How to pay Jag's Epg?

Spezielles Forum für und um Jag´s EPG
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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2007, 19:15

How to pay Jag's Epg?


Beitrag von Maxis77 » Mo 3. Sep 2007, 19:55

I want to pay for Jag's Epg.

How to do that?

Please answer in English if possible.

Thanks! Maxis - Finland

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AW: How to pay Jag's Epg?


Beitrag von classix » Mi 5. Sep 2007, 08:50

[quote=""Maxis77""]I want to pay for Jag's Epg.

How to do that?

Please answer in English if possible.

Thanks! Maxis - Finland[/quote]

Hello from Finland :D

I used PayPall when I paid Jag´s Epg fullversion. Here's how you do it.

1) Open "Jags_EPG.Serial.txt" on the Topfield HDD to get an individual serial number, e.g. EPG--5TEST9L5ST3800ACE--.

2) Open PayPall at: ... =EUR&lc=GB

3) Attach the serial number to the PayPall message when making the payment.

4) If you want to be extra sure send Jag the serial number with advise of payment by e-mail at

5) When the transfer has been completed Jag will post a Licence key to

Go there and type in your serial number to download the Licence key.

6) Download Jag's full version from ...

7) Transfer the key and full version from your computer to your Topfield and enjoy...

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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2007, 19:15

AW: How to pay Jag's Epg?


Beitrag von Maxis77 » Do 6. Sep 2007, 07:47

Thank you compatriot Classix!

The payment has been placed and Jag has activated the key. (1 day waiting or so, not bad at all)

Thank you for Jag. This tap makes my life SO much easier. (Automated program saving ROCKS!)

Mr. Maxis

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AW: How to pay Jag's Epg?


Beitrag von molindro » So 9. Sep 2007, 09:12

Guten Tag,

Can somebody explain what do we get in return to the 15 euros?

- is the license perpetual i.e. is the software going to work "forever" or will I need to pay 15 euros again in 6 months?
- will it include also future updates / bug fixes?
- when I changed from 2.7f to 3.0 beta the Jag's EPG start time increased significantly. Will this S/N activation reduce the starting time?
- anything else to good to know?

Thanks a lot / Vielen Dank!



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