Tf 5000ci

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Registriert: Mi 19. Apr 2006, 16:35

Tf 5000ci


Beitrag von vincenzo » Do 20. Apr 2006, 10:02

About the TF5000CI, I'd like to have indication about the CA system used by the scrambled channnel. For example, I'd like to see in the channel bar (and/or in the channel list for the selected channel) indications like "Viac" for Viaccess, "Mdgd" for Mediaguard, "Irdt" for Irdeto, etc. In case of symultaneous use of more than one CA system, it would be nice to see them all (for example, "Viac/Mdgd" or "Irdt/Viac/Mdgd")
I hope it will be possible.

Guru in perpetuum
Guru in perpetuum
Beiträge: 8206
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 18:37
Wohnort: Hamm (Westf.)
Receivertyp: SRP-2401 CI+ eco / VU+ Ultimo 4k
Receiverfirmware: TF-BPCE 1.03.00
Wohnort: Hamm (Westf.)

AW: Tf 5000ci


Beitrag von Bonni » Fr 23. Mai 2008, 21:32

[quote="vincenzo"]I hope it will be possible.[/quote]
I think it's not possible, but if you want an expert's answer, please change the theme of your post to something that's show immediately what it's about. "Tf 5000ci" means everything and nothing, and almost noone's gonna read it.
Gruß Bonni

90cm-Schüssel + 2 Quattro LNB + TELEKA SAM 2294N Multiswitch 9:4 (seit 08/1998!)
VU+ Ultimo 4k (seit 05/2020) mit 2x DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner, 1x DVB-T2 Dual Tuner, SmartEPGvu+, PlutoTV, uvm.
SRP-2401 CI+ Eco (seit 10/2017) mit SmartEPG_TMS, TAPtoDate, WebControl, uvm. - läuft noch hier und da im "Kinderzimmer"
TF5000PVR (seit 09/2003) mit USB Accelerator, ImproBox, PowerRestore, iTiNa - im September 2024 voll funktionstüchtig vom Strom getrennt.
TF5000CI (seit 06/2005) - früher im Kinderzimmer, jetzt ausgemustert im Keller, bald Elektroschrott


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