Can SmartEPG FileDB store more than 200 entries ?

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Can SmartEPG FileDB store more than 200 entries ?


Beitrag von GarryB@Oz » Sa 2. Mai 2020, 07:20

I've been using SmartEPG for a long time. The FileDB database now has 200 entries – as shown in the FileDB Editor. But, that seems to be a maximum: old entries are dropping off as new ones are added. So, those old recordings are no longer being blocked when repeats are broadcast.

Is there a way to increase the maximum number of entries so that those old shows are blocked ?

Topfield 7160 (33021), Australian sourced September 2011.
TAPs: AutoStandby, jdaEPGMoreInfo, TimeShiftSaver, TMSMount, TMSTimer, SmartEPG

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Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
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Re: Can SmartEPG FileDB store more than 200 entries ?


Beitrag von Twilight » Sa 2. Mai 2020, 11:10

no it is the maximum which is shown when you look at the last records.
when you look at the entries from one search trimer you will see that it is endless ;)

wellcome on board :)



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