Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters

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Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Di 7. Nov 2006, 07:32


Jag's EPG (2.7 and the latest, which I have: 3.0.5) are unable to show cyrillic characters in program name & description, while the channel name is displayed ok.

This feature is essention for those people, who is watching Russian NTV+ from 36E.


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AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von Maliboy » Di 7. Nov 2006, 07:40

Have you checked, if the compression in JAG is not activated.
I think, that this can be a problem. As you write, the channel name is correct. So JAG have no problems with the chacacters, but I think, he write wrong characters in the internal database when the compression is enabled.

When not, only JAG can fix this :)

Are the characters in the original EPG correct ?

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

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Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Di 7. Nov 2006, 07:51

Have you checked, if the compression in JAG is not activated.
I'll check that out this evening.

Are the characters in the original EPG correct ?
Yes, the characters in the original EPG are correct, however looks ugly.
I also have a question: Is it possible for TAP to override displaying some characters, for example 66 chars of russian alphabet?
Or it is the case for patching a firmware?
Zuletzt geändert von justason am Di 7. Nov 2006, 07:57, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.


<div title=Logoistiker, kindlicher Liebhaber bunter Blumen und Mod in Black, der sich seinen Status im Forum am liebsten selbst setzten will, obwohl er manchmal im falschen Thread postet HabenWoller>LkLbBuMiBdss<br>SiFalsswoemifTpHW</div>
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AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von Maliboy » Di 7. Nov 2006, 08:11

[quote=""justason""]I also have a question: Is it possible for TAP to override displaying some characters, for example 66 chars of russian alphabet?
Or it is the case for patching a firmware?[/quote]

I think, the question can only a 'TAP guru' answer.
But I think, for displaying in a TAP, it is possible when the characters are avaiable in the firmware...

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Di 7. Nov 2006, 16:18

[quote=""Maliboy""]Have you checked, if the compression in JAG is not activated.
I think, that this can be a problem. As you write, the channel name is correct. So JAG have no problems with the chacacters, but I think, he write wrong characters in the internal database when the compression is enabled.

When not, only JAG can fix this :)

Are the characters in the original EPG correct ?[/quote]

It doesn't matter: with or without compression cyrillic characters in EPG are not readable.


<div title=Logoistiker, kindlicher Liebhaber bunter Blumen und Mod in Black, der sich seinen Status im Forum am liebsten selbst setzten will, obwohl er manchmal im falschen Thread postet HabenWoller>LkLbBuMiBdss<br>SiFalsswoemifTpHW</div>
Beiträge: 30572
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2005, 12:41
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Receivertyp: VU+ Ultimo 4k
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von Maliboy » Di 7. Nov 2006, 16:37

[quote=""justason""]It doesn't matter: with or without compression cyrillic characters in EPG are not readable.[/quote]

After you have disable the compression, have you clear the EPG buffer file and rescan the stations with cyrillic characters in the epg ? Because, if the compression is the problem, the error is still available after disable the compression because the error is still in the buffer file.

Otherwise, JAG must take a look. But I think, the problem is, that he has only DVB-T and so he has no station with cyrillic characters...

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Di 7. Nov 2006, 21:19

[quote=""Maliboy""]After you have disable the compression, have you clear the EPG buffer file and rescan the stations with cyrillic characters in the epg ? Because, if the compression is the problem, the error is still available after disable the compression because the error is still in the buffer file.

Otherwise, JAG must take a look. But I think, the problem is, that he has only DVB-T and so he has no station with cyrillic characters...[/quote]

Well, I have tried to.
No luck.
Just to see, how beautiful it is, I have attached 2 photos.
(Didn't manage Screenshot TAP to work with Jag's EPG)
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AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von Jag » Di 7. Nov 2006, 22:47


do you have select Russian in the language setting menu?
The text compression of Jag's EPG definitive DO NOT supporting cyrillic characters!
Here the compression must be set to "OFF"!

Maybe the TAP API call for the event description use a another characters code table conversion as the internal functions. Maybe here a code replacement table is required?!

To analysing the problem better it should be useful to get a screenshot of the same text from the original EPG and Jag's EPG (long event description)!
To make screenshot's you can use ScreenCapture_OSD (start ScreenCapture_OSD before Jag's EPG): http://www.topfield.de/files/Firebird/S ... re_OSD.zip.

Make at the best two screenshots of a large text!


Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Mi 8. Nov 2006, 07:37


do you have select Russian in the language setting menu?
It is possible, but doing that has no impact on Jag's EPG

The text compression of Jag's EPG definitive DO NOT supporting cyrillic characters!
Here the compression must be set to "OFF"!

Maybe the TAP API call for the event description use a another characters code table conversion as the internal functions. Maybe here a code replacement table is required?!
It is OFF, because in settings it says "Only English and German languages are supported." - or something like this.

To analysing the problem better it should be useful to get a screenshot of the same text from the original EPG and Jag's EPG (long event description)!
To make screenshot's you can use ScreenCapture_OSD (start ScreenCapture_OSD before Jag's EPG): http://www.topfield.de/files/Firebird/S ... re_OSD.zip.

Make at the best two screenshots of a large text!


I'll do screenshots this afternoon, as soon as I get home.

By the way, (about the character table), I'm interesting to change outlook of these cyrillic characters, because, they _REALLY_ looks ugly.

Is it possible to:
1) Change outlook of these symbols
2) At the TAP level to override character displaying
A) Replace memory region, which contains character bit-blocks with "proper" region. Or re-route calls to a "proper" region
B) Create string manually

Please advise.
Zuletzt geändert von justason am Mi 8. Nov 2006, 07:44, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Mi 8. Nov 2006, 17:03

Here are the screenshots.
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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: Mi 24. Mai 2006, 14:51

AW: Jag's EPG to support cyrillic characters


Beitrag von justason » Mi 8. Nov 2006, 20:28

I beg your pardon...

It was my mistake. Yes, after selecting system language as russian, EPG started to show cyrillic letters correctly.

o-o-ps. :patsch:


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