Damit StevieCs arme Seele Frieden findet

Zusatz-Programme für Receiver der 5000er und 6000er Serie.

Hier geht's um alles, was mit den TAP Anwendungen für den PVR5x00/6000 zu tun hat.
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28912
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien

Damit StevieCs arme Seele Frieden findet


Beitrag von FireBird » Di 15. Aug 2006, 02:39

Hier ist der Link zu einem Demo-TAP, das die Größe des PIP aus den Scaler-Registern der EMMA zieht und im Sekundentakt einen Rahmen um das PIP-Fenster zeichnet.

What next? :zzz:

MfG. Alex

ToppiHolic gefährdet
ToppiHolic gefährdet
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Registriert: Sa 11. Mär 2006, 12:08
Receivertyp: TF5200PVRc (seit 25. März 2006) CRP-2401CI+ (seit 26. Mai 2011) Uno 4K
Receiverfirmware: Dec 06 2006,
Mar 9 2011
Wohnort: 669..


Beitrag von Homer » Di 15. Aug 2006, 03:08

Bei mir erscheint nicht nur ein Rahmen, sondern vier Geraden, die auch den beschnittenen Bereich durchlaufen. Damit sehe ich direkt, wie groß dieser doch ist.

Viele Grüße
rettet-das-freetv.de Project Euler 2401 Urban Priol ist ein smarter Androide und kann keine TAPs.

TF5200PVRc (HA250JC)
TAPs: BootMenu - UsbAccelerator - [thread=49960]acaderc_5k[/thread] - RemoteSwitch - Automove V1.9 final [90] (18.04.2008) - TF5000Display - 3PG - IdleHDD

CRP-2401CI+ (ST3500312CS,MZ-75E500B)
TAPs: XStartTap_TMS - AutoReboot - RemoteSwitch_TMS - RescueRecs - SmartEPG_TMS - RebuildNAV - Automove V2.0 beta 13 (24.05.2011) - StartFTPd - TMSRemote - NiceDisplay

KabelBW Unitymedia (free to air)

Moderator & Design Guru
<font color=lue>Moderator</font> & <font color=
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Beitrag von StevieC » Di 15. Aug 2006, 07:20

FireBird hat geschrieben:

Hier ist der Link zu einem Demo-TAP, das die Größe des PIP aus den Scaler-Registern der EMMA zieht und im Sekundentakt einen Rahmen um das PIP-Fenster zeichnet.

What next? :zzz:

MfG. Alex

Da ist man mal ein paar Stunden nicht da und dann das :hello: funktioniert perfekt. Damit sollte die Erkennung der PIP Größe kein Problem mehr darstellen. Da wird sich Erdnussnase aber freuen :u:

Wie immer...schnelle und saubere Arbeit Firebird :thanks: .



iTiNa TMS V0.94
CallMonitor V1.2RC
Mediaaspect V1.3
TMSDisplay V1.5

Beiträge: 8039
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 08:04


Beitrag von harbad » Di 15. Aug 2006, 07:46

ich sag es ja. Gerti rück endlich den quellcode raus, dann klappt das auch mit einer firmware.

TF5000PVR mit alphanumerischen Display, 1* Samsung HD400LD & 1* Samsung HD154UI in ViPower-Wechselrahmen

Es zählt was ich meine, nicht was ich schreibe.

ToppiHolic gefährdet
ToppiHolic gefährdet
Beiträge: 9728
Registriert: Sa 11. Mär 2006, 12:08
Receivertyp: TF5200PVRc (seit 25. März 2006) CRP-2401CI+ (seit 26. Mai 2011) Uno 4K
Receiverfirmware: Dec 06 2006,
Mar 9 2011
Wohnort: 669..


Beitrag von Homer » Di 15. Aug 2006, 10:05

Ich habe vier Zeilen abgeändert, und nun klappt das auch mit dem Rahmen:

Code: Alles auswählen

        DrawLine (rgn, W, N, W, S, ARGB (1, 63, 63, 63));   //W
        DrawLine (rgn, E, N, E, S, ARGB (1, 63, 63, 63));   //E
        DrawLine (rgn, W, N, E, N, ARGB (1, 63, 63, 63));   //N
        DrawLine (rgn, W, S, E, S, ARGB (1, 63, 63, 63));   //S
Viele Grüße
rettet-das-freetv.de Project Euler 2401 Urban Priol ist ein smarter Androide und kann keine TAPs.

TF5200PVRc (HA250JC)
TAPs: BootMenu - UsbAccelerator - [thread=49960]acaderc_5k[/thread] - RemoteSwitch - Automove V1.9 final [90] (18.04.2008) - TF5000Display - 3PG - IdleHDD

CRP-2401CI+ (ST3500312CS,MZ-75E500B)
TAPs: XStartTap_TMS - AutoReboot - RemoteSwitch_TMS - RescueRecs - SmartEPG_TMS - RebuildNAV - Automove V2.0 beta 13 (24.05.2011) - StartFTPd - TMSRemote - NiceDisplay

KabelBW Unitymedia (free to air)

Moderierter Ignorator Bitteschöööön!
Moderierter Ignorator  <font color=#E9E9E9>Bitteschöööön!</font>
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Receivertyp: TF5000PVR • SRP-2401CI+ Eco
Receiverfirmware: Sep 2005 PHTF • Jan 2015


Beitrag von ibbi » Di 15. Aug 2006, 11:08

FireBird hat geschrieben:Hier ist der Link zu einem Demo-TAP, das die Größe des PIP aus den Scaler-Registern der EMMA zieht und im Sekundentakt einen Rahmen um das PIP-Fenster zeichnet.

What next? :zzz:
Wünsch Dir was, mit FireBird.
Zuletzt geändert von ibbi am Di 15. Aug 2006, 11:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28912
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien


Beitrag von FireBird » Di 15. Aug 2006, 11:08

StevieC hat geschrieben:Wie immer...schnelle und saubere Arbeit Firebird
Naja..... :wink:

Mr. Settings
Mr. Settings
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Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:03
Receivertyp: auch andere Receiver!
VU+ Ultimo 4K
VU+ Uno 4K
VU+ Duo 4K SE
Wohnort: Bayern & Tirol


Beitrag von buko » Di 15. Aug 2006, 12:11

harbad hat geschrieben:ich sag es ja. Gerti rück endlich den quellcode raus, dann klappt das auch mit einer firmware.
.. :altermotzsack: ..>Vollzustimm<.... :angel:

Topfield Settings bearbeiten, verwalten und vieles mehr:
mit :->: SetEdit für fast alle Topfield & VU+ Receiver :up:

Seltsamer Zeitgenosse :-(
Seltsamer Zeitgenosse  <font color=#E9E9E9>:-(</font>
Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2005, 20:40


Beitrag von tapworld » Di 15. Aug 2006, 12:28

FireBird hat geschrieben: What next? :zzz:
You great guru could create a TAP that could handle this kind of problems with search words:
More info from me.

No need to base it on MEISearch.

None of the search TAP developers has not wanted to do these features into their TAPs :-(

So when is it ready?

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28912
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien


Beitrag von FireBird » Di 15. Aug 2006, 14:05

Hi Jani,

I’m afraid that creating a new search TAP from scratch is a big task (ok, it depends what you exactly mean with “I believe coding this TAP would not be so big task.“) and modifying an existing one might be even worse. Right now there are 2 different EPG TAPs under development and maybe one of the programmers will include your wish (I know that you would like to have a TAP for every step).

But I don’t get the point. Another possible solution would be to combine overlapping timers into a big one. If you don’t like that, it doesn’t matter if you change the end time of timer A or the start time of timer B. One of both RECs will always contain a full program. The same is true for timers B and C in your second case.

Seltsamer Zeitgenosse :-(
Seltsamer Zeitgenosse  <font color=#E9E9E9>:-(</font>
Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2005, 20:40


Beitrag von tapworld » Di 15. Aug 2006, 14:28

FireBird hat geschrieben:Hi Jani,

I’m afraid that creating a new search TAP from scratch is a big task (ok, it depends what you exactly mean with “I believe coding this TAP would not be so big task.&#8220 ;)
It might be a big task. MeiSearch has many useful features on, so it could be used as a base for new TAP. But as you said, it could be a nightmare to browse through others code.
Right now there are 2 different EPG TAPs under development and maybe one of the programmers will include your wish (I know that you would like to have a TAP for every step).
Actually there is at least 4-5 EPG TAPs that are updated lets say monthly.

The problem is that at least german TAP writers seem to avoid my whining wishs :(
But I don’t get the point. Another possible solution would be to combine overlapping timers into a big one. If you don’t like that, it doesn’t matter if you change the end time of timer A or the start time of timer B. One of both RECs will always contain a full program. The same is true for timers B and C in your second case.
Behind the link I describe 2 problems.
Problem 1:
I would like to use solution B, because that way I would have always two different files that have padding in the end (first file would also have padding in the beginning). I do not like to cut files later by myself. I want a machine to do it for me.

Here in Finland channels I watch has sometimes programs ending 3 minutes late, so I would use 3 minutes end padding. And there is advertisements between programs. So most probably solution B would work very well here and I would have 2 separate files where is full program in those.

With solution A (that e.g. Jag's and MyStuff supports) I would sometimes have to search first program's end from second program's file. And unfortunately we are watching recordings in random order and deleting them right after we have watched them so we would sometime lose the first program's ending.

Problem 2:
As far as I have been told ProgramC would not be timered with Jag's at all because there is no free tuner for it at 22:00 (or 21:59). MyStuff can handle this problem 2 and would timer also programC.

If I have misunderstood something, please correct me.

So if Jag or t3xi is reading this, please answer and add this functionality into your TAPs.
I have one solution for these problems (how to code it) written in Finnish, let me know if you need that. That solution would record program even if there is possibility to timer e.g. only 20% of the program (or many 20% parts, all parts would be timered). 20% would be customizable in my solution.

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28912
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien


Beitrag von FireBird » Di 15. Aug 2006, 14:42

tapworld hat geschrieben:Problem 2:
Ah, I've missed that all 3 overlap.
So if Jag or t3xi is reading this?
Instead of Jag, you should address the team StevieC ? Erdnussnase - Emarzinkowski

Seltsamer Zeitgenosse :-(
Seltsamer Zeitgenosse  <font color=#E9E9E9>:-(</font>
Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2005, 20:40


Beitrag von tapworld » Di 15. Aug 2006, 17:49

FireBird hat geschrieben:Ah, I've missed that all 3 overlap.

Instead of Jag, you should address the team StevieC – Erdnussnase - Emarzinkowski
What TAP are they doing? 3PG? I though t3xi is doing it

Moderator & Design Guru
<font color=lue>Moderator</font> & <font color=
ed>Design Guru</font>
Beiträge: 13189
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 11:24
Receivertyp: TMS SRP2100
Receiverfirmware: Immer die neueste ;-)


Beitrag von StevieC » Di 15. Aug 2006, 17:52

tapworld hat geschrieben:What TAP are they doing? 3PG? I though t3xi is doing it

QuickTimerEPG ...also called QTEPG ;)



iTiNa TMS V0.94
CallMonitor V1.2RC
Mediaaspect V1.3
TMSDisplay V1.5

Seltsamer Zeitgenosse :-(
Seltsamer Zeitgenosse  <font color=#E9E9E9>:-(</font>
Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2005, 20:40


Beitrag von tapworld » Di 15. Aug 2006, 18:12

StevieC hat geschrieben:QuickTimerEPG ...also called QTEPG ;)
Holy ass! What the hell is that?

Any testversion anywhere?

I would like to see that (I suppose it looks like QT). I am also waiting to see the fully translated QT (sorry I did not have time to finish that).

So if you are doing that kind of EPG TAP, are you willing to fill my search word wishes as well? I would love to be a betatester for that! PLEASE! :)

You can also email me on my personal mail address (you might have it because I sent some QT translation mails to you from there) or tapworld email address.

Moderator & Design Guru
<font color=lue>Moderator</font> & <font color=
ed>Design Guru</font>
Beiträge: 13189
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 11:24
Receivertyp: TMS SRP2100
Receiverfirmware: Immer die neueste ;-)


Beitrag von StevieC » Di 15. Aug 2006, 18:36

tapworld hat geschrieben:Holy ass! What the hell is that?

an EPG Tap :lol:
Any testversion anywhere?

not yet, only for QuicktimerEPG developers

I would like to see that (I suppose it looks like QT). I am also waiting to see the fully translated QT (sorry I did not have time to finish that).

yes, looks like QT
sorry, but we don´t know any other finnish translator :u:

So if you are doing that kind of EPG TAP, are you willing to fill my search word wishes as well?

if it´s possible, why not...
I would love to be a betatester for that! PLEASE! :)

QuicktimerEPG ist still alpha ;)



iTiNa TMS V0.94
CallMonitor V1.2RC
Mediaaspect V1.3
TMSDisplay V1.5

Seltsamer Zeitgenosse :-(
Seltsamer Zeitgenosse  <font color=#E9E9E9>:-(</font>
Beiträge: 270
Registriert: Di 13. Dez 2005, 20:40


Beitrag von tapworld » Di 15. Aug 2006, 20:40

StevieC hat geschrieben:sorry, but we don´t know any other finnish translator :u:
What the fuck?

One Finnish guy said he got my latest translation version from you guys (maybe from Erdnussnase?) and he is currently continuing the translation job.

tapworld hat geschrieben:
So if you are doing that kind of EPG TAP, are you willing to fill my search word wishes as well?

if it´s possible, why not...
I will translate my current plan/"specification" into englesh here for you. Maybe you get some ideas from that. It is in the end of this message.

I will wait to see it under beta testing phase! Any estimations when this could be in beta? I also really hope you would have some kind of english version available also right away. And if my plans goes as I hope and if I don't need to make the search TAP by myself I might have much more free time after couple of months --> I could translate this new TAP into Finnish (and this time VERY much faster).

Code: Alles auswählen

Loop through user's search terms
For every search term:
-If search term is found from EPG data, save that program's information into TAP's memory
 (start time, end time, name (with possible user definable suffix (date etc.)), channel, start padding, end padding, ...)

Loop through the programs that will be timered (found in last loop) to find timers that can not be made
because there is no free tuners. NOTE: No real timers will be done as Topfield timers in this phase. All timer handling is made in TAP's memory.
For every program:
-Check from the beginning of the timer (including start padding) every minutes until the end of the program (including end padding). 
 Check in every minute if there is a free tuner (it has to be the same tuner for the whole program (or part of the program, see more below)).
  -If there is a free tuner for the whole program, fine.
  -If there is no free tuner for the whole program:
    -Check how long time there is a free tuner for the program:
      -If the time length is more than user definable setting [MIN_REC_LENGTH_%],
       let's change recording program's start time as this part's start time (remember possible start padding) and end time as this part's end time.
       Maybe also some kind of extra character could be added into file name (that character says that this file is only part of the program).
       Also log entry should be added into log file.
      -If there is still more than [MIN_REC_LENGTH_%] of the program time left (including end padding) when there were no tuners left anymore,
       let's continue going though the program minute by minute again. If we find another bigger than [MIN_REC_LENGTH_%] part, let's add another timer 
       for that same way we did it above.
      -If there is no [MIN_REC_LENGTH_%] long parts at all, don't create timer at all.
       Write this into log file

Loop through timerable programs found in last loop to check if there will be consecutive timers in same channel 
(check between timers in TAP's memory only (because we will not change timers in Topfield's timer list))
-If there is consecutive timers in timers in TAP's memory:
  -If user definable setting [USE_PADDING_BETWEEN_CONSECUTIVE_PROGRAMS] is true, change latter timer's start time as 
   program start time (from EPG) + previous program's end padding. Then there won't be overlapping timers on same channel.
  -If user definable setting [USE_PADDING_BETWEEN_CONSECUTIVE_PROGRAMS] is false, change latter timer's start time as 
   program start time (from EPG) and previous program's end time as program end time (from EPG). Then there won't be overlapping timers on same channel.

Finally we create timers from TAP's memory into Topfield timer list. 
NOTE: Before this step we have not created timers into Topfield timer list. All timer handlings has been done in TAP memory.
-If all timers can not fit into Topfield timer list, do not add timers that are most in the future. 
 When most future timers are not added, they will most probably be added in the next days' night scans (or when ever TAP does this search suff).
 Should we write this also into log file?

We also need a feature to show log file into user easily. 
This way user can see easily what searches did not create timers. User should see log file's last entry's
date easily so that user would not have to open log file to see if there is new log entrys.

There have to be priority for search terms.

Of course operators (like Jag's not, starting with, ending with and so on) should be supported.

It should be possible to search also from description. Also support for DescriptionExtender TAP!

It should maybe be possible to set how far into the future search terms are searched. 
If they are searched e.g. a week from now then there can be problems if the EPG will change (program move from time X to time Y in EPG).
Would this solve all my problems?

If there is unclear things, please ask more!

So if it is possible to solve my problems, you will solve them in your new TAP? It is a deal and I can forget my plans to make such a TAP? GOOD! You saved my day, week, month, live! :)

Beiträge: 538
Registriert: So 16. Jul 2006, 02:55


Beitrag von Svenni » Di 15. Aug 2006, 22:44

FireBird hat geschrieben:What next? :zzz:
Freischaltung des dritten Demuxchannels? :u:
Zuletzt geändert von Svenni am Di 15. Aug 2006, 22:48, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

<span title=ForuminformationsquellemitdauertimeshiftschaltungoutingOberlehrerUndErfahrenerTratscherStatusNichtAussprechenKönner>FIQMDTSSOOLUETSNAK</span>
Beiträge: 8216
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 18:49
Receivertyp: TF5kPVR/TF3kCIpro
Receiverfirmware: 13.9.'05 SHUFGmUx/19.4.'04
Wohnort: Österreich, NÖrdl.d.Donau


Beitrag von Sigittarius-E » Di 15. Aug 2006, 23:46

Svenni hat geschrieben:Freischaltung des dritten Demuxchannels? :u:
Ist damit die gleichzeitige Aufnahme von 3 Sendern gemeint :thinker:
Zuletzt geändert von Sigittarius-E am Mi 16. Aug 2006, 19:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
S-VHS ist nicht S-Video. So schreibt man: Standard, Satellit, wäre. TABs sind was für die Dritten.

CAM:irdeto CW v3.15 ORF
Lüfter:Noiseblocker USF S1+Poti.
Verb.:[/b]Silex SX2kU2
TV:Toshiba 42"
Auto Start-Reihenf.: GMTTimerBug WA2|QT|IB Prem|StopExit|WSSKiller|JagEPG|Matrix Screensaver|PiP|DisplayTAP|wwww|reccopy|
TSBProtector v0.9.0|CheckAndCreate_EPGTimer v1.1
Manuell: SimpleCharEditor v3.09b,SetCryptFlag v0.3,exie v0.3,EBM v0.01

iTina-Promoter und Kuhinteressent
iTina-Promoter und Kuhinteressent
Beiträge: 3894
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2005, 22:34
Receivertyp: 0x1388 PVR
Receiverfirmware: 13.09.2005
Wohnort: Planet Erde, Milchstraße


Beitrag von Harvey » Mi 16. Aug 2006, 10:08

Der sollte doch schon benutzt werden (2 Aufnahmen und etwas anderes schauen).


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