flechumer hat geschrieben:I assume ITV1 and the other channels with "Extension impossible" do support EPG regularly? Then it should be known wether a change of event-id really occurs in those cases. It would help if you let AX set bookmarks.
Yes specially the Astra 2 (UK) channels are very accurate with there EPG.
I ran a test recording with bookmarks on.
Code: Alles auswählen
AutoExtender 02.10.68(0)
Copycats (R)
Date: 11.11.2010
Request: 16:02 - 16:30
Execution: 16:02 - 17:00
static: 16:05 - 16:30
dynamic: 16:04 - 16:59
Delay: 05:00
Stop Reason: Extension impossible (5)
Bookmarks: 1
Code: Alles auswählen
AutoExtender 02.10.68(0)
3rd Rock from the sun
Date: 11.11.2010
Request: 16:05 - 16:40
Execution: 16:05 - 16:58
static: 16:10 - 16:40
dynamic: 16:11 - 16:41
Delay: 16:15
Stop Reason: Normal Outrun (5)
Bookmarks: 2
As you can every time it is the recording that started first that failed.
"Copycats (R)" only has the bookmark set at the start of the program, the end mark is missing.