Mpeg4 on TF5400PVR?

Spezielles Forum zum TF5400PVR combo (Twin-Receiver für terrestrischen und Satelliten-Empfang)
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Do 19. Okt 2006, 08:58

Mpeg4 on TF5400PVR?


Beitrag von A.Morup » Di 11. Nov 2008, 10:17

Is it in any way possible to get a TF5400PVR to decode mpeg4 streams (DVB-T or DVB-S) - or do we just have to wait until Topfield issues a new combo model with DVB-S / DVB-T, mpeg4, HDMI and HD ???
(Sign me up!)

/ Anders, Denmark
5400PVR (DVB-T/DVB-S combo) with 320GB Samsung harddisk and the latest firmware (1449). Used to receive Danish DVB-T channels and FTA from Astra and Hotbird.
I live in Denmark and can read German but prefer to write in English!

TöppiHolic der mit dem h tanzt , Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker
TöppiHolic der mit dem <font color=ed>h</font> tanzt <font color=#E9E9E9>,  Anstifter und Möchtegernstatusaufdecker</font>
Beiträge: 26843
Registriert: So 27. Aug 2006, 19:22
Receivertyp: 2410M
Receiverfirmware: Feb. 2014
Wohnort: Nähe Mainz

AW: Mpeg4 on TF5400PVR?


Beitrag von Töppi » Di 11. Nov 2008, 10:19

There is no way, only mpeg2 streams.
If the streams are broadcast on dvb-t or dvb-s, you should be able to record them and decode it with a PC. But I'm not shure if it works with a 5400.
Klaus :wink:
:topf: SRP-2410M

TAP's (Autostart):
| TMSDisplay | F*Skip TMS 3.xx | SmartEPG | SmartFiler | RebuildNAV | Automove TMS | TMSRemote | Callmonitor | SmartSeriesrename | Switch2FTA |

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Mi 28. Mär 2007, 11:25
Receivertyp: tf5400 combo
Receiverfirmware: 26jun2007
Wohnort: sollentuna schweden

AW: Mpeg4 on TF5400PVR?


Beitrag von 12man » Mo 1. Dez 2008, 10:50

hello denmark,

you're getting transmissions in mpeg4 on dvb-t?

in sweden there is 1 channel at the moment and more coming soon, to me it looks like topfield has concentrated to much on the new tms?

wonder how long it will take before topfield has an dvb-s2/dvb-t mpeg4 combo, they can't be waiting for dvb-t2?

if not a topfield before jan-2009, i am looking at getting either an vantage xx00ts or the mvision hd200c



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