Thanks for the TAP.
A problem seems to be for me in OSDMenu. After showing the whole tms commander menu and an OSDMenu Infobox by tms commander on it and hiding it there is a box which is transparent to the live tv channel. Only when I move to the next selectable tap the tms commander menu is fixed again. So maybe if an infobox is destroyed you have to display the menu again. But maybe that happens only with my combination of running taps.
Or maybe in the FireBirdLibs OSDMenu infobox and messagebox functions a SaveBox and RestoreBox would be nice.
And if you stopped a tap then it still remains in the tms commander list. So maybe you should reload the tap list.
Maybe a nice addition would be to switch between names and TAP IDs so that you could see if there may be a conflict in the IDs or to prevent using an existing one in a new tap.
EDIT: Another proposal would be to show a symbol next to those taps that support a menu, because not all will do this and you can see that easier.