BackgroundCopy TAP
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
jepp, danke bug sitzt in SF! mal sehn was wir da machen können
verzeichnisse am besten in den MoveToNAS ordner verschieben...
verzeichnisse am besten in den MoveToNAS ordner verschieben...
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 261
- Registriert: Di 17. Jul 2007, 20:11
- Receivertyp: 2x SRP-2401 CI+ ECO
- Receiverfirmware: 2x vom 24.03.2015
- Wohnort: Nordhessen
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Hallo Twilight,
kannst du mir bitte ausführlich erklären was genau MarcoL für ein Problem hat, ich hab die Post jetzt schon das dritte mal gelesen und kann noch nicht so richtig verstehen was, wanngenau das Problem ist ? Kann ich keine Verzeichnisse mit SmartFiler auf ein NAS Verschieben ?
Aber was hat das dann mit BackgroundCopy zu tun ? Gibt es generell Probleme mit SmartFiler beim verschieben von Verzeichnissen ?
Danke Coolsero
kannst du mir bitte ausführlich erklären was genau MarcoL für ein Problem hat, ich hab die Post jetzt schon das dritte mal gelesen und kann noch nicht so richtig verstehen was, wanngenau das Problem ist ? Kann ich keine Verzeichnisse mit SmartFiler auf ein NAS Verschieben ?
Aber was hat das dann mit BackgroundCopy zu tun ? Gibt es generell Probleme mit SmartFiler beim verschieben von Verzeichnissen ?
Danke Coolsero
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
smartfiler erstellt beim verschieben von files/verzeichnissen auf ein externes laufwerk ein job file für BGC.
und das job file für verzeichnisse ist eben nicht korrekt.
und das job file für verzeichnisse ist eben nicht korrekt.
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 261
- Registriert: Di 17. Jul 2007, 20:11
- Receivertyp: 2x SRP-2401 CI+ ECO
- Receiverfirmware: 2x vom 24.03.2015
- Wohnort: Nordhessen
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Ich hätte da noch ne Frage. Wenn SmartDecrypter einen Timer für 01:00 Uhr gesetzt hatt und der Topf zum AD dann Startet, wartet dann BackroundCopy mit seiner Arbeit ?
Danke Coolsero
Ich hätte da noch ne Frage. Wenn SmartDecrypter einen Timer für 01:00 Uhr gesetzt hatt und der Topf zum AD dann Startet, wartet dann BackroundCopy mit seiner Arbeit ?
Danke Coolsero
- Erfolgreicher Glaskugelschauer
- Beiträge: 932
- Registriert: Mo 10. Dez 2012, 16:38
- Receivertyp: CRP 2401 CI+
- Receiverfirmware: immer die neuste
- Wohnort: Luzern
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
BGC wartet immer mit seiner Arbeit, bis alles andere zu ende ist.
Bei mir auf jedenfall :-D
Bei mir auf jedenfall :-D
Gruss Torpedo
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
BGC nimmt keine rücksicht auf SD...da es allerdings den SRP nicht bis zur erschöpfung ausreitzt würde ich mir da keine sorgen machen.
wenn RBN läuft, dann wird gewartet bis es sich beendet hat.
wenn RBN läuft, dann wird gewartet bis es sich beendet hat.
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 261
- Registriert: Di 17. Jul 2007, 20:11
- Receivertyp: 2x SRP-2401 CI+ ECO
- Receiverfirmware: 2x vom 24.03.2015
- Wohnort: Nordhessen
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Danke werde es einfach mal testen
Danke werde es einfach mal testen
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
ich habe das Problem das bei mir der Topf beim Kopieren immer wieder einfriert. Mit Stufe 2 dauert es länger, mit Stufe 3 geht es sehr schnell.
Frage: Woran könnte das liegen? Wie kann ich dem Problem auf die Schliche kommen?
Danke schon mal für eure Unterstützung!
ich habe das Problem das bei mir der Topf beim Kopieren immer wieder einfriert. Mit Stufe 2 dauert es länger, mit Stufe 3 geht es sehr schnell.
Frage: Woran könnte das liegen? Wie kann ich dem Problem auf die Schliche kommen?
Danke schon mal für eure Unterstützung!
Topfield CRP-2401 CI+
TAPS: TAP2Date, SmartEPG, TMSArchiver
LCD: Samsung UE46D6500
Website: (Admin)
TAPS: TAP2Date, SmartEPG, TMSArchiver
LCD: Samsung UE46D6500
Website: (Admin)
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
hast du BGC so eingestellt das es weiß das es auf ein NAS kopiert?
sonst kann es daran liegen das du mount options nutzt oder vielleicht nicht nutzt...testen.
sonst kann es daran liegen das du mount options nutzt oder vielleicht nicht nutzt...testen.
- KarolusXXL
- Benutzer
- Beiträge: 98
- Registriert: Sa 15. Nov 2008, 08:33
- Receivertyp: SRP-2401 CI+
SBP-2001 CI+ - Receiverfirmware: TF-BCPCE 1.12.01
- Wohnort: Hürth (NRW)
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Hi, allerseits,
jetzt habe ich mir auch Background Copy installiert. Wie komme ich da noch einmal an das Setup heran, um Parameter des Apps setzen / ändern zu können? Suche mir seit Tagen regelrecht einen Wolf und komme nicht drauf.
Besten Dank schon einmal.
jetzt habe ich mir auch Background Copy installiert. Wie komme ich da noch einmal an das Setup heran, um Parameter des Apps setzen / ändern zu können? Suche mir seit Tagen regelrecht einen Wolf und komme nicht drauf.
Besten Dank schon einmal.
Zuletzt geändert von KarolusXXL am Mo 8. Sep 2014, 22:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Mit besten Grüßen aus Hürth
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
- Wolfman
- Ewige Jungfrau, Schachtelsatzkönigin und missverstandener Aushilfsexbajuware
- Beiträge: 17376
- Registriert: Sa 7. Okt 2006, 04:05
- Receivertyp: SRP2410M, SRP 2410,Reserve 2410 M SE,Halde TMS,TF5500,TF6000
- Receiverfirmware: s. Sig
- Wohnort: Ba-Wü (OAK)
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Eigentlich sollte das Setup TAP automatisch mit installiert werden (in Program Files)
SRP 2410M FW 10.01.2013 FastSkip, SmartEPG, RebuildNav, ND_TMS, Timerdiags, SmartFiler_TMS, lost+found, SmartDecrypter, TMSRemote
TMS , 2410 M SE stille Reserve
SRP 2410 FW 02/13 FastSkip, SmartEPG, RebuildNav, ND_TMS, Timerdiags, dbFit, SmartFiler_TMS
Der Fehler sitzt zwar meist vor dem Bildschirm, aber
Bitte nicht alles, was ich verzapfe tierisch ernst nehmen
TMS , 2410 M SE stille Reserve
SRP 2410 FW 02/13 FastSkip, SmartEPG, RebuildNav, ND_TMS, Timerdiags, dbFit, SmartFiler_TMS
Der Fehler sitzt zwar meist vor dem Bildschirm, aber
Bitte nicht alles, was ich verzapfe tierisch ernst nehmen
- KarolusXXL
- Benutzer
- Beiträge: 98
- Registriert: Sa 15. Nov 2008, 08:33
- Receivertyp: SRP-2401 CI+
SBP-2001 CI+ - Receiverfirmware: TF-BCPCE 1.12.01
- Wohnort: Hürth (NRW)
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
[quote="Wolfman"]Eigentlich sollte das Setup TAP automatisch mit installiert werden (in Program Files)[/quote]
Ja, korrekt, ist mit installiert worden und wird mir auch von FileZilla als in ProgramFiles vorhanden angezeigt. Wie aber kann ich dies App aufrufen?
Mit besten Grüßen aus Hürth
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
- comtech
- Benutzer
- Beiträge: 85
- Registriert: Sa 26. Jan 2013, 12:57
- Receivertyp: CRP-2401CI+
NAS Mount
WebControl - Receiverfirmware: 9. März 2011 ;-)
- Wohnort: Safenwil
- Kontaktdaten:
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Menu-Aufnahmemenu-Aufgenommene Sendung- Dann 2x Nächste (spulen vorwärts) drücken, dort findest Du "BackgroundCopySetup" auswählen und OK drücken.
Samsung 55" Curved LED UE55JU6570
CRP-2401CI+ mit Cablecom DigiCard und Comfort Abo
AutoStart: SmartEPG V7.2a, WebControl 1.45d, NAS Mount 3.11
Synology DS-216play NAS Laufwerk mit 2x8TB HDDs
CRP-2401CI+ mit Cablecom DigiCard und Comfort Abo
AutoStart: SmartEPG V7.2a, WebControl 1.45d, NAS Mount 3.11
Synology DS-216play NAS Laufwerk mit 2x8TB HDDs
- KarolusXXL
- Benutzer
- Beiträge: 98
- Registriert: Sa 15. Nov 2008, 08:33
- Receivertyp: SRP-2401 CI+
SBP-2001 CI+ - Receiverfirmware: TF-BCPCE 1.12.01
- Wohnort: Hürth (NRW)
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
[quote="comtech"]Menu-Aufnahmemenu-Aufgenommene Sendung- Dann 2x Nächste (spulen vorwärts) drücken, dort findest Du "BackgroundCopySetup" auswählen und OK drücken.[/quote]
Hallo, Comtech,
das war's. Besten Dank dafür.
Mit besten Grüßen aus Hürth
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
Topfield SBP-2001 CI+ & SRP-2401 CI+ (1.12.01)
TAPtoDate, SmartEPG, RebuildNAV
Sony KDL 60EX705, Onkyo TX-NR717
- Erfolgreicher Glaskugelschauer
- Beiträge: 932
- Registriert: Mo 10. Dez 2012, 16:38
- Receivertyp: CRP 2401 CI+
- Receiverfirmware: immer die neuste
- Wohnort: Luzern
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Ich habe bei BGC eingestellt das es eine kopienin .ts macht.
Die kopie macht es, aber die ist 0GB und 0Minute...
Kann dies an einer einstellung liegen?
Ich habe bei BGC eingestellt das es eine kopienin .ts macht.
Die kopie macht es, aber die ist 0GB und 0Minute...
Kann dies an einer einstellung liegen?
Gruss Torpedo
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
da wäre das log file von BGC von der info um welches file es sich handelt.
wer oder was zeigt das file mit diesen angaben an?
wer oder was zeigt das file mit diesen angaben an?
- Erfolgreicher Glaskugelschauer
- Beiträge: 932
- Registriert: Mo 10. Dez 2012, 16:38
- Receivertyp: CRP 2401 CI+
- Receiverfirmware: immer die neuste
- Wohnort: Luzern
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Smartfiler im Ordner NAS-Share.
Das andere lade ich sofort hoch.
Das andere lade ich sofort hoch.
Gruss Torpedo
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
- Erfolgreicher Glaskugelschauer
- Beiträge: 932
- Registriert: Mo 10. Dez 2012, 16:38
- Receivertyp: CRP 2401 CI+
- Receiverfirmware: immer die neuste
- Wohnort: Luzern
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
es geht um die Files "Atemlos-Gefährliche Wahrheiten" und "Fast Verheiratet"
4-09-20 23:31:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 02:24:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 02:24:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 02:24:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 02:24:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 02:24:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 02:25:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 02:25:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 02:26:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 02:26:25 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 02:26:25 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 02:26:25 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 02:26:25 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 02:26:25 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 02:26:25 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 02:26:25 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 04:20:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 04:20:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 04:20:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 04:20:45 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 04:20:45 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 04:21:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 04:21:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 04:22:16 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 04:22:38 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 04:22:38 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 04:22:38 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 04:22:38 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 04:22:38 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 04:22:38 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 04:22:38 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 07:34:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 07:34:36 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 07:34:38 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 07:34:38 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 07:34:38 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 07:35:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 07:35:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 07:36:09 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 07:36:20 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 07:36:20 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 07:36:20 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 07:36:20 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 07:36:20 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 07:36:20 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 07:36:20 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 08:32:08 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 08:32:21 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 08:32:24 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 08:32:24 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 08:32:24 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 08:33:20 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 08:33:20 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 08:33:55 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 08:34:05 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 08:34:05 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 08:34:05 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 08:34:05 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 08:34:05 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 08:34:05 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 08:34:05 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 11:20:49 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 11:21:09 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 11:21:11 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 11:21:11 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 11:21:11 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 11:22:01 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 11:22:01 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 11:22:29 Stop event
2014-09-21 11:22:29 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 11:22:29 --------------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 12:20:10 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 12:20:28 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 12:20:32 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 12:20:32 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 12:20:32 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 12:21:22 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 12:21:22 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 12:22:03 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 12:22:13 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 12:22:13 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 12:22:13 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 12:22:13 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 12:22:13 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 12:22:13 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 12:22:13 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 15:41:41 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 15:42:00 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 15:42:02 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:42:02 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:42:02 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 15:42:53 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:42:53 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:43:33 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 15:43:43 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 15:43:43 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 15:43:43 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 15:43:43 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 15:43:43 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 15:43:43 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 15:43:43 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 15:47:22 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 15:47:41 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 15:47:43 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:47:43 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:47:43 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 15:48:34 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:48:34 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:49:14 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 15:49:25 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 15:49:25 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 15:49:25 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 15:49:25 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 15:49:25 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 15:49:25 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 15:49:25 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 01:44:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 01:44:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 01:44:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 01:44:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 01:44:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 01:45:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 01:45:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 01:46:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 01:46:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 01:46:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 01:46:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 01:46:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 01:46:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 01:46:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 01:46:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 04:10:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 04:10:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 04:10:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 04:10:45 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 04:10:45 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 04:11:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 04:11:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 04:12:16 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 04:12:37 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 04:12:37 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 04:12:37 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 04:12:37 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 04:12:37 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 04:12:37 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 04:12:37 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 07:44:22 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 07:44:35 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 07:44:37 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 07:44:37 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 07:44:37 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 07:45:34 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 07:45:34 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 07:46:08 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 07:46:19 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 07:46:19 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 07:46:19 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 07:46:19 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 07:46:19 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 07:46:19 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 07:46:19 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 09:09:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 09:09:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 09:09:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 09:09:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 09:09:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 09:10:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 09:10:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 09:11:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 09:11:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 09:11:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 09:11:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 09:11:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 09:11:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 09:11:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 09:11:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 10:59:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 10:59:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 10:59:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 10:59:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 10:59:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 11:00:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 11:00:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 11:01:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 11:01:38 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 11:01:38 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 11:01:38 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 11:01:38 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 11:01:38 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 11:01:38 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 11:01:38 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 13:09:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 13:09:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 13:09:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 13:09:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 13:09:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 13:10:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 13:10:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 13:11:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 13:11:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 13:11:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 13:11:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 13:11:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 13:11:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 13:11:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 13:11:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 16:21:33 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 16:21:52 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 16:21:54 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 16:21:54 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 16:21:54 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 16:22:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 16:22:45 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 16:23:25 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 16:23:36 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 16:23:36 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 16:23:36 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 16:23:36 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 16:23:36 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 16:23:36 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 16:23:36 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 17:28:37 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 17:28:38 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 17:28:38 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 17:28:38 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 17:28:38 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 17:28:49 File Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec
2014-09-22 17:28:49 File Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec
2014-09-22 17:28:49 2 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 17:28:49 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 17:28:49 REC|MPG|TS 1 of 2
2014-09-22 17:28:49 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec'
2014-09-22 17:29:04 1% done, 231 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:36:05 25% done, 533 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:43:24 50% done, 513 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:50:57 75% done, 513 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:16 99% done, 491 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:34 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:35 Copy time = 30 min Filesize = 13.5 GB Transfered = 13.5 GB Average Speed = 460.8 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:35 ln /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos\ -\ Gef‰hrliche\ Wahrheit\ -\ 2014-09-21\ 20-15.rec /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos\ -\ Gef‰hrliche\ Wahrheit\ -\ 2014-09-21\ 20-15.ts
2014-09-22 17:58:35 ts link: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.ts done
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec.inf'
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec.nav'
2014-09-22 17:58:36 1% done, 7 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:46 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:46 delete File: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/MoveToNAS/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec
2014-09-22 17:58:47 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 17:58:47 REC|MPG|TS 2 of 2
2014-09-22 17:58:47 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec'
2014-09-22 17:59:06 1% done, 227 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:06:15 25% done, 539 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:13:37 50% done, 493 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:20:49 75% done, 512 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:40 99% done, 527 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:58 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:27:59 Copy time = 29 min Filesize = 13.0 GB Transfered = 13.0 GB Average Speed = 458.6 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:59 ln /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast\ verheiratet\ -\ 2014-09-22\ 01-55.rec /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast\ verheiratet\ -\ 2014-09-22\ 01-55.ts
2014-09-22 18:27:59 ts link: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.ts done
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec.inf'
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec.nav'
2014-09-22 18:28:07 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:28:07 delete File: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/MoveToNAS/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec
2014-09-22 18:28:08 NrFilesToProcess 2 CurrentFileToProcess 2
2014-09-22 18:28:08 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 18:28:08 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 18:28:08 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 18:28:08 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 18:28:08 -----------------------------------------------------------
es geht um die Files "Atemlos-Gefährliche Wahrheiten" und "Fast Verheiratet"
4-09-20 23:31:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 02:24:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 02:24:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 02:24:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 02:24:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 02:24:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 02:25:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 02:25:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 02:26:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 02:26:25 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 02:26:25 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 02:26:25 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 02:26:25 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 02:26:25 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 02:26:25 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 02:26:25 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 04:20:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 04:20:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 04:20:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 04:20:45 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 04:20:45 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 04:21:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 04:21:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 04:22:16 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 04:22:38 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 04:22:38 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 04:22:38 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 04:22:38 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 04:22:38 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 04:22:38 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 04:22:38 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 07:34:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 07:34:36 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 07:34:38 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 07:34:38 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 07:34:38 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 07:35:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 07:35:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 07:36:09 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 07:36:20 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 07:36:20 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 07:36:20 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 07:36:20 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 07:36:20 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 07:36:20 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 07:36:20 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 08:32:08 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 08:32:21 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 08:32:24 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 08:32:24 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 08:32:24 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 08:33:20 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 08:33:20 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 08:33:55 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 08:34:05 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 08:34:05 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 08:34:05 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 08:34:05 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 08:34:05 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 08:34:05 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 08:34:05 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 11:20:49 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 11:21:09 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 11:21:11 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 11:21:11 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 11:21:11 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 11:22:01 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 11:22:01 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 11:22:29 Stop event
2014-09-21 11:22:29 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 11:22:29 --------------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 12:20:10 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 12:20:28 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 12:20:32 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 12:20:32 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 12:20:32 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 12:21:22 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 12:21:22 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 12:22:03 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 12:22:13 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 12:22:13 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 12:22:13 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 12:22:13 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 12:22:13 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 12:22:13 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 12:22:13 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 15:41:41 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 15:42:00 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 15:42:02 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:42:02 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:42:02 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 15:42:53 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:42:53 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:43:33 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 15:43:43 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 15:43:43 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 15:43:43 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 15:43:43 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 15:43:43 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 15:43:43 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 15:43:43 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-21 15:47:22 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-21 15:47:41 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-21 15:47:43 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:47:43 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:47:43 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-21 15:48:34 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-21 15:48:34 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-21 15:49:14 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-21 15:49:25 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-21 15:49:25 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-21 15:49:25 reached end of file list
2014-09-21 15:49:25 No more files to copy
2014-09-21 15:49:25 ===========================================================
2014-09-21 15:49:25 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-21 15:49:25 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 01:44:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 01:44:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 01:44:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 01:44:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 01:44:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 01:45:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 01:45:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 01:46:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 01:46:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 01:46:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 01:46:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 01:46:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 01:46:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 01:46:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 01:46:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 04:10:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 04:10:43 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 04:10:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 04:10:45 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 04:10:45 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 04:11:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 04:11:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 04:12:16 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 04:12:37 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 04:12:37 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 04:12:37 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 04:12:37 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 04:12:37 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 04:12:37 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 04:12:37 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 07:44:22 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 07:44:35 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 07:44:37 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 07:44:37 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 07:44:37 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 07:45:34 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 07:45:34 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 07:46:08 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 07:46:19 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 07:46:19 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 07:46:19 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 07:46:19 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 07:46:19 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 07:46:19 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 07:46:19 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 09:09:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 09:09:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 09:09:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 09:09:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 09:09:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 09:10:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 09:10:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 09:11:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 09:11:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 09:11:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 09:11:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 09:11:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 09:11:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 09:11:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 09:11:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 10:59:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 10:59:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 10:59:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 10:59:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 10:59:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 11:00:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 11:00:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 11:01:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 11:01:38 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 11:01:38 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 11:01:38 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 11:01:38 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 11:01:38 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 11:01:38 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 11:01:38 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 13:09:23 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 13:09:42 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 13:09:44 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 13:09:44 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 13:09:44 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 13:10:35 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 13:10:35 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 13:11:15 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 13:11:26 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 13:11:26 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 13:11:26 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 13:11:26 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 13:11:26 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 13:11:26 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 13:11:26 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 16:21:33 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 16:21:52 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 16:21:54 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 16:21:54 dev=802, ino=53020, mode=41ff, nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 16:21:54 NAS directory not found or not mounted. Waiting for 90 seconds.
2014-09-22 16:22:45 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 16:22:45 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 16:23:25 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 16:23:36 0 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 16:23:36 NrFilesToProcess 0 CurrentFileToProcess 0
2014-09-22 16:23:36 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 16:23:36 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 16:23:36 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 16:23:36 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 16:23:36 -----------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-22 17:28:37 BackgroundCopy 1.13 started
2014-09-22 17:28:38 No Job File found, starting normal work...
2014-09-22 17:28:38 Dst: lstat64(/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share) = OK
2014-09-22 17:28:38 dev=c, ino=2007d7, mode=4000, nlink=12, uid=0, gid=0
2014-09-22 17:28:38 Wait 10 seconds to give mount tap enough time to clear screen.
2014-09-22 17:28:49 File Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec
2014-09-22 17:28:49 File Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec
2014-09-22 17:28:49 2 files ready for processing.
2014-09-22 17:28:49 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 17:28:49 REC|MPG|TS 1 of 2
2014-09-22 17:28:49 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec'
2014-09-22 17:29:04 1% done, 231 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:36:05 25% done, 533 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:43:24 50% done, 513 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:50:57 75% done, 513 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:16 99% done, 491 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:34 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:35 Copy time = 30 min Filesize = 13.5 GB Transfered = 13.5 GB Average Speed = 460.8 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:35 ln /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos\ -\ Gef‰hrliche\ Wahrheit\ -\ 2014-09-21\ 20-15.rec /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos\ -\ Gef‰hrliche\ Wahrheit\ -\ 2014-09-21\ 20-15.ts
2014-09-22 17:58:35 ts link: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.ts done
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec.inf'
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:36 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec.nav'
2014-09-22 17:58:36 1% done, 7 MB/min
2014-09-22 17:58:46 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 17:58:46 delete File: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/MoveToNAS/Atemlos - Gef‰hrliche Wahrheit - 2014-09-21 20-15.rec
2014-09-22 17:58:47 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 17:58:47 REC|MPG|TS 2 of 2
2014-09-22 17:58:47 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec'
2014-09-22 17:59:06 1% done, 227 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:06:15 25% done, 539 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:13:37 50% done, 493 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:20:49 75% done, 512 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:40 99% done, 527 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:58 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:27:59 Copy time = 29 min Filesize = 13.0 GB Transfered = 13.0 GB Average Speed = 458.6 MB/min
2014-09-22 18:27:59 ln /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast\ verheiratet\ -\ 2014-09-22\ 01-55.rec /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast\ verheiratet\ -\ 2014-09-22\ 01-55.ts
2014-09-22 18:27:59 ts link: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.ts done
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec.inf'
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:27:59 BGC: init successful '/mnt/hd/DataFiles/NAS-Share/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec.nav'
2014-09-22 18:28:07 BGC: transfer finished.
2014-09-22 18:28:07 delete File: /mnt/hd/DataFiles/MoveToNAS/Fast verheiratet - 2014-09-22 01-55.rec
2014-09-22 18:28:08 NrFilesToProcess 2 CurrentFileToProcess 2
2014-09-22 18:28:08 reached end of file list
2014-09-22 18:28:08 No more files to copy
2014-09-22 18:28:08 ===========================================================
2014-09-22 18:28:08 BackgroundCopy end
2014-09-22 18:28:08 -----------------------------------------------------------
Gruss Torpedo
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64880
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
und das rec file? was zeigt er da an?
- Erfolgreicher Glaskugelschauer
- Beiträge: 932
- Registriert: Mo 10. Dez 2012, 16:38
- Receivertyp: CRP 2401 CI+
- Receiverfirmware: immer die neuste
- Wohnort: Luzern
AW: BackgroundCopy TAP
Die korrekte laufdauer der aufnahme und die anzahl GB wo das file hat.
Gruss Torpedo
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)
Fernseher: Samsung UE55D6500
Fernbedienungen: Logitech Harmony Ultimate
Synology DS916+ (8GB)