
TAPs für die SRP- und CRP-Serie
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Registriert: Mi 3. Jun 2009, 11:22
Receivertyp: SRP-2100
Wohnort: Warendorf

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Indy » Do 25. Mär 2010, 08:04

[quote="Happy"]I have now checked what happens, if a tap calls TAP_ExitNormal().

Mainstate stays 0 (STATE_Normal)
Substate then returns 0 (SUBSTATE_MainMenu).

Mainstate only changes, when opening a TMS menu.

Thanks Till for testing. Can somebody who has contact to Topfield (beta tester) please confirm if this is a bug or by design? What would be the meaning of TYPE_State STATE_Tap?
I'm a Dutchmen lost in Germany :D :

Beiträge: 403
Registriert: Mi 3. Jun 2009, 11:22
Receivertyp: SRP-2100
Wohnort: Warendorf

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Indy » Do 25. Mär 2010, 08:32

deangelj hat geschrieben:Anything else? I can send a TMSCommander_Exiting event

This is what I would prefer. I could set a boolean in my code. I don't know how quick Firebirds HDD_TAP_isRunning(TMSCMDRTAPID) is but testing against a boolean might be quicker. I know this is nitpicking :D but I'm from the old school were as little time as possible should be spent in event handlers :angel:
I'm a Dutchmen lost in Germany :D :

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Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Do 25. Mär 2010, 10:15

Hi Indy - yes I will do this as well.

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Receivertyp: TRF-2400
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AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 08:24

v0.5 released: changes are:

- Add support for stopping TAPs
- change keys on TAPlist to be more logical, ie. Menu to show Menu
- add Refresh key to show latest list in case anything changes behind the scenes
- Send TMSCMDR_Exiting command to all running TAPs when TMSCommander is exiting
- check Substate (as well as MainState) when determining if a key is to be trapped by TMSCommander
- TMSCommander can be stopped from the main list just like any other TAP
- TMSCommander will respond to TMSCMDR_IsAlive command

TöppiHolic der mit dem h tanzt , Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker
TöppiHolic der mit dem <font color=ed>h</font> tanzt <font color=#E9E9E9>,  Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker</font>
Beiträge: 26843
Registriert: So 27. Aug 2006, 19:22
Receivertyp: 2410M
Receiverfirmware: Feb. 2014
Wohnort: Nähe Mainz

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Töppi » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 09:00

Klaus :wink:
:topf: SRP-2410M

TAP's (Autostart):
| TMSDisplay | F*Skip TMS 3.xx | SmartEPG | SmartFiler | RebuildNAV | Automove TMS | TMSRemote | Callmonitor | SmartSeriesrename | Switch2FTA |

TAP<font color=DarkRed>Portierer</font>
Beiträge: 2099
Registriert: Sa 6. Jun 2009, 18:35
Receivertyp: SRP-2100 (TMS), **** Duo²
Receiverfirmware: verschiedene

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von xyzzyx » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 11:34

Thanks for the TAP. :hello:

A problem seems to be for me in OSDMenu. After showing the whole tms commander menu and an OSDMenu Infobox by tms commander on it and hiding it there is a box which is transparent to the live tv channel. Only when I move to the next selectable tap the tms commander menu is fixed again. So maybe if an infobox is destroyed you have to display the menu again. But maybe that happens only with my combination of running taps.
Or maybe in the FireBirdLibs OSDMenu infobox and messagebox functions a SaveBox and RestoreBox would be nice.

And if you stopped a tap then it still remains in the tms commander list. So maybe you should reload the tap list.

Maybe a nice addition would be to switch between names and TAP IDs so that you could see if there may be a conflict in the IDs or to prevent using an existing one in a new tap.

EDIT: Another proposal would be to show a symbol next to those taps that support a menu, because not all will do this and you can see that easier.
Zuletzt geändert von xyzzyx am Sa 27. Mär 2010, 13:02, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Die Liste meiner portierten und meiner eigenen TAPs findet man hier

:bounce: Download: Homepage :bounce: Installieren: TAPtoDate :bounce: Beschreibungen: Topfield TAP-Seite :bounce:

Beiträge: 5718
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:32
Receivertyp: TF4000-5500-6000-TMS
Wohnort: bei Karlsruhe

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Happy » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 18:34

Hi John,

the substate check now works perfectly for me, also when TmsC starts as the first tap. :hello:
I can also observe a transperant rectangle left over from the infobox when stopping a tap.

Personally I would prefer the OK key to activate a tap rather than the Menu key. Or you add another capability to TMSCommander, i.e. "activation". I have one tap that has got a menu screen and a separate screen showing a list. Another one does not have a menu but only an activation screen. This capability could then use the ok key.

:type: Meine TAPs und Tools

TF5500 PVR (Fw Jan. 2007 P)- 400GB Samsung - AC light 1.05 - Yamaha RX-V 1500
- LAN: Asus WL-500g Deluxe mit ftpd-topfield 0.7.4
TAPs: Quicktimer, Autodelete, Standby, 3PG, Automove, NiceDisplay, PowerRestore, WSS Killer, Eurostirf, Overfly
TV: Sony KDL-46W4500
TF6000 PVR (Fw Okt. 2008)- 160GB Samsung SV1604N
TAPs: iTina, Autodelete, Automove, Autoresume, NiceDisplay, WSS Killer
SRP-2100 (Fw Okt. 2009)
TAPs: SmartEPG, ChangePreview, Autodelete, Automove, BackupSettings,RescueRecs, MySkip, NiceDisplay

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Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12. Mär 2007, 21:21
Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 22:08

@xyzzyx: ah yes, I forgot about fixing the infobox problem - I'll fix that asap. And thanks for the other suggestions. As for the TAP still showing in the list, yes I thought about that- but it became a timing issue with how long it takes a TAP to shutdown. So I went the easy route and put in a Refresh button :)

@Till: your suggestion raises some interesting questions that I've been thinking about. TMSCommander can send whatever commands you like to your TAP - they just have to be configured on both sides. I can add some user-defined commands in the menu, where you add the key you wish to use and what value to send. Of course these will apply to all TAPs so you could theoretically get conflicts.


Beiträge: 5718
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:32
Receivertyp: TF4000-5500-6000-TMS
Wohnort: bei Karlsruhe

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Happy » Sa 27. Mär 2010, 22:56

[quote="deangelj"]I can add some user-defined commands in the menu, where you add the key you wish to use and what value to send. Of course these will apply to all TAPs so you could theoretically get conflicts.

But as TmsC selects the taps to send commands to, I don't see much room for conflicts. Only one tap is addressed at a time.
On the other hand, the good thing in TmsC is that it works without configuration. So it should not become too complicated.

:type: Meine TAPs und Tools

TF5500 PVR (Fw Jan. 2007 P)- 400GB Samsung - AC light 1.05 - Yamaha RX-V 1500
- LAN: Asus WL-500g Deluxe mit ftpd-topfield 0.7.4
TAPs: Quicktimer, Autodelete, Standby, 3PG, Automove, NiceDisplay, PowerRestore, WSS Killer, Eurostirf, Overfly
TV: Sony KDL-46W4500
TF6000 PVR (Fw Okt. 2008)- 160GB Samsung SV1604N
TAPs: iTina, Autodelete, Automove, Autoresume, NiceDisplay, WSS Killer
SRP-2100 (Fw Okt. 2009)
TAPs: SmartEPG, ChangePreview, Autodelete, Automove, BackupSettings,RescueRecs, MySkip, NiceDisplay

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Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12. Mär 2007, 21:21
Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Mo 29. Mär 2010, 11:33

v0.6 has been posted in the opening post - a couple of minor fixes:

- fix bug where infoscreen clearing leaves hole in menu
- refresh list after stopping tap

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28925
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von FireBird » Mo 29. Mär 2010, 11:35

Thanks. :)

TöppiHolic der mit dem h tanzt , Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker
TöppiHolic der mit dem <font color=ed>h</font> tanzt <font color=#E9E9E9>,  Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker</font>
Beiträge: 26843
Registriert: So 27. Aug 2006, 19:22
Receivertyp: 2410M
Receiverfirmware: Feb. 2014
Wohnort: Nähe Mainz

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Töppi » Mo 29. Mär 2010, 11:35

FireBird hat geschrieben:Thanks. :)

:up: thanks!
Klaus :wink:
:topf: SRP-2410M

TAP's (Autostart):
| TMSDisplay | F*Skip TMS 3.xx | SmartEPG | SmartFiler | RebuildNAV | Automove TMS | TMSRemote | Callmonitor | SmartSeriesrename | Switch2FTA |

TAP<font color=DarkRed>Portierer</font>
Beiträge: 2099
Registriert: Sa 6. Jun 2009, 18:35
Receivertyp: SRP-2100 (TMS), **** Duo²
Receiverfirmware: verschiedene

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von xyzzyx » Di 30. Mär 2010, 23:16

Another nice feature would be to remember the taps that I stop manually via TMSCommander and to add a "Start TAP" Feature, so that I could manually change the tap order by that, e.g. I stop two taps and start them again in a different order.

Die Liste meiner portierten und meiner eigenen TAPs findet man hier

:bounce: Download: Homepage :bounce: Installieren: TAPtoDate :bounce: Beschreibungen: Topfield TAP-Seite :bounce:

Angehender aufmerksamer RecCopy Beta-Tester & Freak Angestiftet von: ibbi
Angehender aufmerksamer RecCopy Beta-Tester & <font color=lack><b>Freak</b></font><font color=#E9E9E9> Angestiftet von: ibbi</font>
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Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 00:46
Wohnort: daheim

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von 13philipp » Di 30. Mär 2010, 23:22

,,,vielen Dank jda für Skip und nun auch TMSCommander... :hello:

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Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12. Mär 2007, 21:21
Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Mi 31. Mär 2010, 01:30

xyzzyx hat geschrieben:Another nice feature would be to remember the taps that I stop manually via TMSCommander and to add a "Start TAP" Feature, so that I could manually change the tap order by that, e.g. I stop two taps and start them again in a different order.

Will it add it to the "wishlist" with your other suggestions xyzzyx :D :


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Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12. Mär 2007, 21:21
Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Mi 31. Mär 2010, 09:11

Hi - I've uploaded v0.7 to my site here: TMSCommander v0.7

changes are:
- Allow user to change between OK or Menu to select a TAP's menu
- Info button cycles between different screens: Description, Capabilities, TAPIDs, Authors

Updated image is in the original post.

(I cannot edit my original post anymore, don't know why...)

Zuletzt geändert von deangelj am Mi 31. Mär 2010, 09:21, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 5718
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:32
Receivertyp: TF4000-5500-6000-TMS
Wohnort: bei Karlsruhe

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Happy » Mi 31. Mär 2010, 09:18

deangelj hat geschrieben:Hi - I've uploaded v0.7 to my site here: TMSCommander v0.7

changes are:
- Allow user to change between OK or Menu to select a TAP's menu
- Info button cycles between different screens: Description, Capabilities, TAPIDs, Authors

Many thanks.

deangelj hat geschrieben:
(I cannot edit my original post anymore, don't know why...)

This is company's policy :D

Either the board moderators will keep the link updated or you give us a permanent link, where to find the current version and a moderator will update the first post.

:type: Meine TAPs und Tools

TF5500 PVR (Fw Jan. 2007 P)- 400GB Samsung - AC light 1.05 - Yamaha RX-V 1500
- LAN: Asus WL-500g Deluxe mit ftpd-topfield 0.7.4
TAPs: Quicktimer, Autodelete, Standby, 3PG, Automove, NiceDisplay, PowerRestore, WSS Killer, Eurostirf, Overfly
TV: Sony KDL-46W4500
TF6000 PVR (Fw Okt. 2008)- 160GB Samsung SV1604N
TAPs: iTina, Autodelete, Automove, Autoresume, NiceDisplay, WSS Killer
SRP-2100 (Fw Okt. 2009)
TAPs: SmartEPG, ChangePreview, Autodelete, Automove, BackupSettings,RescueRecs, MySkip, NiceDisplay

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Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12. Mär 2007, 21:21
Receivertyp: TRF-2400
Wohnort: Sydney, Australia

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von deangelj » Mi 31. Mär 2010, 09:53

Ah, OK Till. Could the OP link be changed then to [url]http://.../[/url] ? And I'll change the filename on my site.

Thank you.


Alter Sack
Beiträge: 10633
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 22:35
Receivertyp: diverse
Wohnort: NRW - GM

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von Alter Sack » Mi 31. Mär 2010, 10:30

deangelj hat geschrieben:Ah, OK Till. Could the OP link be changed then to [url]http://.../[/url] ? And I'll change the filename on my site.

Done ;)
Aktive Receiver:
3x SRP2401CI+
Stille Reserve:
3x SRP2401CI+, 2x SRP2401CI+ECO, 2x SRP2100, TF7700HDPVR, TF7700HSCI, TF5500PVR

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28925
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien

AW: TMSCommander


Beitrag von FireBird » Do 1. Apr 2010, 18:53

Alter Sack hat geschrieben:Done ;)

Armer TV-Junkie. :und_weg:


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