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Auto scan for EPG or retriving from external source

Verfasst: Fr 29. Nov 2013, 10:02
von larieu
Hello all,

Fisrt sorry but my German is not so good to be able to write direct into :oops:.

I am the happy owner of one CRP-2401CI+ for more than 2 years
Initially I lived into one area covered by Cablecom CH (Basel Stadt)
With the SmartEPG and the trick to Multiscan the Cablecom Channel I had Full EPG info (7 days) for all channels and everything was OK (except the fact encrypted channels was a real pain - a dagger stabbed into your hart to deal with multiple recordings)

Now I have moved into an area where Cablecom is not able to provide service - I am now forced to use the only local provider - InterGGA
The good news is that almost any channel is encrypted ( or at least you are able to see them directly without any card - except several PayPerView channels) and I can easily record 3 and wathc the 4th
The BAD news is that for something like 1/3 of the their list of broadcast has support for EPG only with current and next program (not full EPG support) and almost 90% of this ones are in my target view :patsch:

I'm looking for a tool to auto scan in background OR to retrieve information for that channels from external source

I've seen that some time ago it existed one TAP ( DGtoTop ) which was able to do this
I know that SmartEPG has an option to retrieve from local file
But Im not able to put all things in order

Any idea / guide / help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance
I have some skills to work with linux (I have at least 2 in my home working full time) and I own a NAS ( Synology )

AW: Auto scan for EPG or retriving from external source

Verfasst: Fr 29. Nov 2013, 12:47
von Twilight
with smart epg it is possible to upload epg data with pc and some tools.
i am not familiar with that but it is have a look in the manual of SE (import EPG data via TGD format)


AW: Auto scan for EPG or retriving from external source

Verfasst: Sa 30. Nov 2013, 09:53
von larieu
Thanks Twilight

I have seen that but was not able to understand the format needed

for example missing data I can take from here

which is xml format (quite easy to understand)

but looking in SmartEPG manual I don't find enough support for the "Scan from File"
I don't know where to put the file and how the format of the file it is

also unfortunatelly if I chose File and issue an scan - It will start to scan from channel1 and after several channels scanned it wil crash and reboot the machine

AW: Auto scan for EPG or retriving from external source

Verfasst: Sa 30. Nov 2013, 10:12
von larieu
The error on SmartEPG is something like

Code: Alles auswählen

2013-11-30 09:57:44 Scan mode is Rec
2013-11-30 09:57:44 Scanner: switching to transponder 9104 (GemeindeTV)
2013-11-30 09:57:45 FlashTimerDebug: difference found @ 'Entry (recursive)'
2013-11-30 09:57:46 FlashTimerDebug: difference found @ 'Entry (recursive)'
and then reboot without any intervention