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pls help me - topfield 7700 pvr blocked

Verfasst: Di 11. Aug 2009, 15:56
von pierlu1
Hello, first of all i would like to excuse if i write in english, but i can't speak german,.

I need help for my unit, topfield 7700 pvr, blocked after an attempt of loading enigma 2.

I downloaded last version of enigma 2 for topfield, i put decompressed files in a usb stick, i eneterd the menu and choosed upgrade via usb. Then selected file. immediately appeared on screen, after 2 seconds blinking, END. I switched off and on again to load files from usb but nothing happened. The display was off, just a beginning L232 after switched on the receiver, but then nothing.

I tried to install a normal topfield firmware, loader 231, it seemed everything ok during loading, but at the end switching on the receiver remains on display written L232, but then nothing.

It seems as blocked

Can you pls hel me ?

many tks in advance


AW: pls help me - topfield 7700 pvr blocked

Verfasst: Di 11. Aug 2009, 16:30
von schwallobert
there is no option for upgrading via usb.

Please take a look here: ... ion_TF7700
Use google translation tool if necessary to get it in English

1) Your USB stick should contain the files

Remove underscore from filename uImage if any.

2)Parameters in ini file should look like this

Follow exactly the description in wiki. If not successful, try another memory stick.