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faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Do 2. Nov 2006, 22:58
von ndjr
I have the Topfield TF5200PVRc and I like it a lot, except one thing, the fast forward is only 2x 4x 6x speed ! is there anyway for someone to patch or modify the fimware to make it faster? the best thing would be like.... press one time on the FF button and bang! 30x forward, then press a second time and it`s back to normal speed, is this possible???

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Do 2. Nov 2006, 23:03
von Gerti



AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Do 2. Nov 2006, 23:24
von Klaus
[quote=""ndjr""]30x forward[/quote]
When I use 30x on my DVD-player I can't really see a lot. So I wonder if this speed makes sense :thinker:

Instead of FF of course you can define jump-buttons for different lenghts, e.g, a button to jump 60 seconds, another for jumping 120 seconds.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Do 2. Nov 2006, 23:41
von ndjr
[quote=""Klaus""]When I use 30x on my DVD-player I can't really see a lot. So I wonder if this speed makes sense :thinker:

Instead of FF of course you can define jump-buttons for different lenghts, e.g, a button to jump 60 seconds, another for jumping 120 seconds.[/quote]

Well, at least 20x (with one press on the button only) would be much better then 6x. I wish topfield would change this in future firmware, my s-vhs is much better with this, when I record with super long play you have about 30x speed

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Fr 3. Nov 2006, 07:53
von Maliboy
[quote=""ndjr""]Well, at least 20x (with one press on the button only) would be much better then 6x. I wish topfield would change this in future firmware, my s-vhs is much better with this, when I record with super long play you have about 30x speed[/quote]

I think 6x is fast enough...
With the option to jump, you can go much faster through the video as every fast forward can be.
With TAPs like FastSkip, Improbox and so on, you can jump (like Klaus already told you) in defined steps (1 min, 1.30 min etc.) through the video. Much faster and comfortable as a normaly fast forward...

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Fr 3. Nov 2006, 07:53
von fritschi
The problem is that topfield is lying !!! ;-)))

6x FF isn´t really 6x --> it´s only about 4,5x and that is realy slow.
I don´t know the cause (i believe it is the compatibility with cards and also i think that the processor in topfield 5xxx is a little bit slow).

mfg fritschi

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Fr 3. Nov 2006, 07:59
von Maliboy
[quote=""fritschi""]The problem is that topfield is lying !!! ;-)))

6x FF isn´t really 6x --> it´s only about 4,5x and that is realy slow.
I don´t know the cause (i believe it is the compatibility with cards and also i think that the processor in topfield 5xxx is a little bit slow).[/quote]

I don't think, that this is an processor problem. A DVD has spezial navigation points, which will help the fast forward (and also jumping through the video to chaptes). Also, the video is linear an the DVD.
The TOPFIELD has to play an videostream without this navigation points. And also, the videofile is not linear on the harddisk. And the third point is, that the Topfield can also record another stream (possibly with a higher data rate) during playing a video.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Fr 3. Nov 2006, 11:34
von Klaus
Klaus;116138 hat geschrieben:When I use 30x on my DVD-player I can't really see a lot. So I wonder if this speed makes sense :thinker:

Instead of FF of course you can define jump-buttons for different lenghts, e.g, a button to jump 60 seconds, another for jumping 120 seconds.
Well, at least 20x (with one press on the button only) would be much better then 6x. I wish topfield would change this in future firmware, my s-vhs is much better with this, when I record with super long play you have about 30x speed[/QUOTE]
OK, I agree. 10x or 20x speed would be nice indeed, e.g., for finding a specific scene within a movie.

However: For skipping commercial breaks in a recording I actually prefer to use the jump buttons, because this way I don't see anythin from the commercials. With a 10x or 20x speed I still would see the commercials and this is something I really hate.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: So 12. Nov 2006, 20:09
von FilmFan
[quote=""Klaus""]When I use 30x on my DVD-player I can't really see a lot. So I wonder if this speed makes sense :thinker: [/quote]
My DVD/HDD recorder can fast forward with about 60-times speed and even with that speed you can follow the recording very easy to find a specific scene.

Even my old S-VHS recorder had fast forward with 13-times speed which I used a lot. Only because you don't need it (or rather you don't have it ;) ) it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: So 12. Nov 2006, 20:19
von Bonni
You can't compare analog VHS with digital datastream, those are two completely different things.

Digital Fastforward is not continous streaming, it's jumping from I-frame to I-frame. The bigger the "speed" is, the bigger the framegaps are, the more difficult is it to calculate.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: So 12. Nov 2006, 23:29
von Klaus
[quote=""FilmFan""]My DVD/HDD recorder can fast forward with about 60-times speed and even with that speed you can follow the recording very easy to find a specific scene.

Even my old S-VHS recorder had fast forward with 13-times speed which I used a lot. Only because you don't need it (or rather you don't have it ;) ) it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.[/quote]
Das erinnert mich an unsere Diskussionen im Hifi-Forum (Sony versus Pioneer) :p

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: So 12. Nov 2006, 23:56
von Sigittarius-E
egal wie die Diskussion ausgeht. Fazit: s.Posting 2 von Gerti

Function as designed (ausser, dass 6x = 4,5x ist :wink: )

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 00:28
von FilmFan
[quote=""Bonni""]You can't compare analog VHS with digital datastream, those are two completely different things.[/quote]
And I thought a new (better) technology should have at least the same comfort as the previous technology has ... ;)
Digital Fastforward is not continous streaming, it's jumping from I-frame to I-frame.
That's not always true, e. g. my DVD/HDD recorder shows small nearly continuous frame sequences with longer gaps in between.

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 00:31
von FilmFan
[quote=""Sigittarius-E""]egal wie die Diskussion ausgeht. Fazit: s.Posting 2 von Gerti[/quote]
Und darum muß es gut sein bzw. für alle Zeit so bleiben? :thinker:

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 08:18
von Sigittarius-E
[quote=""FilmFan""]Und darum muß es gut sein bzw. für alle Zeit so bleiben? :thinker: [/quote]

nein, aber bei der 5000er Serie sollte man realistisch bleiben.

die Frage war doch: is it possible?

und Gertis AW: no

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 12:58
von Klaus
[quote=""Sigittarius-E""]die Frage war doch: is it possible?

und Gertis AW: no[/quote]
Die Frage und die Antwort beziehen sich auf den aktuellen Stand.

Interessanter wäre sicher die Frage: Would it be possible in the future? ;)

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 13:10
von Sigittarius-E
[quote=""Klaus""]Would it be possible in the future? ;) [/quote]

nochmals: man sollte realistisch bleiben. :wink:

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 13:10
von Maliboy
[quote=""Klaus""]Interessanter wäre sicher die Frage: Would it be possible in the future? ;) [/quote]

Ich würde sagen: nein...

Den Grund für diese Annahme kann man in diesen Thread finden (auch, wenn es hier anscheinend um ein ganz anderes Problem geht).

Eine DVD (bzw. der MPG Datenstrom in einen VOB File) ist für das Navigieren optimiert. Hier gibt es Hilfspunkte etc. die das vorwärts und Rückwärts Navigieren ermöglichen. Ein TS ist ja gar nicht dafür vorgesehen, das er schneller nach vorne (oder auch Zurück) abgespielt wird...
Um nun beim DVD Rekorder zu bleiben. Hier können die Encoder ja auch ein für schnelles Navigieren optimiertes MPEG auf die Platte abspeichern. Der Topfield muss aber das nehmen, was einen die Sender schicken...

Ich vermute, das es auch genau daran liegt, das der TOPFIELD nur mit 3facher Geschwindigkeit zurückspulen kann...

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 13:18
von Klaus
[quote=""Sigittarius-E""]nochmals: man sollte realistisch bleiben. :wink: [/quote]
Wieso? Mich interessiert vor allem die technische Machbarkeit (ganz unabhängig von der Frage ob es realistisch ist oder nicht ob sowas kommt) ;)

AW: faster FF !!!

Verfasst: Mo 13. Nov 2006, 14:56
von Sigittarius-E
ok. ......