- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
Thanks Isarwolf.
At 15:18:47, I can not find channel "r_brklassik" in the European LIL file, but for that service ID I can see "r_bayern4klassik" in the LIL. Has this channel been renamed? Have you modified your LIL?
15:19:04 is very strange. The recording starts out as SvcID "0x6f2e" and then changes to "0x6ef3" near the end. The logo selected is "r_sr2kulturradio" which matches the first SvcID.
15:19:22 shows the same symptoms as above, the SvcID changes during the recording. At 15:19:39 the SvcID changes 4 times.
I think that this is not actually a problem with the logo selection, it is a problem with the way INFplus stores the EPG data as the recording is in progress. It gets better . . .
At 15:19:39, event 21 has a time stamp of "2014-02-27 22:00:04". However, event 22 has a time stamp of "2014-09-30 20:12:18". The same thing can be seen at 15:19:21, between events 3/4 you can see the recorded seconds get smaller.
Do you record directly to external media for any of these recordings?
I think that your housekeeping function within INFplus is not working correctly and that old INF+ files are still present and being reused.
Looking at 15:19:21, you have events from 2014-02-18, 2014-03-30 and 2014-10-18. Because INFplus selects the logo using the channel name from the first EPG entry, it is showing the logo from a long time ago, a quick fix may be to use the channel name from the last EPG entry.
I think that this may be related to an issue that FireBird raised about compatibility with AutoDescramble and relates to a system call used to create "hard links" in the HDD.
@Isarwolf, are you technically literate? Do you know how to telnet to the PVR and execute Linux commands? If so, I can send you a PM with some detailed troubleshooting instructions.
At 15:18:47, I can not find channel "r_brklassik" in the European LIL file, but for that service ID I can see "r_bayern4klassik" in the LIL. Has this channel been renamed? Have you modified your LIL?
15:19:04 is very strange. The recording starts out as SvcID "0x6f2e" and then changes to "0x6ef3" near the end. The logo selected is "r_sr2kulturradio" which matches the first SvcID.
15:19:22 shows the same symptoms as above, the SvcID changes during the recording. At 15:19:39 the SvcID changes 4 times.
I think that this is not actually a problem with the logo selection, it is a problem with the way INFplus stores the EPG data as the recording is in progress. It gets better . . .
At 15:19:39, event 21 has a time stamp of "2014-02-27 22:00:04". However, event 22 has a time stamp of "2014-09-30 20:12:18". The same thing can be seen at 15:19:21, between events 3/4 you can see the recorded seconds get smaller.
Do you record directly to external media for any of these recordings?
I think that your housekeeping function within INFplus is not working correctly and that old INF+ files are still present and being reused.
Looking at 15:19:21, you have events from 2014-02-18, 2014-03-30 and 2014-10-18. Because INFplus selects the logo using the channel name from the first EPG entry, it is showing the logo from a long time ago, a quick fix may be to use the channel name from the last EPG entry.
I think that this may be related to an issue that FireBird raised about compatibility with AutoDescramble and relates to a system call used to create "hard links" in the HDD.
@Isarwolf, are you technically literate? Do you know how to telnet to the PVR and execute Linux commands? If so, I can send you a PM with some detailed troubleshooting instructions.
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
I have this morning refreshed the LIL file through SE.
The name of the channel is r_brklassik.
There was some month ago a reorganization in the channels especially for cable system.
Also for TV-channels.
I have no external system in use
The name of the channel is r_brklassik.
There was some month ago a reorganization in the channels especially for cable system.
Also for TV-channels.
I have no external system in use
I had a look to Telnet-Tap and I think it seems to be much complicated.@Isarwolf, are you technically literate? Do you know how to telnet to the PVR and execute Linux commands? If so, I can send you a PM with some detailed troubleshooting instructions.
Zuletzt geändert von Isarwolf am Sa 25. Okt 2014, 10:39, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Zusatz
Grund: Zusatz
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- Sirius
- Vollzeit-Guru
- Beiträge: 2429
- Registriert: So 8. Apr 2007, 10:05
- Receivertyp: SRP-2100(TMS) / TF5500
- Receiverfirmware: 08.Apr.2014 / 22.Dez.2011 PHUD
- Wohnort: Hessen
AW: INFplus
Yesterday I have installed V1.2 Beta 4.
All tested playbacks have the right logo shown in Infplus.
Also a new record of Isarwolf favorite 'Jazztime' on "BR-KLASSIK" has the correct Logo.
Isarwolf has cable, I use satellit. (?)
All tested playbacks have the right logo shown in Infplus.
Also a new record of Isarwolf favorite 'Jazztime' on "BR-KLASSIK" has the correct Logo.
Code: Alles auswählen
(none) login: root
# 2014-10-25 12:03:48 SmartFiler_TMS: GUI_ViewRec: Start Playback: Jazztime.rec
2014-10-25 12:03:48 TimerDiags: Starting playback of 'Jazztime.rec.inf'
2014-10-25 12:03:49 TimerDiags: Service State: PID 0x0000 @ Main = ERROR
2014-10-25 12:03:49 TimerDiags: Service State: PID 0x0083 @ Main = OK
2014-10-25 12:03:51 SmartFiler_TMS: FileSystem_PlaybackMonitor: new playback '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/Jazztime.rec.inf'
[color=Blue]2014-10-25 12:03:56 INFplus: Using LogoManager logo 'r_brklassik'.
2014-10-25 12:04:01 INFplus: Using LogoManager logo 'r_brklassik'.[/color]
2014-10-25 12:05:29 SmartFiler_TMS: GUI_ViewRec: Start Playback: Die Wand - Fernsehfilm Deutschland _ ▒sterreich 2011.rec
2014-10-25 12:05:29 TimerDiags: Starting playback of 'Die Wand - Fernsehfilm Deutschland _ ▒sterreich 2011.rec.inf'
2014-10-25 12:05:30 TimerDiags: Service State: PID 0x13f8 @ Main = OK
2014-10-25 12:05:31 TimerDiags: Service State: PID 0x13f7 @ Main = ERROR
2014-10-25 12:05:32 TimerDiags: Service State: PID 0x13f7 @ Main = OK
2014-10-25 12:05:33 SmartFiler_TMS: FileSystem_PlaybackMonitor: new playback '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/Die Wand - Fernsehfilm Deutschland _ ▒sterreich 2011.rec.inf'
2014-10-25 12:05:34 INFplus: Using LogoManager logo 'artehd'.
2014-10-25 12:05:41 INFplus: Using LogoManager logo 'artehd'.
SRP-2100(TMS) seit 12.12.2009 ... Firmware: 08.Apr.2014 (1.16.00) | WD20EURS | Harmony ONE
XStartTAP_TMS ==> TimerDiags | AcadeRC | TMSRemote | QuickPlay | FastSkip | TMSCommander | SmartEPG | SmartFiler | TMSDisplay | CallMonitor | RSSRP
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
@Isarwolf - Tomorrow I will write Beta5 and use the last EPG record for the logo and not the first record. This should remove the symptoms, but not the underlying cause.
I think that the true problem is a firmware bug that FireBird discovered some time ago. There is a function that INFplus v1.1 uses that is broken in some systems. v1.2 uses a slightly different function to do the same job.
This firmware bug means that INF+ files are not correctly cleaned up by the housekeeping task and become orphaned once the original recordings are deleted. To make things worse, these orphaned INF+ files can then be reused for new recordings and that is why the logos appear to be wrong. You are getting a logo from an earlier recording with the same "inode" value.
As of v1.2, no new orhpaned INF+ files should be created and the amount of orphaned INF+ file should gradually decrease as older recordings are played and deleted. In the longer term, I will need to find a way to detect and delete these old orphaned INF+ files.
@Sirius - Thanks for testing, but I suspect that your firmware may not have the bug.
I think that the true problem is a firmware bug that FireBird discovered some time ago. There is a function that INFplus v1.1 uses that is broken in some systems. v1.2 uses a slightly different function to do the same job.
This firmware bug means that INF+ files are not correctly cleaned up by the housekeeping task and become orphaned once the original recordings are deleted. To make things worse, these orphaned INF+ files can then be reused for new recordings and that is why the logos appear to be wrong. You are getting a logo from an earlier recording with the same "inode" value.
As of v1.2, no new orhpaned INF+ files should be created and the amount of orphaned INF+ file should gradually decrease as older recordings are played and deleted. In the longer term, I will need to find a way to detect and delete these old orphaned INF+ files.
@Sirius - Thanks for testing, but I suspect that your firmware may not have the bug.
- Sirius
- Vollzeit-Guru
- Beiträge: 2429
- Registriert: So 8. Apr 2007, 10:05
- Receivertyp: SRP-2100(TMS) / TF5500
- Receiverfirmware: 08.Apr.2014 / 22.Dez.2011 PHUD
- Wohnort: Hessen
AW: INFplus
Kurze Anleitung zu Telnet:Isarwolf hat geschrieben:I had a look to Telnet-Tap and I think it seems to be much complicated.
- TMSTelnetd (V0.4a) über TAPtoDate installieren
- TMSTelnetd manuell starten (sofern nicht im AutoStart)
- Telnet Client auf PC oder Tablet starten (näheres siehe unten)
- Verbindung zum Topf herstellen (z.B. IP-Adresse vom Topf eingeben)
- Topf meldet "(none) login:"
- dann "root" eingeben
- Nun bist Du auf dem Topf und kannst auf Betriebssystemebene Linux-Befehle absetzen wie ls, cd, cp
- Die INFplus Ausgaben werden ohne dein Zutun bei entsprechender Topfbedienung angezeigt
Telnet Client kann z.B. sein:
- putty
- Windows, Eingabeaufforderung (CMD), Eingabe "telnet" (IP vom Topf)
- ich persönlich nutze die iPad App "vssh Lite", dort ein Profil 'SRP-2100' angelegt (siehe Foto) und man ist mit einem Klick verbunden
Gibt es auch für dein Android Tablet: ... estar.vssh
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
Zuletzt geändert von Sirius am Sa 25. Okt 2014, 16:34, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.
SRP-2100(TMS) seit 12.12.2009 ... Firmware: 08.Apr.2014 (1.16.00) | WD20EURS | Harmony ONE
XStartTAP_TMS ==> TimerDiags | AcadeRC | TMSRemote | QuickPlay | FastSkip | TMSCommander | SmartEPG | SmartFiler | TMSDisplay | CallMonitor | RSSRP
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
I have posted Beta 5 on my web site.
This version uses the channel name from the INF to fetch the logo.
This version uses the channel name from the INF to fetch the logo.
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:I have posted Beta 5 on my web site.
This version uses the channel name from the INF to fetch the logo.
I have installed Beta 5 and it looks better.
Later I found some recordings where another time the logos were not correct.
It are recordings from "WDR Köln" - 'Kochen mit Martina und Moritz' - . Sometime the recording has another name in the log.
There I see in the list of recordings two different logos.
The change was around 01.04.2014.
How should I describe exactly where I have problems.
There are also other recordings which show the wrong logo.
At least, I use for the logos 3PG-style, you use "trans-black" in INFplus.
I add the new log
Many thanks and regards
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
I have noticed that you are working on the translation of "menu" bar.
Now I noticed that you have written "Stop". This should be "Stopp"
"Springe hinter" perhaps should be "Springe ans Ende"
I see that there is not enough space for this.
Perhaps it may be possible to write "Ans (Zum) Ende" .
I think that maybe understandable.
Best regards
Now I noticed that you have written "Stop". This should be "Stopp"
"Springe hinter" perhaps should be "Springe ans Ende"
I see that there is not enough space for this.
Perhaps it may be possible to write "Ans (Zum) Ende" .
I think that maybe understandable.
Best regards
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
In the meantime I remembered the purpose of the lng-file and made the changes there.
It looks not bad.
It looks not bad.
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
Thank you for the additional log file and for the revised translation.
When the wrong logo shows, is the logo image complete or is the logo image corrupted?
I have found 1 instance of a wrong logo on my PVR. Using TMSArchive, when I view recordings in a certain sequence, I sometimes get a corrupted logo. The corrupted logo looks wrong, but can still be recognised as the previous logo that I have viewed.
From your log, it appears that you are calling INFplus from within SmartEPG. "External request from TAP [0x8e0a424e], to check for INF+." In a situation where the wrong logo is shown, does it make a difference if you view INFplus from SE or from when the recording is being played?
When a logo is wrong, is it always wrong for the same channel? Is it always wrong for the same recording? Is it randomly right and wrong?
I have also noticed your comment about your logo style. I can change INFplus so that you also have the option of logo style. There are 9 different logo styles, do you want an option to use all 9?
When the wrong logo shows, is the logo image complete or is the logo image corrupted?
I have found 1 instance of a wrong logo on my PVR. Using TMSArchive, when I view recordings in a certain sequence, I sometimes get a corrupted logo. The corrupted logo looks wrong, but can still be recognised as the previous logo that I have viewed.
From your log, it appears that you are calling INFplus from within SmartEPG. "External request from TAP [0x8e0a424e], to check for INF+." In a situation where the wrong logo is shown, does it make a difference if you view INFplus from SE or from when the recording is being played?
When a logo is wrong, is it always wrong for the same channel? Is it always wrong for the same recording? Is it randomly right and wrong?
I have also noticed your comment about your logo style. I can change INFplus so that you also have the option of logo style. There are 9 different logo styles, do you want an option to use all 9?
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
The logos are complete and not corrupted.When the wrong logo shows, is the logo image complete or is the logo image corrupted?
I have INFplus integrated in SE. If I look for info then first opens the info from SE and on the second click INFplus. I can open INFplus only if a recording is played.From your log, it appears that you are calling INFplus from within SmartEPG. "External request from TAP [0x8e0a424e], to check for INF+." In a situation where the wrong logo is shown, does it make a difference if you view INFplus from SE or from when the recording is being played?
It is always wrong for the same channel.When a logo is wrong, is it always wrong for the same channel? Is it always wrong for the same recording? Is it randomly right and wrong?
I use only 3PGstyle. There are three different sizes.I have also noticed your comment about your logo style. I can change INFplus so that you also have the option of logo style. There are 9 different logo styles, do you want an option to use all 9?
What are the nine different styles?
Where from you take normally the logos. From /ProgramFiles/Settings/Logos and if you dont find the logos you search for JPEG logos on other places.
I have removed the transblack logos and get now only EPGstyle logos.
But some logos are not found.
Best regards
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
Thanks for your feedback.
When a logo is displayed incorrectly in INFplus, can I assume that it is displayed correctly for that channel in SmartEPG?
Is it always a Radio channel or a TV channel or a mixture of both?
I use FireBird's library functions to find the logo. There are several ways to get a logo and I use the logo name method. If the FB LogoManager does not find a logo, then I start looking for JPEGs. By default, I think LogoManager looks in "/ProgramFiles/Settings/Logos".
When I search for a JPEG, I use the following names in order:
The LogoManager logo name.
The channel name.
The lower case channel name.
The LCN.
For each of the names above, I search the following directories in order: "/ProgramFiles/Settings/Logos", "/PhotoFiles/Logos" and "/PhotoFiles/Settings/Logos".
LogoManager supports the following 9 logo styles: 3pgstyle; QtstyleBlue; QtstyleGrey; QtstyleTMS; TransBlack; TransIBBlue; TransIBGrey; TransQTBlue and TransQTGrey. I don't know what they all look like, my Australian SE logo pack only has 3PG and TransBlack.
Because of the geometry of the INFplus screen, I always use the 54x34 size.
I will add some more logging and post Beta6 just to see if I am doing something really stupid in my code. I will also add an option for 3PG/Trans-Black logo types.
When a logo is displayed incorrectly in INFplus, can I assume that it is displayed correctly for that channel in SmartEPG?
Is it always a Radio channel or a TV channel or a mixture of both?
I use FireBird's library functions to find the logo. There are several ways to get a logo and I use the logo name method. If the FB LogoManager does not find a logo, then I start looking for JPEGs. By default, I think LogoManager looks in "/ProgramFiles/Settings/Logos".
When I search for a JPEG, I use the following names in order:
The LogoManager logo name.
The channel name.
The lower case channel name.
The LCN.
For each of the names above, I search the following directories in order: "/ProgramFiles/Settings/Logos", "/PhotoFiles/Logos" and "/PhotoFiles/Settings/Logos".
LogoManager supports the following 9 logo styles: 3pgstyle; QtstyleBlue; QtstyleGrey; QtstyleTMS; TransBlack; TransIBBlue; TransIBGrey; TransQTBlue and TransQTGrey. I don't know what they all look like, my Australian SE logo pack only has 3PG and TransBlack.
Because of the geometry of the INFplus screen, I always use the 54x34 size.
I will add some more logging and post Beta6 just to see if I am doing something really stupid in my code. I will also add an option for 3PG/Trans-Black logo types.
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:Thanks for your feedback.
When a logo is displayed incorrectly in INFplus, can I assume that it is displayed correctly for that channel in SmartEPG?
Is it always a Radio channel or a TV channel or a mixture of both?
Yes the SmartEPG logos are always correct.
Both, Radio and TV channels.
I think this is OKmy Australian SE logo pack only has 3PG and TransBlack.
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
I have released Beta 6 with even more logging and the ability to select TransBlack or 3PG logo styles.
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
May it be that there is a problem with "Umlauten"
Bayer. Fernsehen Süd.
May it be that there is a problem with "Umlauten"
Bayer. Fernsehen Süd.
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
Isarwolf hat geschrieben:May it be that there is a problem with "Umlauten"
That could explain it. This could show up in the new logging because it shows the raw channel name and then the logo name that is calculated from the raw channel name.
We don't have umlauts in Australia, so I may have to hack my channels list with an FB function to be able to test any further.
Do you know if your PVR supports UTF8?
(I see that you have WebControl, browse to "http://<PVR_IP>:8000/api?function=config&action=get!" and tell me what the "utftoppy" setting is)
Update: I just did a quick test with umlauts and the result I got matched the name of the channel in the LIL.
Zuletzt geändert von DeltaMikeCharlie am Mi 29. Okt 2014, 08:16, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
Here the new log of Beta6 from this morning.
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CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- Isarwolf
- Vielantworter
- Beiträge: 825
- Registriert: Fr 8. Dez 2006, 17:19
- Receivertyp: TF5200PVRC 08.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 21.05.2011
CRP 2401 C+ 24.02.2017 - Receiverfirmware: TF5200 01.12.2006
CRP 2401 C+ 42031_2012Sept14 - Wohnort: KDG Oberbayern
AW: INFplus
I found to mistakes for channel name in INFplus.
Bayerisches Fernsehen S must be Bayerisches Fernsehen Sued (Süd) and therefore bayerischesfernsehensued
Best regards
SWR Fernsehen there is "r" included for Radio. That is not correct.Using channel name 'SWR Fernsehen RP HD' to get logo name 'r_swrfernsehenrphd'.
2014-10-29 10:28:07 Using channel name 'Bayerisches Fernsehen S' to get logo name 'bayerischesfernsehens'.
Bayerisches Fernsehen S must be Bayerisches Fernsehen Sued (Süd) and therefore bayerischesfernsehensued
Best regards
CRP-2401CI+: Autostart: 'TimerDiags V3.4g' 'AutoExtender' 'SmartEPG_TMS V7.0e' 'Automove V2.1 Beta 3' 'BetterVideoText V0.33' 'FastSkip TMS 3.7' 'INFplus 1.2 Beta 3' 'Liza V1.6' 'QStart 1.2' 'RebuildNAV/RecCopy V5.3' 'SmartFiler_TMS 3.0' 'TMSDisplay V2.3a' 'TMSRemote V4.1' 'Webcontrol 2.0' 'lost+found V2.0'
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
TF5200: | iTina 1.04 L3 | Improbox t3 a.5 | Filer 2.30 |
- WebController
- Beiträge: 470
- Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
- Wohnort: Australia
AW: INFplus
I found 2 bugs with Beta 6 this morning:
I can also see a problem with "Bayerisches Fernsehen Süd" because it is 25 characters long and the PVR is only capable of storing 23 characters for the channel name. The name gets truncated to "Bayerisches Fernsehen S" which gets converted to logo name "bayerischesfernsehens". Unfortunately, this does not match the logo name in the LIL which is "bayerischesfernsehensued".
I will work on Beta 7 and release it later on today.
I am thinking of switching to the channel ID method for getting the logo. Unfortunately, I do not store the satellite longitude, just the index to the satellite table. I can start storing the longitude from now on, but historical INF+ files will not contain this information. I could risk using the longitude from the satellite index stored, but if the satellite table has been reorganised (satellite added or removed) then I will get the wrong logo.
- When building the name for a radio JPEG logo, it came out as "r_r_name" instead of just "r_name".
- When looking at the channel type to decide of the recording is TV or radio, I became a victim of the firmware bug that caused the earlier problems with orphaned INF+ files because I was looking at the first INF+ record. Now I use the channel type from the INF.
I can also see a problem with "Bayerisches Fernsehen Süd" because it is 25 characters long and the PVR is only capable of storing 23 characters for the channel name. The name gets truncated to "Bayerisches Fernsehen S" which gets converted to logo name "bayerischesfernsehens". Unfortunately, this does not match the logo name in the LIL which is "bayerischesfernsehensued".
I will work on Beta 7 and release it later on today.
I am thinking of switching to the channel ID method for getting the logo. Unfortunately, I do not store the satellite longitude, just the index to the satellite table. I can start storing the longitude from now on, but historical INF+ files will not contain this information. I could risk using the longitude from the satellite index stored, but if the satellite table has been reorganised (satellite added or removed) then I will get the wrong logo.