TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English

Über die HDTV PVRs 7700HDPVR/7750HDPVR
Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von flemlion » Mi 10. Sep 2008, 11:19

[quote="freezz10"]I have a wired home network with ethernet jacks in every room, my router sits far away from my PVR and i am connecting my PVR via an ethernet cable. i am note sure if this information is suffeciant so please let me know if you need more info about my network[/quote]

Supposing the physical connection is correct, then this info is indeed not sufficient.

How are the PCs on your home network getting their IP address (DHCP or fixed)?

Trying to mimick the settings of the PCs on the TF is generally a good idea. Allthough using DHCP on a web-server can be annoying.

When using a fixed IP address and you don't know all the ins and outs, keep in mind the following:
- Make sure all participants have different IP addresses
- Keep the first tree numbers the same on all participants and only vary the last (use 1-254)
- Enter the same subnet mask for all participants
- You can keep the standard gateway entry blank unless you want to give your TF access to the internet or access the TF from the internet. In that case, use the same standard gateway as a participant that already has internet access.

PS: On Windows you can retrieve the settings by using the command "ipconfig" from the command prompt

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Di 29. Apr 2008, 19:23

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von freezz10 » Do 11. Sep 2008, 16:08

flemlion hat geschrieben:Supposing the physical connection is correct, then this info is indeed not sufficient.

How are the PCs on your home network getting their IP address (DHCP or fixed)?

Trying to mimick the settings of the PCs on the TF is generally a good idea. Allthough using DHCP on a web-server can be annoying.

When using a fixed IP address and you don't know all the ins and outs, keep in mind the following:
- Make sure all participants have different IP addresses
- Keep the first tree numbers the same on all participants and only vary the last (use 1-254)
- Enter the same subnet mask for all participants
- You can keep the standard gateway entry blank unless you want to give your TF access to the internet or access the TF from the internet. In that case, use the same standard gateway as a participant that already has internet access.

PS: On Windows you can retrieve the settings by using the command "ipconfig" from the command prompt

How are the PCs on your home network getting their IP address (DHCP or fixed)?

DHCP is enabled and the PC's get their ip by both fixed and auto.

My network is standard, i have for example a Sony PS3 that gets the IP automaticly while i have a VOIP coredless phone that i need to manualy input the network information.
for some reson the PVR does not accept the manual netwrok setting and failles to connect when i use the auto setting. :patsch:

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Do 17. Jan 2008, 12:15

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von adelrania » Sa 13. Sep 2008, 11:20

Hi All

good day

is there is any patch software for this receiver, like some other topfield receivers ?

best wishes


Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Do 7. Aug 2008, 17:06

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von OddErik » Mo 15. Sep 2008, 22:02

Not very often.
Look for 'New software' annoncements at

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Do 7. Aug 2008, 17:06

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von OddErik » So 28. Sep 2008, 22:40

Just found another freak bug.
Made a recording this evening, in the foreground, green icon. When I play it back the PVR reboots itself!
I can only play for less than two minutes before each reboot.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von Top4 » Mi 29. Okt 2008, 16:51

For the 7.00.26 firmware the following points (se previous posts by me) have been fixed:
14 4:3 format
16 Playback stopped while rec end

The following problem still exists:
1 EPG Thor
2 Multiple file unscrambling
3 Multiple file move
4 Multiple file copy to USB
5 Multiple file copy
6 Copy to USB
7 No date on USB files
8 Archive list date
9 Cannot delete this file in Playing
10 Slow
11 Yellow jump
12 New group not in focus
13 Can not watch first recording while two in progress
15 4:3 - 16:9 switch (partly fixed?)
17 Cannot watch rec from start
18 Black recording - Blue
20 Strange scrambling state
21 Sound dropouts

In addition to these the box now reboots itself sometimes during watch of HD channel. It's also reboots if the yellow button are pressed several times to jump at playback.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di 11. Nov 2008, 19:55
Receivertyp: TF 7700 HD PVR
Receiverfirmware: 7.00.26
Wohnort: Oslo, Norwegen

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von Catch » Di 11. Nov 2008, 20:14

I have finally got the three TF7700HDPVRs ordered long time ago. All 3 units is delivered without harddisk, and I guees that is not correct ?
First thing on the to-do-list is to upgrade the software, as they are delivered with 7.00.08 from october 2007. Very old SW for brand new receivers ??
I have tried both RS-232 using TFD Down V2.04, USB with 4 different sticks and LAN upgrade, but I can not make any of thoose to work :-(
A few times when trying RS232, error message E03 appears in the display on the STB. When trying to to upgrade from USB, the OSD states "Can't find a USB storage device". When trying LAN upgrade, the STB OSD shows the the server can not be found, and a similar message when setting DHCP to ON.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: TF7700HDPVR Q&A in English


Beitrag von Top4 » Di 11. Nov 2008, 23:41

- I have tried RS232, but I don't think I got it to work. Tested several versions of the PC application. My old laptop was too slow and it did not work with an USB-RS232 unit on the new one. If I remember right, maybe I got it to work.
- The USB don't work, unless there is a harddisk in the box.

PS. One more thing about USB. Do not have any files with space on it.


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