Watching 5xxx rec files - RecToTS

Über die HDTV PVRs 7700HDPVR/7750HDPVR
Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

Watching 5xxx rec files - RecToTS


Beitrag von Top4 » Mi 9. Apr 2008, 21:16


One sad thing with the TF7700HDPVR is that it is not possible to play rec files from old Toppys. I really hope they implement this, since it would make the transition for current Toppy users to the new HD box much easier. Most users propable have some recordings they still want to watch. To keep the old box for awhile is not a good solution, since thay have the same remote codes.

Well, I could not sit still and wait...

I now have a program that can convert 5xxx-rec-files to files that the 7700HD can play. I play directly from an USB-pin. The program also removes scrambled packets and control packets for the scrambling. It's common that the rec files have some scrambled packets in the beginning of the file.

The program is named: RecToTs.exe
Can be found here:

For example, run it like this:
RecToTs /7 C:\FilesFromTF5000\*.rec D:\FilesTo7700HD\ >>RecToTs.log

//Be happy and use at own risk
Zuletzt geändert von hgdo am Do 25. Dez 2008, 19:02, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Mi 9. Apr 2008, 22:45

It's a very good idea and many users are waiting for such a tool.

Unfortunately the program is still quite buggy.

I tried to convert 7 files. The conversion stopped for 4 files because of a not valid TS packet.

For 3 files the conversion finished, but only one files with about 1 GB was playable. From the other two files the first picture was shown, but it did not proceed and no tone could be heard.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Mi 9. Apr 2008, 23:32

Could you post the print out from the execution?

The program does not change the content of any TS packets, just include it or not.

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Mi 9. Apr 2008, 23:44

Code: Alles auswählen

hiroshima.rec 5353758720 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCD
    PMT  0x0190 *
    PCR  0x0191 *
    0x02 0x0191 Video; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x04 0x0192 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x04 0x0193 Audio; fra, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0816 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0194 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
ERROR: Not valid TS packet, invalid file!

Million Dollar Baby.rec 3924260864 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 3760.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x0009
    Descriptors:  CA ID=0x1801 PID=0x1648, CA ID=0x1722 PID=0x1009, CA ID=0x1702 PID=0x1009
    PMT  0x0066 *
    PCR  0x02FF *
    0x06 0x0020 Private; Teletext deu-i0, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A *
    0x02 0x02FF Video; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0300 Audio; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, deu *
    0x03 0x0301 Audio; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x06, deu *
    0x06 0x0303 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x07, AC-3, deu *
     PID     TsCount      Scramb     Written !Continuity     Skipped
  0x0301     1037746           0     1037746           1           0  PES 0xC0 Audio 0x00
  0x02FF    15433288           0    15433288           2           0  PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
  0x0303     2064565           0     2064565           0           0  PES 0xBD private_stream_1
  0x0300     1037745           0     1037745           1           0  PES 0xC0 Audio 0x00
  0x0020      786500           0      786500           1           0  PES 0xBD private_stream_1
  0x0000       79810           0           0           1       79810  PSI 0x00 Program association section
  0x0001       79810           0           0           1       79810  PSI 0x01 Conditional access section
  0x0066       79810           0       79810           1           0  PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
  0x1009      117959           0           0           1      117959  Unknown, 00 81 70 51 C9 00+
  0x1648      117957           0           0           0      117957  Unknown, 00 81 30 47 07 45+
  0x0011       38517           0           0           1       38517  Unknown, 00 46 F2 C6 00 07+
  0x00FF           1           0           0           0           1  
  PCR: 2112700361428 - 2352401404349, 8877sec
  PTS: 7042359025 - 7841364625, 8877sec, 147:57  (for PCR/Video stream)
.ifo: 2=2FF 15=66 7=20 9=2FF 4=300 4=301 A=303
.add: 2007-01-07 1:47 147min 9 66 2FF 2FF 8000
Conversion time: 4 min 48 sec.

Wunder der Erde - Vulkan.rec 1085767680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCC
    PMT  0x012C *
    PCR  0x012D *
    0x02 0x012D Video; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x04 0x012E Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x05 0x081A Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0130 Private; Teletext deu-i0, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03 *
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081B DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0E, Broadcast 
     PID     TsCount      Scramb     Written !Continuity     Skipped
  0x012D     4944905           0     4944884           2          21  PES 0xE4 Video 0x04
  0x012E      336625           0      336625           0           0  PES 0xC0 Audio 0x00
  0x0130      447710           0      447709           0           1  PES 0xBD private_stream_1
  0x0011       16883           0           0           0       16883  Unknown, 00 46 F3 86 04 45+
  0x0000       14614           0           0           0       14614  PSI 0x00 Program association section
  0x012C       14614           0       14614           0           0  PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
  PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
  PTS: 992784122 - 1223065322, 2558sec, 42:38  (for PCR/Video stream)
.ifo: 2=12D 15=12C 9=12D 5=12E 7=130
.add: 2005-08-19 17:15 42min 6DCC 12C 12D 12D 812E
Conversion time: 1 min 18 sec.

Lost in Translation - Romanze.rec 3143720960 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 3760.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x002B
    Descriptors:  CA ID=0x1722 PID=0x102B, CA ID=0x1801 PID=0x1646, CA ID=0x1702 PID=0x102B
    PMT  0x006D *
    PCR  0x08FF *
    0x02 0x08FF Video; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x06 0x0020 Private; Teletext deu-i0, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A *
    0x03 0x0900 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03 *
    0x03 0x0901 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x06 *
     PID     TsCount      Scramb     Written !Continuity     Skipped
  0x0900      776638           1      776637           0           1  PES 0xC0 Audio 0x00
  0x08FF    10441227          15    10441212           3          15  PES 0xE0 Video 0x00+
  0x0901      776637           1      776636           1           1  PES 0xC0 Audio 0x00
  0x0020     1030064           0     1030063           0           1  PES 0xBD private_stream_1
  0x006D       58643           0       58643           0           0  PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
  0x102B       88277           0           0           0       88277  Unknown, 00 80 70 51 C9 00+
  0x1646       88279           0           0           0       88279  Unknown, 00 80 30 47 07 45+
  0x0001       58643           0           0           0       58643  PSI 0x01 Conditional access section
  0x0000       58643           0           0           0       58643  PSI 0x00 Program association section
  0x0011       38825           0           0           0       38825  Unknown, 00 46 F0 DC 00 01+
  0x1001     1653012           0           0           0     1653012  Unknown, 00 83 70 6C 24 F8+
  0x1000     1653012           0           0           0     1653012  Unknown, 00 82 70 6D D3 F8+
  PCR: 564707219013 - 723630920065, 5886sec
  PTS: 1882409880 - 2412121080, 5885sec, 98:05  (for PCR/Video stream)
.ifo: 2=8FF 15=6D 9=8FF 7=20 4=900 4=901
.add: 2005-09-13 22:58 98min 2B 6D 8FF 8FF 8000
Conversion time: 3 min 12 sec.
Diamantenfieber.rec 5706055680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
ERROR: Not valid TS packet, invalid file!

Die Welt ist nicht genug.rec 5316122624 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 3760.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x445D
    PMT  0x0061 *
    PCR  0x01FF *
    0x06 0x0021 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x0B 0x0031 DSM-CC U-N; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0B, private_data_specifier_descriptor, 0xD0 User 
    0x02 0x01FF Video; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x04 0x0200 Audio; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, deu *
    0x06 0x0203 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x07, deu, AC-3 *
ERROR: Not valid TS packet, invalid file!

Der Hauch des Todes  Spielfilm G.rec 5758707712 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 3760.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
ERROR: Not valid TS packet, invalid file!

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Do 10. Apr 2008, 00:04

The error "Not valid TS packet, invalid file" indicates that a TS packet in the file does not start with the start byte (0x47). Strange I didn't know that a Toppy could create such file. The program assume that all TS packets comes after each other with no glitches. I will include a printout so it will be possible to see where in your file it occurs. I will get back with the rest when I got time, now it's time to sleep.

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 114
Registriert: Do 20. Apr 2006, 14:44
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: Neueste
Wohnort: Hessen

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Nold0r » Do 10. Apr 2008, 12:59

Hello Top4,

thank you for the great and long-awaited tool - I will be testing times tonight and I am very excited.
I would certainly advance a question: Is it even possible to split avc files and play?

Thank you,

TF 7700 HD PVR ; ID 23231 ; Loader 1.02; Geräte Vers. 2.0.6; Softw.: 7.00.19
Festplatte: Seagate 750GB DB35 (vorher 500GB Samsung 8MB) BEIDE RUCKELN!!!
Premiere HD Abo (AlphaCrypt Classic 3.14)

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Do 10. Apr 2008, 23:51

hgdo: The files that get the "Not valid TS packet" error. Can these file have been cut (delete a part of the recording) in the 5000-box?
I have never cut a file. If a part of a file have been cut off, it might be different in the file. I think I should implement some kind of find-ts-start-again in the application.
Could you please run the files that give this error with the beta version I put on my web page. This will give little more information for me. Post the printout or send it in a pm to me.

The files that have passed the conversion, but does not play. The play stop very shortly after start (<1sec). For a very short time the video and/or sound comes. For me this happend if I try to play (even files originally from the 7700HD) from a Western Digital 2307A USB disk (WD1200U017-001). My USB pin, SanDisk cruzer micro 4GB, works fine to play from. The WDdisk works for copy to and from.
Did you have the 3 movies on the same USB device when you tried to play them?

NoIdOr: I don't no about avc files. If you with avc files mean the new HD format, the answer might be yes if it is in TS packet format.

PS. My intention with this program is not to be a general converter. It's made to make an easier transfer from old toppy (or maybe some other box) to the new HD toppy.

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 114
Registriert: Do 20. Apr 2006, 14:44
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: Neueste
Wohnort: Hessen

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Nold0r » Fr 11. Apr 2008, 06:36

[quote=""Top4""]NoIdOr: I don't no about avc files. If you with avc files mean the new HD format, the answer might be yes if it is in TS packet format.[/quote]

That sounds very good! I ask because you can not only play MPEG2-streams (Toppy old files, own DVDs on your hard disk) you can play also an HD camera (AVC format) recorded movie - own HDDVD/Blue Ray ripps should be playable to.

It is interesting for me because I bought some HDDVDs very cheap, and I have no HDDVD player so I try to play them over the Toppy.

TF 7700 HD PVR ; ID 23231 ; Loader 1.02; Geräte Vers. 2.0.6; Softw.: 7.00.19
Festplatte: Seagate 750GB DB35 (vorher 500GB Samsung 8MB) BEIDE RUCKELN!!!
Premiere HD Abo (AlphaCrypt Classic 3.14)

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 11:26

[quote=""Top4""]hgdo: The files that get the "Not valid TS packet" error. Can these file have been cut (delete a part of the recording) in the 5000-box?[/quote]
That is possible, but I don't remember
I have never cut a file. If a part of a file have been cut off, it might be different in the file. I think I should implement some kind of find-ts-start-again in the application.
Could you please run the files that give this error with the beta version I put on my web page. This will give little more information for me. Post the printout or send it in a pm to me.
Here is the Log-file:

Code: Alles auswählen

Diamantenfieber.rec 5706055680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
TotalBytesRead = 574905692, UntilNow = 557809912.
 0A 8A 0A 8A 03 C2 0A 8A 20 13 00 0D 1A 4F 2B E2 8A 74 05 96 9D B2 C4 69 29 AD EE 23 64 C0 C0 07 C5 72 61 30 A0 C2 62 43 40 F7 EE BE B0 B8 01 98 0C 40 4C 58 03 A0 0B 83 0B 01 DE 28 04 40 50 86 30 0B E0 1E E0 DD 9B 93 E0 07 80 18 80 5C 90 0C 00 A9 34 07 60 19 06 92 F8 0E 50 1B 80 4C 90 1B 94 C9 C3 8E 32 D5 C6 A5 58 DF FF ED DC 2A 67 A5 2C DB 99 80 20 21 90 C0 A6 04 10 14 42 00 A2 53 94 03 70 C0 D0 1D 80 9D 64 F1 70 01 22 00 62 05 00 0B D2 00 F0 04 C3 4B 1E 82 C0 0D 86 12 C9 5D 60 8A 00 8F 60 4D C2 08 96 31 25 93 4A 0C 0D 49 63 B6 40 4F 94 DA 9F F4 81 DB 8C 10
ERROR: Not valid TS packet, invalid file!
The files that have passed the conversion, but does not play. The play stop very shortly after start (<1sec). For a very short time the video and/or sound comes. For me this happend if I try to play (even files originally from the 7700HD) from a Western Digital 2307A USB disk (WD1200U017-001). My USB pin, SanDisk cruzer micro 4GB, works fine to play from. The WDdisk works for copy to and from.
Did you have the 3 movies on the same USB device when you tried to play them?
I tried them all with the same disk. But also with another disk and an USB-stick (Sandisk micro cruzer 8 GB) I had the same result.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 15:24

hgdo: Now a new release is available. If invalid sync_byte of ts packets, a search for sync_byte is done. I'm interested to see the printout from the file above (Diamantenfieber.rec).

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 15:47

RecToTs now processes much more but not completely:

Code: Alles auswählen

Diamantenfieber.rec 5706055680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
[557809912 9%]  Resync, skipped 188 bytes.
[1540391160 26%]  Resync, skipped 188 bytes.
ERROR: ResyncTs() fseek failed!

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 17:09

Oops sorry, but I can't see the source for the fault. I have put up a new Beta version. Would you please run with that, the same file as above. It will print out some debug information, which might help me track down the fault.

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 17:38


Code: Alles auswählen

Diamantenfieber.rec 5706055680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
[557809912 9%]  Resync, skipped 188 bytes.
[1540391160 26%]  Resync, skipped 188 bytes.
Debug info: 0x00410698 0x00420020 52264000 125775
            2690199348 52264000 278000
            23645700 28618300
ERROR: ResyncTs() fseek failed!

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 18:09

Now there is a new Beta version.
I used the standard function fseek, but it could not handle big files (32bit limit). That is fixed.

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 18:31

Now more than 4.5 GB were processed but it still failed:

Code: Alles auswählen

Diamantenfieber.rec 5706055680 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 1692.
Program Map Table (PMT):
    Program Number (Service Id): 0x6DCA
    PMT  0x0064 *
    PCR  0x0065 *
    0x02 0x0065 Video; STD, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x01 *
    0x03 0x0066 Audio; deu, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x02 *
    0x03 0x0067 Audio; 2ch, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x04 *
    0x05 0x0819 Unknown; Application signalling 
    0x06 0x0068 Private; StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x03, Teletext deu-i0 *
    0x06 0x006A Private; dd, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x11, AC-3 *
    0x0B 0x0817 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0B 0x0818 DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x0A, Broadcast 
    0x0B 0x081C DSM-CC U-N; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6... 
    0x0C 0x042A Unknown; Defined in ISO/IEC 13818-6, StreamIdentifier ComponentTag=0x65 
Debug info: 0x00410698 0x00420020 52264000 266880
            4804405048 52264000 278000
            50173440 2090560
ERROR: ResyncTs() fseek failed!

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 19:35

Ooops, the new function failes above 32bit (the old at 31bit). But now I use another function, seems to be able to handle over 32bit size. New Beta version available.

One very strange thing in your latest run, is that there is no Resync information! Well let see what the latest beta shows. Maybe the lseek didn't do the right stuff, even that it did not indicate error.

PS. I have now got an USB disk to function (play from). It's a 40GB IDE disk placed in an USB box, with a 30GB partition (partioned and format in Windows XP).

Beiträge: 8868
Registriert: Do 8. Dez 2005, 23:59

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von hgdo » Sa 12. Apr 2008, 21:08

Diamantenfieber was now processed completely. But it is not playable like the other 3 files in #4.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » So 13. Apr 2008, 01:05

New Beta version up. The default audio PID was not set correctly, last value on the ".add:" row (8000 = fault). This is fixed, but it is only set for PCM/2ch audio. Not AC-3, because I have not get this to work. It is also not possible to change audio track at play time. Sorry for this, so far I have not figure this out.

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Registriert: Do 20. Apr 2006, 14:44
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: Neueste
Wohnort: Hessen

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Nold0r » So 13. Apr 2008, 10:44

Hi Top4 & hgdo,

I tested some files with all 3 versions and I had problems with playing the files from my USB drive, so I copied them on the toppys HDdrive - now it was possible to play, but without sound!
For more testings, I renamed the files 1 2 ... BE CAREFUL! After renaming, the files weren´t deletable!!! You can only delete them with Windows!

TF 7700 HD PVR ; ID 23231 ; Loader 1.02; Geräte Vers. 2.0.6; Softw.: 7.00.19
Festplatte: Seagate 750GB DB35 (vorher 500GB Samsung 8MB) BEIDE RUCKELN!!!
Premiere HD Abo (AlphaCrypt Classic 3.14)

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Sa 24. Nov 2007, 19:46

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files


Beitrag von Top4 » So 13. Apr 2008, 11:59

I have tested to create a 30GB partion on my WD 120GB USB disk and format it with Win XP. Same problem, not possible to play from. The 40GB disk I write about above is 3½" and use external power supply. The WD 120GB is 2½" with no external supply. So for me the 40GB (30GB) 3½ and the Sandisk 4GB flash works fine.

PS. I can't spend so much time on this to day, but I shall try to get AC-3 sound to work later on.


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