keith_leitch hat geschrieben:Hi,
I have tried to set it up with my server running XP, using the internal fixed network address ( and various different syntaxes for the volumes (//MEDIA/Videos (V), \\MEDIA\Videos (V), Videos (V) and even /mnt/MEDIA/Videos (V) ).
If you are want to mount the folder "V:\MEDIA\Videos" from the PC/Server to the receiver with FreeNFS try this!
FreeNFS Setting:
Root Folder Path: V:/MEDIA/Videos
Allowed Hosts: IP-Adress from the Receiver
For german umlauts you have to set to ?65001 (UTF-8)? for english writing I dont know the settings, you have to test it yourself!
This NasMount.ini pattern, set the path "V:/MEDIA/Videos" to the "MediaFiles/Share/" folder on the receiver!
The MAC-Adress is only needed if you are use WOL
With the mount options (-osoft,intr,tcp,rsize=65535) NASMount runs much more stable by many people, try it!
NAS IP-Address=IP-Adress from the PC/Server
NAS MAC-Address=
Local Folder Name=Share
Remotefolder MediaFiles=/Videos
Remotefolder MP3Files=
Remotefolder PhotoFiles=
Remotefolder DataFiles=
NAS Boottime=60
NAS Recording=0
Ping Wait=3
Ping Gap=30
Try this -> Set a NFS connection from a PC to the SRPI have a feeling that there is a simple problem with the syntax of my path, but I cannot find information detailed enough to help me.