
TAPs für die SRP- und CRP-Serie
Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » So 27. Mai 2018, 13:53

Boby hat geschrieben:
So 27. Mai 2018, 13:17
But...I just noticed that any other element on the page is being redirected correctly to https://<top level domain/topfield/
It's just that api call which doesn't work as expected. Maybe it's not the config of my reverse proxy but something in your code?

PS: Using version 2.20 (tap & web)
That may be true. Perhaps the API requests have an absolute path. I will have a look on it.
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Beiträge: 95
Registriert: Fr 10. Aug 2007, 12:40
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ in Verwendung
(2xTF-4000, 1xTF-6000 in Reparatur)
Wohnort: nahe Wien

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von Boby » So 27. Mai 2018, 15:33

DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:
So 27. Mai 2018, 13:32
DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:
Sa 26. Mai 2018, 13:57
Also, if you try to access "http://[Public IP]:8000/index-dev.html", do you receive a different error message?
Sorry, forgot about that. I don't get a real "error message" - the logo is missing and it says "initializing", that's all.
When I look at the network console in Chrome, I can see that at least the path "/modules" seems also to be coded absolute because the generated URL is also not considering my named forwarding (means: it generates "https://<tld>/modules" instead of "https://<tld>/topfield/modules"

Thank you very much!

All the best,

Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
Wohnort: Australia

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von DeltaMikeCharlie » So 27. Mai 2018, 22:31

I'm not sure that I understand the problem correctly. If your reverse proxy is translating from "https://<tld>/topfield/" (assuming port 443) to "http://[Private IP]:8000/" and back again, should it not be translating the content of all URLs requested and responded? Are you missing a translation rule somewhere?

Even if the "/modules" path is absolute within WebControl, I would have thought that the reverse proxy server should translate it to "/topfield/modules".

As a test, you could create a new directory under "public_html" on the PVR called "topfield" and then copy the entire structure from "public_html" into "topfield". If you are super-keen, you could use hard links instead of copying to preserve data written (like saved epgsearch criteria).

Also 1), did you know that WebControl can do authentication for remote access? It uses standard HTTP authentication so it is in-the-clear, but it is enough to deter a casual intruder but not enough to deter a determined hacker.

Also 2), have you tried redirecting based on port rather than path? For example, "https://<tld>:8443/" could be translated to "http://[Private IP]:8000/" this may preserve the path.

Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » So 27. Mai 2018, 22:55

Think from the browser side.
It requests WebControl from https://<tld>/topfield/index.html
So server is "//<tld>" and base path is "/topfield".
When JavaScript calls the API with "/api?function=...", the browser will request from "https://<tld>/api?function=...". It ignores the base path due to the beginning /.
JS should call "api?function=..." without beginning slash.

I'm no sure, what happens with paths defined in css. Perhaps I will have to create a test environment.
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
Wohnort: Australia

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von DeltaMikeCharlie » Mo 28. Mai 2018, 00:50

Boby hat geschrieben:
So 27. Mai 2018, 15:33
the logo is missing and it says "initializing", that's all.
In index.html, there is a line "<p><img src="web-app-icon-192.png" width="192" height="192"></p>". Before returning this to the browser, the reverse proxy should change it to "<p><img src="topfield/web-app-icon-192.png" width="192" height="192"></p>" ></script>".

Also, the line "<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tma.min.js"></script>" should be changed to "<script type="text/javascript" src="topfield/js/tma.min.js"></script>", etc.

Within any HTML/CSS/JS/JSON file (eg, tma.min.js) returned, there will be numerous mentions of paths to other HTML/CSS/JS/JSON files. All of these paths should be modified by the reverse proxy before returning the request to the browser.

I believe that the reverse proxy needs to be performing a number of global replace operations on files/data before returning them to the browser:

"/" → "topfield/"
"api?/" → "topfield/api?/"
"css/" → "topfield/css/"
"fonts/" → "topfield/fonts/"
"js/" → "topfield/js/"
"moduleutils/"→ "topfield/ moduleutils /"
"poc/" → "topfield/poc/"
"tmsremote/" → "topfield/tmsremote/"

Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » Mi 30. Mai 2018, 11:08

Yesterday, I tested a similar proxy configuration and found, that a lot of changes need to be made in the WebC sources. All changes has to be tested with and without proxy, so this will take time ...

So my suggestion is, that you change your proxy configuration to use a port number instead of a sub-path (/topfield). Two modules (epg-search and tmsremote) are using a WebSocket connection to your PVR. You will need a proxy configuration for this too. And you can't use it with secure protocol (wss://), because the ws:// protocol is hard coded.
The WebSocket part could look like this:

Code: Alles auswählen

## websocket ##
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
	default upgrade;
	'' close;

## websocket epgsearch ##
server {
	listen 8800;
	location /epgsearch {
		proxy_pass http://<your-toppy-ip>:8800/epgsearch;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

## websocket tmsremote ##
server {
	listen 1413;
	location /tmsremote {
		proxy_pass http://<your-toppy-ip>:1413/tmsremote;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Beiträge: 56
Registriert: Di 2. Jan 2018, 11:24

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von MaxOgi » Fr 14. Sep 2018, 12:49

wenn WebControl vom PC (Win7,Firefox) aufrufe kommt immer diese Anzeige:

Wenn ich "installiere" geht das Fenster weg, ist aber beim nächsten Aufruf wieder da.
Was kann das sein ?

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Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
Wohnort: Australia

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von DeltaMikeCharlie » Fr 14. Sep 2018, 21:39

WebControl needs to store some settings locally in your browser to prevent this message from occurring in the future. With FireFox, if you are using a "Private Window" I have found that settings are only saved temporarily.

Also: jkIT may know better that me, but I also think that the "Inf+" popup also needs to be moved so that it is above "Aufnahme Info" if you use the INFplus TAP. Go to the "Einstellungen" to change the sequence.

Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » Fr 14. Sep 2018, 22:55

DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:
Fr 14. Sep 2018, 21:39
WebControl needs to store some settings locally in your browser to prevent this message from occurring in the future. With FireFox, if you are using a "Private Window" I have found that settings are only saved temporarily.
Das wäre auch meine Vermutung.
WebControl speichert Einstellungen im sogenannten "localStorage" des Browsers. Vermutlich ist dein FireFox so eingestellt, dass diese Daten nach dem Beenden gelöscht werden. Du müsstest also eine Ausnahme für die IP-Adresse deines Topfs anlegen.
DeltaMikeCharlie hat geschrieben:
Fr 14. Sep 2018, 21:39
Also: jkIT may know better that me, but I also think that the "Inf+" popup also needs to be moved so that it is above "Aufnahme Info" if you use the INFplus TAP. Go to the "Einstellungen" to change the sequence.
So ist es. Wenn du das Inf+ TAP verwendest musst du in den WebControl Einstellungen bei "verwendete Module" das Inf+ Popup über dem Standard-Aufnahme-Info Popup einbinden.
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Beiträge: 56
Registriert: Di 2. Jan 2018, 11:24

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von MaxOgi » Sa 15. Sep 2018, 11:13

OK - ich hab's verstanden. Es ist richtig dass FireFox beim Beenden alles löscht.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » So 9. Dez 2018, 21:17

Hi to you all,

I got a new HDD. A Bara... 1TB. Installed all TAPs by T2D.

After a while, I tried WebControl. SyntaxError.
I did a repair, no result. I uninstalled, installed, no result. WebControl v2.20.

Which file has to be repaired or replaced?
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"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » So 9. Dez 2018, 23:14

Hi Roger,

we have to inspect the response of "api?function=config&action=get!" first.
Press F12 in your browser (I prefer Chrome) to open the DevTools.
Then reload WebControl by pressing F5.
Go to "Network" tab, search and select the config-get api call and inspect the "Response" tab (or post it here in a code block).
Zuletzt geändert von jkIT am So 9. Dez 2018, 23:15, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: typo
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 00:00

Hi jkIT,

I have to wait with that inspection.
The Topfield @ my mam's place has been powered off.

I'll inspect @ next possable time.
Thanks already for your help.

Greetings Roger.
"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 16:22


The problem is in "device", not?
It shout be ""device":"SRP-2401CI+ Eco"

But why does it say: "device":"�:��b", ?

Greetings, Roger

This is all that starts:

Code: Alles auswählen

The respons of api?function=config&action=get!:

Code: Alles auswählen

"timestamp":"2018/12/10 16:06:10"}

"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Beiträge: 3206
Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von jkIT » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 16:31

Yes, that's it.
But I don't know the reason.
Perhaps a problem with the "firmware.dat"?
Maybe DMC has an idea?
Gruß jkIT

CRP-2401; SRP-2410 (aD); TF5000MP (aD); TF4000PVR (aD); TFtool, aTMSremote (Autor)

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 16:45

TMSRremote works well.
SE and SFiler won't start because off FirmwareTMS.dat (06-01-2016 installed)
I tried 31-12-2015 version of FirmwareTMS.dat. No SE start.
Receiverversion unknown!
Withou any FirmwareTMS.dat, starting SE says:
Can't execute a Tap.

SRP-2401CI+ Eco is in FirmwareTMS.dat but the tuner does now have a Baracuda HDD 1 TB.

I installed the last version again.

"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 18:52

Hi again,

In what directory goes FirmwareTMS.dat?

@myplace it is in programfiles and in settings.

I can't check now, because ftp on wan-connection is not portforwarded in router.
I have to go to my mams place.

"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Beiträge: 470
Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2013, 05:11
Wohnort: Australia

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von DeltaMikeCharlie » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 20:10

Hi Roger,

This part of the config information is obtained from FirmwareTMS.dat. This is done using FireBird's LoadFirmwareDat() function.

Code: Alles auswählen

    TAP_SPrint(AbsPath, "%s/ProgramFiles/Settings/%s", TAPFSROOT, FIRMWAREDAT);
    if(lstat(AbsPath, &statbuf))
      TAP_SPrint(AbsPath, "%s/ProgramFiles/%s", TAPFSROOT, FIRMWAREDAT);
      if(lstat(AbsPath, &statbuf))
        return FALSE;
This seems to look in "ProgramFiles/Settings/" and if it is not found there, it looks in "ProgramFiles/".

The device name seems to be garbage, but the '"maxrecstreams":0,' is also a good clue because a PVR that can record no concurrent streams is just a set-top-box.

In my view, there are 2 option:

1) FirmwareTMS.dat is missing, in the wrong place or has the wrong name. On my PVRs, it is in "/mnt/hd/ProgramFiles/FirmwareTMS.dat"
2) Your version of FirmwareTMS.dat does not contain SYSID 22570.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Erfahrener Benutzer
Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 5. Okt 2014, 19:59
Receivertyp: 1: SRP-2410HD
2: SRP-2401CI+ ECO
3: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: 1: TF-BCPCE 1.03.03
Wohnort: Lanaken - België

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von roger.stijfs » Mo 10. Dez 2018, 21:55

Hi DMC and jkIT,

This my topfield:

Code: Alles auswählen

"device":"SRP-2401CI+ Eco",
"hddmodel":"WDC WD5000LUCT-63C26Y0",
"timestamp":"2018/12/10 21:48:25"}
No problems, same version of srp, only the original WD HDD 500GB.

I think I start installing taps from scratch, again, but with ftp.
I'll write the outcome.

Thanks for your help.
"Opa" Roger. :X
SRP-2410, SRP-2401CI+ ECO and SRP-2401CI+ PRO
88 cm fixed dish, 4 quad LNB's (Astra123&HB), 66 cm dich on DisEqC 1.2 mount, 1 quad LNB.
2 seperated Toppie tuners, 1 TV tuner (Livingroom), 2 Toppie - master(A)/slave(B) switch to TV tuner (1st/2nd Floor).

Tap's in Autostart (All Toppies):
WebControl, LiveServer, SmartEPG, FreesatEIT, TMSServer, TMSClient and SmartFiler_TMS.

Beiträge: 391
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 16:09

Re: WebControl


Beitrag von ju313 » Mo 17. Dez 2018, 09:18

Ich habe WebControl 2.20 mit ChannelFinder 1.0 und dem channelsort Modul installiert und ausprobiert. Finde ich prima.

Beim ersten Start wurden alle Logos von SmartEPG importiert. Später habe ich Sender über Kanalsuche hinzugefügt und die entsprechenden Logos mit Filezilla ergänzt. Die Logos werden aber in WebControl nicht akualisiert. Was muss ich hierzu tun?

Außerdem habe ich keine Möglichkeit gefunden, Sender umzubenennen (z.B. Sky BL HD 5 statt Sky Bundesliga HD 5). Ist das derzeit möglich?

Danke schon mal.

Beste grüße
VU+ Duo 4k SE BT mit Samsung SSD 870 QVO 1TB, Plugins: SmartEPGvu, Dateimanager-VTi, Automatic Full Backup, PiconManager, Enhanced Movie Center (EMC), PC: DreamboxEDIT, Karten: Sky CI+, unterer Schacht HD+ (gbox)
SRP 2401 CI, ID22130, FW 03. Apr. 2014, HD+ mit CI+ Modul, Sky V/14 Karte mit CI+ Modul, Netgear Universal WLAN Internet Adapter (WNCE2001)
Fernbedienung Logitech Harmonie Companion


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