HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040

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Registriert: Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:09

HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von musicman » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 07:46

I'm having issues with my CRP-2401 and my audio reciever.
When I shut down everything the CRP-2401 leaves the HDMI output "open" so the audio reciever cannot shut down completely and after that it cannot be started until you unplug the Hdmi cable. This doesn't happen everytime but occasionally.
This happens only with the Topfield and not with any other device, I've also tried out diffrent cable-recievers and they all work without any problems. Changing ports won't help.
Am I the first with these issues? Is this a firmware issue or hardware? I have the latest Beta-firmware installed downloaded from this forum.
Please help, I would like to keep my Topfield which is by my standards the best cable reciever.
CRP-2401 C+
Autostart: PlasmaEPG HD, FastSkip, IQTuner, TMSArchive, QuickPlay, TMSCommander, AutoReboot
ProgramFiles: TAPtoDate, FirmwareTMS, RecPatcher

Beiträge: 2214
Registriert: Mi 26. Dez 2007, 13:10
Receivertyp: SRP-2410M SE, SRP 2401CI+, SRP 2401CI+ Eco (eiserne Reserve)
Receiverfirmware: 18.12.2013, 3.4.2014
Wohnort: Rhein-Main

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von Roemer » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 09:27

Seems to be a common problem with CEC which isn't supported by Topfield. Try to get a HDMI-cable where Pin 13 is disconnected. this should solve the problem.

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:09

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von musicman » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 12:01

[quote="Roemer"]Seems to be a common problem with CEC which isn't supported by Topfield. Try to get a HDMI-cable where Pin 13 is disconnected. this should solve the problem.[/quote]

Okay, I will look in to it. It is just odd that it doesn't do it every single time.. Sometimes once a week and sometimes daily. There is no pattern..
CRP-2401 C+
Autostart: PlasmaEPG HD, FastSkip, IQTuner, TMSArchive, QuickPlay, TMSCommander, AutoReboot
ProgramFiles: TAPtoDate, FirmwareTMS, RecPatcher


<div title=Logoistiker, kindlicher Liebhaber bunter Blumen und Mod in Black, der sich seinen Status im Forum am liebsten selbst setzten will, obwohl er manchmal im falschen Thread postet HabenWoller>LkLbBuMiBdss<br>SiFalsswoemifTpHW</div>
Beiträge: 30572
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2005, 12:41
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Receivertyp: VU+ Ultimo 4k
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von Maliboy » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 13:30

You can also change the Stand By Mode of the TOPFIELD. The only problem is that the antenna signal will not pass through if you changed this. I don't think that disabling Pin 13 will help. I have also the 1040 and the Receiver Switch off always. Only the HDMI pass through will work, but not all times. If the Last Device is my Blu Ray Player, or my Photocamera, I have to Switch on the Receiver and manual Switch to the TOPFIELD HDMI Input. This is really annoying.

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:09

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von musicman » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 14:02

Maliboy hat geschrieben:You can also change the Stand By Mode of the TOPFIELD. The only problem is that the antenna signal will not pass through if you changed this. I don't think that disabling Pin 13 will help. I have also the 1040 and the Receiver Switch off always. Only the HDMI pass through will work, but not all times. If the Last Device is my Blu Ray Player, or my Photocamera, I have to Switch on the Receiver and manual Switch to the TOPFIELD HDMI Input. This is really annoying.

I have the HDMI pass through set to off on my reciever so I guess you would have the same problem if you would turn it off? :thinker:
CRP-2401 C+
Autostart: PlasmaEPG HD, FastSkip, IQTuner, TMSArchive, QuickPlay, TMSCommander, AutoReboot
ProgramFiles: TAPtoDate, FirmwareTMS, RecPatcher


<div title=Logoistiker, kindlicher Liebhaber bunter Blumen und Mod in Black, der sich seinen Status im Forum am liebsten selbst setzten will, obwohl er manchmal im falschen Thread postet HabenWoller>LkLbBuMiBdss<br>SiFalsswoemifTpHW</div>
Beiträge: 30572
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2005, 12:41
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Receivertyp: VU+ Ultimo 4k
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von Maliboy » Mo 22. Sep 2014, 14:08

I don't think so. I think the difference is the standby mode of the Topfield. I use passive (if my Topfield is off, the power button has an red led on).
As I wrote above, the SONY will not switch automaticly to the HDMI input of the TOPFIELD. So it will nor recognize the Topfield if it on or off.

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:09

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von musicman » Di 23. Sep 2014, 06:56

Maliboy hat geschrieben:I don't think so. I think the difference is the standby mode of the Topfield. I use passive (if my Topfield is off, the power button has an red led on).
As I wrote above, the SONY will not switch automaticly to the HDMI input of the TOPFIELD. So it will nor recognize the Topfield if it on or off.

The standby option on my Topfield has always been in passiv mode so that is not the case.
What I've read on other forums there are some devices that causes this and Topfield seems to be one of those :mad:
CRP-2401 C+
Autostart: PlasmaEPG HD, FastSkip, IQTuner, TMSArchive, QuickPlay, TMSCommander, AutoReboot
ProgramFiles: TAPtoDate, FirmwareTMS, RecPatcher


<div title=Logoistiker, kindlicher Liebhaber bunter Blumen und Mod in Black, der sich seinen Status im Forum am liebsten selbst setzten will, obwohl er manchmal im falschen Thread postet HabenWoller>LkLbBuMiBdss<br>SiFalsswoemifTpHW</div>
Beiträge: 30572
Registriert: So 11. Dez 2005, 12:41
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Receivertyp: VU+ Ultimo 4k
Wohnort: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von Maliboy » Di 23. Sep 2014, 15:41

As I wrote Above, I have no Problems. If I switch off the TOPFIELD, I can hear, that the SONY 1040 will also disable the Pass Through. Maybe here is the diference, but for me it looks so that the HDMI Signal is switch off.

SONY KD-49X8505B - KDG CI+ SC: G09 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
ULTIMO 4k (mit Vti Image)
Bald in Rente: CRP2401CI+ - ACL V1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD, Sky) TAPs:
AutoStart: SmartEPG, SmartFiler, CallMonitor, FastSkip, TMSTelnetD,

SONY KDL-40W3000 ACL 1.16: D02 (DigitalFree, Privat HD)
Kabelanschluß: Vodafone/KDG (NE4)

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Fr 14. Dez 2012, 09:09

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von musicman » Do 25. Sep 2014, 09:20

Roemer hat geschrieben:Seems to be a common problem with CEC which isn't supported by Topfield. Try to get a HDMI-cable where Pin 13 is disconnected. this should solve the problem.

This seems to be the answer. I have disconnected pin 13 and no problems so far!
Knock on wood! :puh:
CRP-2401 C+
Autostart: PlasmaEPG HD, FastSkip, IQTuner, TMSArchive, QuickPlay, TMSCommander, AutoReboot
ProgramFiles: TAPtoDate, FirmwareTMS, RecPatcher

Beiträge: 2214
Registriert: Mi 26. Dez 2007, 13:10
Receivertyp: SRP-2410M SE, SRP 2401CI+, SRP 2401CI+ Eco (eiserne Reserve)
Receiverfirmware: 18.12.2013, 3.4.2014
Wohnort: Rhein-Main

AW: HDMI issue with CRP-2401 and Sony strdn1040


Beitrag von Roemer » Do 25. Sep 2014, 10:11

Great that it worked! :D :


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