Watching 5xxx rec files - RecToTS
- Lightning Man
- Erfahrener Sat-Guru ;)
- Beiträge: 382
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 10:26
- Receivertyp: Megagepimpter White Polar
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
- Wohnort: Didderse
- Kontaktdaten:
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Looks like someone was able to decypher the 7700 HSCI Format:

- Nold0r
- Erfahrener Benutzer
- Beiträge: 114
- Registriert: Do 20. Apr 2006, 14:44
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: Neueste
- Wohnort: Hessen
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Top4 hat geschrieben:NoIdOr: Sorry, I didn't recognize stream type 81 as a known one. I had print info about it (AC-3), so something about it was in the source code. Well rapid developed application... Now 81 have been added as known type. New release up on the page.
PS. This should have been a good point to run without the "only known PIDs" switch, but this is not possible in combination with creating the 7700HD files. Well, maybe I will fix this also in the future.
@ Top4: Thank you for your work and spontaneous reaction! The tone is now processing but the 7700 did not recognize it - there is no Audio track

TF 7700 HD PVR ; ID 23231 ; Loader 1.02; Geräte Vers. 2.0.6; Softw.: 7.00.19
Festplatte: Seagate 750GB DB35 (vorher 500GB Samsung 8MB) BEIDE RUCKELN!!!
Premiere HD Abo (AlphaCrypt Classic 3.14)

TF 7700 HD PVR ; ID 23231 ; Loader 1.02; Geräte Vers. 2.0.6; Softw.: 7.00.19
Festplatte: Seagate 750GB DB35 (vorher 500GB Samsung 8MB) BEIDE RUCKELN!!!
Premiere HD Abo (AlphaCrypt Classic 3.14)
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
NoIdOr: Please post the printouts and I will look at it.
- Topfazubi
- Beiträge: 26
- Registriert: Fr 16. Mai 2008, 15:25
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR mit 500GB v Samsung
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
im sorry to ask such a stupid question but i just cant figure out how to use this tool. i have a 4.5GB *.ts file which i would like to play on my tf7700hdpvr...
i downloaded the RecToTs.exe file but im just too dumb to figure out how it works. could anyone help me and post short, idiot-proof instructions?
i downloaded the RecToTs.exe file but im just too dumb to figure out how it works. could anyone help me and post short, idiot-proof instructions?
- Hallmackenreuther
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 411
- Registriert: Fr 23. Nov 2007, 10:11
- Receiverfirmware: .24
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Die TS-File muss sich im Hauptverzeichnis (c:\) befinden.
Dann öffnest du die Eingabeaufforderung, die befindet sich in Programme/Zubehör. Es öffnet sich dieses schwarze Fenster mit dem Kursor. Damit der Kurser im Hauptverzeichnis landet, tippst du mehrmals ein: cd.. drückst auf <return>, bis dort steht: c:\>
Hier tippst du ein: rectots_ *.ts_ d:\_ /7
(Erklärung: _ ist ein Blank, also Leerzeichen. *.ts bedeutet, er nimmt sämtliche TS-Files, die sich im C-Hauptverzeichnis befinden, das erspart das Eintippen der Dateinamen. d:\ ist das zweite Laufwerk, auf das er die fertigen Topfdateien kopiert, also das USB-Laufwerk, das dann an den Topf angeschlossen wird. /7 ist wichtig, damit er die drei Extradateien erstellt.)
Wenn du jetzt auf Return drückst, fängt er an die TS-File auf Festplatte C: in Topf7700-Datei auf Laufwerk D: zu wandeln. Falls dein USB-Laufwerk beispielsweise den Laufwerksbuchstaben E: hat, dann nimmst du E: statt D: Dann hieße es: rectots_ *.ts_ e:\_ /7
Das gleiche geht mit rec-Dateien, dann schreibt man allerdings in der Befehlszeile statt *.ts ebend *.rec.
Dann öffnest du die Eingabeaufforderung, die befindet sich in Programme/Zubehör. Es öffnet sich dieses schwarze Fenster mit dem Kursor. Damit der Kurser im Hauptverzeichnis landet, tippst du mehrmals ein: cd.. drückst auf <return>, bis dort steht: c:\>
Hier tippst du ein: rectots_ *.ts_ d:\_ /7
(Erklärung: _ ist ein Blank, also Leerzeichen. *.ts bedeutet, er nimmt sämtliche TS-Files, die sich im C-Hauptverzeichnis befinden, das erspart das Eintippen der Dateinamen. d:\ ist das zweite Laufwerk, auf das er die fertigen Topfdateien kopiert, also das USB-Laufwerk, das dann an den Topf angeschlossen wird. /7 ist wichtig, damit er die drei Extradateien erstellt.)
Wenn du jetzt auf Return drückst, fängt er an die TS-File auf Festplatte C: in Topf7700-Datei auf Laufwerk D: zu wandeln. Falls dein USB-Laufwerk beispielsweise den Laufwerksbuchstaben E: hat, dann nimmst du E: statt D: Dann hieße es: rectots_ *.ts_ e:\_ /7
Das gleiche geht mit rec-Dateien, dann schreibt man allerdings in der Befehlszeile statt *.ts ebend *.rec.
- Topfazubi
- Beiträge: 26
- Registriert: Fr 16. Mai 2008, 15:25
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR mit 500GB v Samsung
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
erstmal vielen dank fuer die anleitung. jetzt hab ich verstanden wie das funktioniert. bei mir kommt jedoch immer die fehlermeldung: failed to create out file.
warum kommt das und was kann ich dagegen machen?
ich hab den screenshot vom fehler angehaengt...
warum kommt das und was kann ich dagegen machen?
ich hab den screenshot vom fehler angehaengt...
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
- Hallmackenreuther
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 411
- Registriert: Fr 23. Nov 2007, 10:11
- Receiverfirmware: .24
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Vielleicht liegt es an der TS-Datei. Solltest du einen Topfield 5000 haben, versuche doch mal eine Rec-Datei testweise umzuwandeln, oder besorgte dir aus dem Netz eine andere TS-Datei, z.B. einen Trailer. Bei mir hat es mit Rec-Dateien vom Topfield5000 immer geklappt.
- Topfazubi
- Beiträge: 26
- Registriert: Fr 16. Mai 2008, 15:25
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR mit 500GB v Samsung
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
ich hab leider keinen aelteren topfield. der 7700er ist mein erster. die datei die ich ansehen moechte ist eine matroska (.mkv) datei die ich mithilfe von dem programm tsmuxer in eine ts datei umgewandelt habe...gibt es vielleicht ein anderes programm welches die fuer den 7700er noetigen strukturen erstellen kann?
danke und lg
danke und lg
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
[quote="kornspitz"]bei mir kommt jedoch immer die fehlermeldung: failed to create out file.
warum kommt das und was kann ich dagegen machen?[/quote]
It was not possible to create the destination file. Either a file already exist or no write permission. The destination (out) file will have the same name as the input file (.ts), but with extension .rec and be located in the given destination folder.
- Topfazubi
- Beiträge: 26
- Registriert: Fr 16. Mai 2008, 15:25
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR mit 500GB v Samsung
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
thanks for your response. i tried again and made sure that there is no file with the same name, that there is enough space on my harddisk, and that i have administrator rights on the computer. it still says it cant create the you have any other ideas?
thanks again for your help...
thanks again for your help...
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Please tell us the complete name of the file
- Topfazubi
- Beiträge: 26
- Registriert: Fr 16. Mai 2008, 15:25
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR mit 500GB v Samsung
- Receiverfirmware: aktuelle
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
I simply named it Test.ts
- Vielfrager
- Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 7. Mär 2008, 18:33
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: 7.00.20
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
I successfuly converted several ts-files into TF7700HDPVR format. So the program works fine for me. Now I have a ts file containing this: Dolby Digital Audio Stream #74 and AVC Video Stream #73 (TsRemux is telling me this).
I converted it with RecToTs into TF7700HDPVR format but I can only watch the video stream, there is no sound. Here ist the content of the RecToTs.log:
RecToTs.exe Build: May 2 2008 22:39:17
itvhd.ts 282875140 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x81 0x1100 AC-3; registration_descriptor, 0x81 User *
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 5910 0 0 1 5910 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 5910 0 5910 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 591 0 0 0 591 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1011 1449570 0 1449570 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1001 5910 0 5910 0 0
0x1100 36764 0 36764 0 0 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 4859403518 - 4877812118, 204sec, 3:24 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-03 23:32 3min 1 100 1001 1011 1FFF
Conversion time: 22 min 0 sec.
What can I do to get the sound working?
Thanks a lot and greetings!
I successfuly converted several ts-files into TF7700HDPVR format. So the program works fine for me. Now I have a ts file containing this: Dolby Digital Audio Stream #74 and AVC Video Stream #73 (TsRemux is telling me this).
I converted it with RecToTs into TF7700HDPVR format but I can only watch the video stream, there is no sound. Here ist the content of the RecToTs.log:
RecToTs.exe Build: May 2 2008 22:39:17
itvhd.ts 282875140 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x81 0x1100 AC-3; registration_descriptor, 0x81 User *
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 5910 0 0 1 5910 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 5910 0 5910 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 591 0 0 0 591 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1011 1449570 0 1449570 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1001 5910 0 5910 0 0
0x1100 36764 0 36764 0 0 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 4859403518 - 4877812118, 204sec, 3:24 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-03 23:32 3min 1 100 1001 1011 1FFF
Conversion time: 22 min 0 sec.
What can I do to get the sound working?
Thanks a lot and greetings!
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
kornspitz: Could you post the complete command string you run (for the Test.ts file that fails). You could also test to copy the file. To a file named <the destination path>Test.rec
BBC-HD-Fan: New beta version up. The AC-3 PID was not included in the ifo and add files. Hopefully now fixed, I haven't tested it. Please run and let me know if it works or not.
BBC-HD-Fan: New beta version up. The AC-3 PID was not included in the ifo and add files. Hopefully now fixed, I haven't tested it. Please run and let me know if it works or not.
- Vielfrager
- Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 7. Mär 2008, 18:33
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: 7.00.20
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Top4 hat geschrieben:
BBC-HD-Fan: New beta version up. The AC-3 PID was not included in the ifo and add files. Hopefully now fixed, I haven't tested it. Please run and let me know if it works or not.
Thanks a lot. Sorry, but I made a mistake telling you the stream ID's of the last ts-file: Dolby Digital Audio Stream #74 and AVC Video Stream #73 were the ID's BEFORE creating the ts-file.

The ts file I want to convert into TF7700HDPVR format has the following stream ID's:
Dolby Digital Audio Stream #0 and AVC Video Stream #17 (TsRemux is telling me this). Here the details of the ts-file (MediaInfo is telling me this):
ID : 1
Complete name : L:\itvhd_test2.ts
Format : MPEG-TS
File size : 150 MiB
ID : 4113 (0x1011)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile : High@L4.0
Format settings, CABAC : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames : 4
Width : 1440 pixels
Height : 1080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16/9
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Colorimetry : 4:2:0
Scan type : Interlaced
Scan order : Top Field First
ID : 4352 (0x1100)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : AC-3
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
Bit rate mode : CBR
Bit rate : 256 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Channel positions : L R
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Video0 delay : -457ms
Now I converted this ts file with your new beta of RecToTs. Again there is only picture but no sound.

RecToTs.exe Build: Jun 6 2008 00:12:01
itvhd_test2.ts 157220076 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x81 0x1100 AC-3; registration_descriptor, 0x81 User *
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 3286 0 0 1 3286 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 3286 0 3286 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 329 0 0 0 329 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1001 3286 0 3286 0 0
0x1011 805661 0 805661 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1100 20429 0 20429 0 0 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 4867606118 - 4877812118, 113sec, 1:53 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-06 21:54 1min 1 100 1001 1011 1FFF
Conversion time: 18 min 33 sec.
It would be great if you could find a way.

AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Oops, late night programming!
Well now a new beta is up. Now, I hope, the 0x81 stream shall be used as AC-3 audio track.
PS. The last value on the ".add" row is the default audio PID. If it is 1FFF, there will be no sound. The audio PID should also be on the ".ifo" row.
Well now a new beta is up. Now, I hope, the 0x81 stream shall be used as AC-3 audio track.
PS. The last value on the ".add" row is the default audio PID. If it is 1FFF, there will be no sound. The audio PID should also be on the ".ifo" row.
- Vielfrager
- Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 7. Mär 2008, 18:33
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: 7.00.20
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
[quote="Top4"]Oops, late night programming!
Well now a new beta is up. Now, I hope, the 0x81 stream shall be used as AC-3 audio track.
PS. The last value on the ".add" row is the default audio PID. If it is 1FFF, there will be no sound. The audio PID should also be on the ".ifo" row.[/quote]
I couldn't find the new beta. It seems to be the file I used yesterday (6.6.2008 0:12). Please upload the new one. Thanks!
- Hallmackenreuther
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 411
- Registriert: Fr 23. Nov 2007, 10:11
- Receiverfirmware: .24
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
Doch ist da. Vielleicht im Browser mal "aktualisieren" klicken, damit die Website sich neu lädt.
- Vielfrager
- Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 7. Mär 2008, 18:33
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: 7.00.20
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
You did it man! It's working! The converted ts file runs with picture and sound on my TF7700HDPVR! Here is the log file.
RecToTs.exe Build: Jun 7 2008 17:00:25
itvhd_test2.ts 157220076 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x81 0x1100 AC-3; registration_descriptor, 0x81 User *
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 3286 0 0 1 3286 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 3286 0 3286 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 329 0 0 0 329 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1001 3286 0 3286 0 0
0x1011 805661 0 805661 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1100 20429 0 20429 0 0 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 4867606118 - 4877812118, 113sec, 1:53 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 A=1100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-06 21:54 1min 1 100 1001 1011 3100
Conversion time: 13 min 19 sec.
You did it man! It's working! The converted ts file runs with picture and sound on my TF7700HDPVR! Here is the log file.

RecToTs.exe Build: Jun 7 2008 17:00:25
itvhd_test2.ts 157220076 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x81 0x1100 AC-3; registration_descriptor, 0x81 User *
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 3286 0 0 1 3286 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 3286 0 3286 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 329 0 0 0 329 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1001 3286 0 3286 0 0
0x1011 805661 0 805661 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1100 20429 0 20429 0 0 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 4867606118 - 4877812118, 113sec, 1:53 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 A=1100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-06 21:54 1min 1 100 1001 1011 3100
Conversion time: 13 min 19 sec.
- Vielfrager
- Beiträge: 24
- Registriert: Fr 7. Mär 2008, 18:33
- Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
- Receiverfirmware: 7.00.20
AW: Watching 5xxx rec files
ITV HD seems to send in a different audio format now (PCM). I recorded yesterday a part of the soccer match. Here are details of the ts file shown in Mediainfo:
ID : 1
Complete name : D:\itvhdsport.ts
Format : MPEG-TS
File size : 1.26 GiB
ID : 4113 (0x1011)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile : High@L4.0
Format settings, CABAC : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames : 4
Width : 1440 pixels
Height : 1080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16/9
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Colorimetry : 4:2:0
Scan type : Interlaced
Scan order : Top Field First
ID : 4352 (0x1100)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : PCM
Format settings, Endianness : Big
Format settings, Sign : Signed
Resolution : 24 bits
Video0 delay : -185ms
I tried to convert it with RecToTs and again there is only picture and no sound. Here is the log file:
RecToTs.exe Build: Jun 7 2008 17:00:25
itvhdsport.ts 1351372952 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x80 0x1100 Unknown
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 28267 0 0 1 28267 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 28267 0 28267 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 2827 0 0 0 2827 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1001 28267 0 28267 0 0
0x1011 6930101 0 6930101 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1100 170425 0 0 0 170425 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 329349318 - 417299118, 977sec, 16:17 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-07 19:50 16min 1 100 1001 1011 1FFF
Conversion time: 107 min 54 sec.
ITV HD seems to send in a different audio format now (PCM). I recorded yesterday a part of the soccer match. Here are details of the ts file shown in Mediainfo:
ID : 1
Complete name : D:\itvhdsport.ts
Format : MPEG-TS
File size : 1.26 GiB
ID : 4113 (0x1011)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile : High@L4.0
Format settings, CABAC : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames : 4
Width : 1440 pixels
Height : 1080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16/9
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Colorimetry : 4:2:0
Scan type : Interlaced
Scan order : Top Field First
ID : 4352 (0x1100)
MenuID/String : 1 (0x1)
Format : PCM
Format settings, Endianness : Big
Format settings, Sign : Signed
Resolution : 24 bits
Video0 delay : -185ms
I tried to convert it with RecToTs and again there is only picture and no sound. Here is the log file:
RecToTs.exe Build: Jun 7 2008 17:00:25
itvhdsport.ts 1351372952 bytes
Find start of TS packets at offset 0.
Program Map Table (PMT):
Program Number (Service Id): 0x0001
Descriptors: 0x88 User, registration_descriptor
PMT 0x0100 *
PCR 0x1001 *
0x80 0x1100 Unknown
0x1B 0x1011 AVC Video; registration_descriptor *
PID TsCount Scramb Written !Continuity Skipped
0x0000 28267 0 0 1 28267 PSI 0x00 Program association section
0x0100 28267 0 28267 1 0 PSI 0x02 TS Program map section
0x001F 2827 0 0 0 2827 Unknown, 00 7F F0 19 FF FF
0x1001 28267 0 28267 0 0
0x1011 6930101 0 6930101 0 0 PES 0xE0 Video 0x00
0x1100 170425 0 0 0 170425 PES 0xBD private_stream_1
PCR: -1 - -1, 0sec
PTS: 329349318 - 417299118, 977sec, 16:17 (for Video stream)
.ifo: B=1011 15=100 9=1001
.add: 2008-06-07 19:50 16min 1 100 1001 1011 1FFF
Conversion time: 107 min 54 sec.