5400 - how to add a new satellite?

Spezielles Forum zum TF5400PVR combo (Twin-Receiver für terrestrischen und Satelliten-Empfang)
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 19. Jul 2006, 14:29

5400 - how to add a new satellite?


Beitrag von Jaroslav » Do 27. Jul 2006, 11:18

Hi, is there a possibility to add a new satellite, its tranponders, etc.?
I have Topfield 5400 (combo), it doesn't have such functionality.
I know that Vega sw from Topfield is normally used for this, but its current version doesn't support 5400 model. It works somehow, but kills all my terrestrial channels and I have to do complete reset of the box after using it (reset to factory settings)!
TopSet sw doesn't support 5400 either.

Any good idea?

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