von gerd.schmidt » Fr 1. Mai 2015, 10:46
I also had a problem with the Blue key in V5.1a. In the earlier version I opend TMSA with the Blue key and could delete records within TMSA also with the Blue key. In the new version the following has happened: I could still open TMSA with the Blue key. But when I tried to delete a record (with the Blue key), TMSA has closed himself. After opening TMSA again, the cursor was positioned at the first record (not the last before closing TMSA) and a window was open with the question, if I want to delete this file.
Now I open TMSA with the Yellow key, and all is well.
Zuletzt geändert von
gerd.schmidt am Fr 1. Mai 2015, 10:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Korrktur
Topfield CRP-2401CI+ mit CI+ Modul von KDG und SC D08 (FW 26.03.14)
Metz Topas mit CI+ Modul von KDG und SC G02
KDG Digital HD - Sky Komplettpaket
TAPs im Autostart
TMSCommander, TimerDiags, FastSkip, RebuildNAV, SmartEPG_TMS, TMSArchive, WebControl
Weitere TAPs:
TAPtoDate, TMSMount, StartFTPd, Systemreport, HDDInfo_TMS, SmartFiler_TMS, TMSTelnetd, BackgroundCopy, TMSRemote, SmartBackup,