Many thanks to Bauke for the translation.
He will also support questions in the Dutch forum.

You'll find the Tap here
Logos are available in the german version of QuickTimer. Follow the link below.
We will combine this in the near future.
I have this in my quictimer.ini file:hogettyhog hat geschrieben:Hi there - first time on the board.
I'm a uk tf5800 toppy user. I was hoping to run your tap and I downloaded the UK version and put it on the Topfield. I executed the tap and it appeared to load ok.
I can't work out which key should bring up the menus - in the German manual it says the teletext key. So I disabled interactive services and tried this key but the tap does not respond. I tried all the keys on my remote without success.
I'd be grateful for any assistance you can provide.
Thank you.
the yellow button changes the time period for checking timer/available space on hard disk to record them. according to the time period which is adjusted there will be shown some warning flags (green, yellow, red triangles)hogettyhog hat geschrieben:I'm not sure what the yellow button does - at bottom of screen it says 'change checking ti...' I've pressed the button and it doesn't seem to do anything
there won't be appear a seperate help windwo. only the symbols in the bottom line changes, dont they?hogettyhog hat geschrieben:I can't access the help window - pressing 'sat' has no effect.
What kind of tv do you have? LCD?hogettyhog hat geschrieben:The free space bar at the bottom of the page flickers and is a red/pink colour irrespective of what option I set in the menu.
it means "without help" and this means that the bottom line will be smaller without help. Pressing the sat button changes the view and an additional line with a help regarding the button allocation appears.hogettyhog hat geschrieben:On the channel list at the bottom it says next to the sat icon 'without h...' - I've tried changing the menu options but I can't remove this text.
in case you didn't read it: we are working on an EPG part for QuickTimerhogettyhog hat geschrieben:I'm very impressed with this tap and look forward to future versions.
@hogettyhoghogettyhog hat geschrieben:On the timer menu, the text 'incl pre/after record' goes off the edge of the screen - you could replace this with 'incl. padding' which might fit better.