Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von IanL-S(2)
Fr 28. Jan 2022, 02:17
Forum: Vu+ Ecke
Thema: Australia SmartEPGvu+
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 845

Re: Australia SmartEPGvu+

Thanks for the update Alex. I am successfully using SmartEPGVu+ through OpenWebif. Still no joy in attempting to access it throught the Beyonwiz itself.
von IanL-S(2)
Sa 22. Jan 2022, 02:20
Forum: Vu+ Ecke
Thema: Australia SmartEPGvu+
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 845

Re: Australia SmartEPGvu+

not sure which GUI is used by the Beyonwiz. I guess it‘s the company’s stock image and their GUI. There is also a stock image for the vu+ but I’m not sure if anyone uses it. I managed to identify the image used by Beyonwiz PVRs. It is called easy-ui-4 , and is "written" by the OpenVix team , who al...
von IanL-S(2)
Fr 21. Jan 2022, 03:17
Forum: Vu+ Ecke
Thema: Australia SmartEPGvu+
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 845

Australia SmartEPGvu+

Thanks for the detailed response Alex. Porting to the GUI would seem to be the major issue - not sure which GUI is used by the Beyonwiz. The Python version is compatible with that used on the Beyonwiz. When installed, the firmware of the T2, U4 and V2 looks very similar; I assume the T3 and T4 are m...
von IanL-S(2)
Do 20. Jan 2022, 06:57
Forum: Vu+ Ecke
Thema: Australia SmartEPGvu+
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 845

Re: SmartEPGvu+

Greetings from Australia DeltaMikeCharlie recently posted on the oztoppy wiki about the SmartEPGvu+ plugin on the oztoppy forum. Yesterday I decided to look into the plugin. I have looked through this thread and the wiki maintained by Ricki with great interest. In Australia the Beyonwiz PRVs (T2, T3...
von IanL-S(2)
Sa 8. Jan 2022, 08:15
Forum: worldwide Topfield Café
Thema: Topfield CRC-1410 Lost recordings
Antworten: 51
Zugriffe: 38889

Re: Topfield CRC-1410 Lost recordings

@ DeltaMikeCharlie Thanks for making me take a better look at the back of the Toppy, and you must be right. Here's a picture of it: https://imgur.com/a/BBmaYIv @Annie, looks very much like the TRF-2200. As I said on the oztoppy froum, I suspect it may run Android rather than Linux - the firmware is...

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