editing channels in the tf6060 can anyone please give a pece of advice

Spezielle Fragen zum TF6060CI
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mi 20. Sep 2006, 23:48

editing channels in the tf6060 can anyone please give a pece of advice


Beitrag von mallanikkelsen » So 24. Sep 2006, 07:25

Hello everyone

I am the happy owner of a topfield 6060 CI. I've installed channels from both the astra and hotbird satelites.
However, I would very much like to edit the order of the channels, and delete the channels I do not want. Would that be possible to do via pc?

I've herd something about a program called Vega, which should be able to do the job, but is this program compatible with the 6060 and how do I use it?

As I've never tryed editing channels from my sat receiver before, I'd very much like some detailed guidelines as to how I proceed. For instance, exactly how much editing can you do over pc? Will you for instance be able to move a channel from number 78 to 001 - and so forth?

Every help is very much apprishiated.

All the best from Allan

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Sa 2. Sep 2006, 13:10
Wohnort: Hessen/Hochtaunus

AW: editing channels in the tf6060 can anyone please give a pece of advice


Beitrag von Maddin » Mo 2. Okt 2006, 21:40

Hi Allan!

You can download Vega here:
http://topfield.co.kr/data/product/firm ... _v2.31.exe

To connect your 6060CI with your PC, you need an RS232 null modem cable.



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