Referee hat geschrieben:My 7160 is set up to save in rec format, but I suspect that Smart EPG saves timed recordings in mpg format, but am not sure. Can someone please confirm.
Error on my part ---------------
My 7160 is set up to save in mpg format, but as the Topfields from Europe save in rec, could the difference between the two account for the problems I am having with timers. As jaffaman says on the Australian Forum
They both work, but many taps will only show one or the other, and I think even the default filelist may have problems showing both. The Australian models have all used .mpg except for some very very early firmware. The European models use .rec.
There is actually a difference in the files in Australia to Europe, which means keeping this convention can be handy if you are doing something in a TAP that cares about the file format differences.
One of the Australian Taps I use TMS Archive has a configuration to use either the mpg TMS format or rec the SRP one.
Any feedback or suggestions on where to go from here. Having all the previously set timers disappear is turning people off this excellent tap. One of the timers SE says is labelled autodescramble. Another is the daily SmartEPG scan.
Another point to consider is that the 7160 is that it can record 4 programs at once. As long as they come from no more than two transponders. They are labelled as IR type timers some of mine are/were like that. Others were once only timers. SE said on startup that there were conflicting timers. Only Tap running
eg. (ABC1, AbCNews24) and (WIN and GO), but not (WIN), (ABC1) and (Prime7). Brackets show the various transponders - Prime7 being a different one to the other two.
Just missed twilight's post about having a config for both types