settings in Topfield TF6060

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Registriert: Do 8. Mär 2007, 10:06

settings in Topfield TF6060


Beitrag von Bombadilla » Do 8. Mär 2007, 10:18

Sorry for writing in English but my German are not good. Has anyone installed motorised dish with TF6060? If yes, can you please let me know what settings you input in the receiver either through Disecq1.2 or through USALS. My moter is Moteck SG-2100.

The installer here in Greece know nothing about the receiver. He managed to save 5 satellites for a month and then I lost signal!!!! When he come back to have a look of what went wrong, he blamed the machine for not being able to save the positions of the satellites in its memory :shock: . He is supposed to have the antenna properly installed but he cant find the settings through Motorised Disecq1.2.

Please help !!!

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Registriert: Fr 21. Apr 2006, 21:54

AW: settings in Topfield TF6060


Beitrag von tvm45 » Mi 18. Apr 2007, 20:36

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