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Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Sa 18. Jun 2016, 15:32
von pa4wdh
Hi All,

I'm sorry for posting here in English, but you really don't want me to try German :)
It has been quite some time since my last post here but i hope you're able to help me.

My DVB-T receiver is a Topfield TBC-5000 (Branded for Digitenne in The Netherlands), and so far is has been working perfectly.
Recently it started to have problems when it accesses the USB stick it uses for recordings. The first time this happened it was just after it was powered on, it reads the contents of the USB stick and during that it crashed and rebooted. Since i've been using that USB stick for a few years i thought it might have gone bad and bought a new one. Now it boots okay, but accessing the USB stick is still problematic. Most annoying are the crashes during recordings as this makes the recording useless.

I have tried to disconnect it from the mains power for a few minutes and performed a factory reset after that. That didn't solve the problem :(

Do you have any idea what could be wrong ?

Thanks in advance.

AW: Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Mi 29. Jun 2016, 08:19
von pa4wdh
Any ideas ?

AW: Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Mi 29. Jun 2016, 08:25
von wohliks
pa4wdh hat geschrieben:Any ideas ?
I don't know the internals of the TBC-5000 personally, but as many TF 5x00 PVRs suffer from bad electrolyte capacitors in the power supply circuit, I would suggest to check the power supply voltages.

Possibly your Toppy needs a little "holiday" in a radio/TV-Workshop for replacement of some electrolyte capacitors...

Here's something to read about this: Click! ...hoping your Toppi has the same power supply as the satellite models...

Background information: Defective Capacitors cause some supply voltages to rise up significantly above the nominal value - with high risk for damage of other components. So, do not wait too long...

AW: Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Mi 29. Jun 2016, 15:53
von pa4wdh
Thanks for your suggestion.

I found a picture of the tbc-5000's internals and the power supply section seems quite different to me: ... c5000.html
This site actually offers a repair service but I don't really trust it ...

I also found someone else (on a different forum) with the same problem, but that thread died before a solution was posted :(

AW: Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Mi 29. Jun 2016, 15:58
von wohliks
pa4wdh hat geschrieben:I found a picture of the tbc-5000's internals and the power supply section seems quite different to me:
Seems to be very different :?

In this case, if have no other idea than to consult your local radio-TV-workshop.

AW: Problem with Topfield TBC-5000 / Reboot on USB access

Verfasst: Do 30. Jun 2016, 11:23
von Anthea
The TBC-5000 has absolutely nothing in common with the TF5000xxx receivers. E.g. the TF5000 never could access a USB stick, it was an USB device itself. As far as I know it is only sold in .nl, so here we know next to nothing about the receiver. The capacitor problem is a "global" problem anyway, regardless of the device. If you don't dare to do the soldering yourself (capacitors themselves are cheap, you only have to get the correct replacement type, and normally the type can be found on the capacitor itself), you can normally ask every tv repair guy in your neighborhood if he will do it for you.