The OSD ( menys, info bar, etc.. ) dissapears on some channels.
Went back to April beta firmware where this problem doesn't occur.
( I live in Finland, by the way)
von musicman
Fr 14. Dez 2012, 14:29
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: Channel organizer for the crp-2401, editable on your PC?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 828

AW: Channel organizer for the crp-2401, editable on your PC?

Twilight hat geschrieben:i think there will be something coming in that direction...but i can't say when :rolleyes:

wellcome on board!


Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! :)
von musicman
Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:28
Forum: SRP/CRP TAP-Bereich
Thema: Channel organizer for the crp-2401, editable on your PC?
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 828

Channel organizer for the crp-2401, editable on your PC?

Is it possible some how to organize/delete channels on your computer, for exaple by editing a text document? That way you could back up your channels and don't have to do it manually with the remote control. Is there already a TAP for it? Could someone create one? or Is there some how possible to us...

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