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von pilucchetta
Mi 21. Mär 2007, 22:52
Forum: worldwide Topfield Café
Thema: Setting for 4000 pvr, where?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9633

AW: Setting for 4000 pvr, where?

Thanks again :wink:
tvm45, have a personal message
von pilucchetta
Mi 24. Jan 2007, 16:33
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

[quote=""Bonni""]Well, Topfield does not talk about release dates any longer, so nobody knows when a new firmware will arrive.

And I don't think the 4000 will die, but it seems, Topfield concentrates more on newer models. As every company does...[/quote]

Thanks :wink:
von pilucchetta
Mi 24. Jan 2007, 00:32
Forum: worldwide Topfield Café
Thema: Setting for 4000 pvr, where?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9633

AW: Setting for 4000 pvr, where?

Thanks anthea :wink:
von pilucchetta
Mi 24. Jan 2007, 00:30
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

The serial cable was broken than I download last firmware :wink:
Do you know if Topfield will leave a new firmware on air next month? Or 400pvr will die?
Thanks :wink:
von pilucchetta
Do 21. Dez 2006, 17:58
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

[quote=""Twilight""]how old is your 4000? which bootloader has your 4000? it depends on the bootloader if your 4000 can uptade the firmware by sat. normaly the 4000 must say "there is no new firmware on sat" (something like that ;) ) twilight[/quote] Ok, how I will have any time I tell you. :wink: S...
von pilucchetta
Mi 20. Dez 2006, 23:14
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

sorry for my imperfect english :oops:
In this frequences it does not happen nothing
I have the penultimate firmware:
TF4000PVR Firmware (206) 2006-09-18
But there is some problem with audio
You sayd that firmware via OTA doesn't available always on the satellite?
Thanks :wink:
von pilucchetta
Mi 20. Dez 2006, 18:49
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

Bonni, frequence doesn't go :cry:
I think that this frequence is the some is in faq of http://www.topfield co/kr. I know they, but doesn't go!
other ideas? :wink:
von pilucchetta
Mi 20. Dez 2006, 16:54
Forum: worldwide Topfield Café
Thema: Setting for 4000 pvr, where?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9633

Setting for 4000 pvr, where?

HI, please, where I can download setting for this decoder?
Is there hot bird like antenna 1? Thanks :wink:
von pilucchetta
Mi 20. Dez 2006, 00:22
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

AW: Firmware via OTA

Thanks for replay :wink: . I can't make with serial port because it's break :cry:
Now i will try with this frequency.....
Theh i will write here :wink: By
von pilucchetta
Di 19. Dez 2006, 23:34
Forum: TF4000PVR Allgemeines
Thema: Firmware via OTA
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 3810

Firmware via OTA

Hellò to all in this board :D :
Hi, I'm Italian friend and excuse me if I post here.
I would want to know if it is possible to modernize firmware of the decoder via satellite. They could make on astra 19 east or on hotbird 13 east? Thanks :wink:

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