TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS

TAPs für die SRP- und CRP-Serie

<div title=Kreativer Administrator><b>Boarddoktor</b></div>
Beiträge: 10671
Registriert: Mo 5. Dez 2005, 13:15
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR, SRP-2100, SRP-2410CI+Eco
Receiverfirmware: aktuell :)
Wohnort: Fürth

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von Anthea » So 31. Jan 2016, 13:02

Something I would really like for TMSArchive is a second file ordering, that is used for Media Files. For normal recordings, I like to have them in order of their recording. For media files, that is an irrelevant option, especially due to the issue that the OS system time is not set by the Topfield, so files copied from external to the receiver that are not .rec files don't have a useable timestamp. For those (.mp4, .mp3, etc) my prefered order would be by file name. And the border between them is normally changing to the MediaFiles resp. MP3 folder.

Beiträge: 24972
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 10:16
Receivertyp: 2 x TF 2401 CI+, 2100, 5200 C, VU+ Ultimo 4K
Receiverfirmware: SRP-Serie: die neueste, 5k: Jan 07 PTU, VU+ VTi 15.0
Wohnort: Dortmund

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von macfan » So 31. Jan 2016, 13:16

[quote="Anthea"]And the border between them is normally changing to the MediaFiles resp. MP3 folder.[/quote]
Only if you use the Topfield filer. If you use TMSArchive you don't need the MediaFiles folder. I don't use it.

Gruß, Horst

Beiträge: 2453
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 13:40
Receivertyp: SRP-2100,
SRP2401 ECO,
SRP2401 CI+
Receiverfirmware: 25.01.13,
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach / NRW

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von ameise999 » So 31. Jan 2016, 14:38


danke für das update aber, das rap lässt sich nicht mehr aufrufen. es wird jetzt die topfield filer liste angezeigt.
bin zurück auf die vorgängerversion.

Hardware: SRP2401-ECO, 500GB/FW 03. 2015, CI+ Sky, SRP2401 CI+,
Pana TH42PV60EH, Pana TX-55VT30, Yamaha YSP-1100, Harmony 785/900, POPCORN A100
AUTO-START: AutoMove, SmartEpg, RebuildNAV & RecCopy, FastSkip, dbfITMSArchive, BackupSettings, Screensaver, SmartDecrypter, AutoPin
ProgrammFiles: HDDInfo,TMSCommander, IQchanel, FirmwareTMS.dat, TAP2Date, SystemReport TAP, RoboChannel,
WebControl, BackgroundCopy, ChannelListSaver, Lost & Foound

Beiträge: 24972
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 10:16
Receivertyp: 2 x TF 2401 CI+, 2100, 5200 C, VU+ Ultimo 4K
Receiverfirmware: SRP-Serie: die neueste, 5k: Jan 07 PTU, VU+ VTi 15.0
Wohnort: Dortmund

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von macfan » So 31. Jan 2016, 14:47

Was ist das Rap?

Gruß, Horst

Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Suspekter verdächtiger Zauberküchenchef, TAP & Firmware-Guru
Beiträge: 28960
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:59
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+ TFIR
vu+ Duo 4k
Wohnort: Wien

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » So 31. Jan 2016, 14:49

Ein Buchstabe nebem den T. :wink:

Beiträge: 24972
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 10:16
Receivertyp: 2 x TF 2401 CI+, 2100, 5200 C, VU+ Ultimo 4K
Receiverfirmware: SRP-Serie: die neueste, 5k: Jan 07 PTU, VU+ VTi 15.0
Wohnort: Dortmund

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von macfan » So 31. Jan 2016, 14:57

Und das m eins neben dem n ;) .

Gruß, Horst

Ewige Jungfrau, Schachtelsatzkönigin und missverstandener Aushilfsexbajuware
<span title=Stets unschuldige(r) Anheizergeselle(in)>Ewige Jungfrau, Schachtelsatzkönigin und missverstandener Aushilfsexbajuware</span>
Beiträge: 17377
Registriert: Sa 7. Okt 2006, 04:05
Receivertyp: SRP2410M, SRP 2410,Reserve 2410 M SE,Halde TMS,TF5500,TF6000
Receiverfirmware: s. Sig
Wohnort: Ba-Wü (OAK)

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von Wolfman » So 31. Jan 2016, 15:03

Immer dieses Wurstfingerproblem :D
SRP 2410M FW 10.01.2013 FastSkip, SmartEPG, RebuildNav, ND_TMS, Timerdiags, SmartFiler_TMS, lost+found, SmartDecrypter, TMSRemote
TMS , 2410 M SE stille Reserve
SRP 2410 FW 02/13 FastSkip, SmartEPG, RebuildNav, ND_TMS, Timerdiags, dbFit, SmartFiler_TMS
Der Fehler sitzt zwar meist vor dem Bildschirm, aber
Bitte nicht alles, was ich verzapfe tierisch ernst nehmen :o

Beiträge: 2453
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 13:40
Receivertyp: SRP-2100,
SRP2401 ECO,
SRP2401 CI+
Receiverfirmware: 25.01.13,
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach / NRW

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von ameise999 » So 31. Jan 2016, 15:50

Wolfman hat geschrieben:Immer dieses Wurstfingerproblem :D

ja, leider :D

Hardware: SRP2401-ECO, 500GB/FW 03. 2015, CI+ Sky, SRP2401 CI+,
Pana TH42PV60EH, Pana TX-55VT30, Yamaha YSP-1100, Harmony 785/900, POPCORN A100
AUTO-START: AutoMove, SmartEpg, RebuildNAV & RecCopy, FastSkip, dbfITMSArchive, BackupSettings, Screensaver, SmartDecrypter, AutoPin
ProgrammFiles: HDDInfo,TMSCommander, IQchanel, FirmwareTMS.dat, TAP2Date, SystemReport TAP, RoboChannel,
WebControl, BackgroundCopy, ChannelListSaver, Lost & Foound

Beiträge: 62
Registriert: Do 19. Jul 2012, 22:47
Receivertyp: CRP-2401CI+

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von listener » So 31. Jan 2016, 18:28


danke für das update aber, das rap lässt sich nicht mehr aufrufen. es wird jetzt die topfield filer liste angezeigt.
bin zurück auf die vorgängerversion.


Geht mir genauso, nach einem Neustart des CRP2401 taucht das Tap dann in TTD nicht mal mehr als installiert auf. Bin auch zurückgegangen.

Tapatalked from somewhere ...


<div title=Kreativer Administrator><b>Boarddoktor</b></div>
Beiträge: 10671
Registriert: Mo 5. Dez 2005, 13:15
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR, SRP-2100, SRP-2410CI+Eco
Receiverfirmware: aktuell :)
Wohnort: Fürth

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von Anthea » So 31. Jan 2016, 19:40

[quote="macfan"]Only if you use the Topfield filer. If you use TMSArchive you don't need the MediaFiles folder. I don't use it.

Gruß, Horst[/quote]

Nitpicker. Of course I don't use the Topfield MediaFiles folder, too, but I use the mountpoint or linkpoint inside the datafiles. The problem I described remains the same. Even if I mount a NAS folder: For the files inside the date is irrelevant, for the datafiles folder it might be usefull.

Beiträge: 24972
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 10:16
Receivertyp: 2 x TF 2401 CI+, 2100, 5200 C, VU+ Ultimo 4K
Receiverfirmware: SRP-Serie: die neueste, 5k: Jan 07 PTU, VU+ VTi 15.0
Wohnort: Dortmund

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von macfan » So 31. Jan 2016, 20:14

Anthea hat geschrieben:Nitpicker.

Of course I don't use the Topfield MediaFiles folder, too, but I use the mountpoint or linkpoint inside the datafiles. The problem I described remains the same. Even if I mount a NAS folder: For the files inside the date is irrelevant, for the datafiles folder it might be usefull.
So it would be better to define the file ordering per folder, not for DataFiles and MediaFiles. I think SmartFiler does it this way, but I'm not sure.

Gruß, Horst

Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Sa 22. Okt 2011, 16:02

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von tango » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 04:07

Hi Anthea / Horst,

You can use the Pause key to change the sort order. The Pause key will step through the different sort orders.
Using the Sort Config menu you can hide the sort orders you don't want to use.
If you hide all but Data and Name, then the Pause key will toggle between them.

Hi Ameise / Listener,

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Are you saying with the new v5.2c that the FileList key brings up the native file list instead of TMSA file list?
Are you sure TMSA is running? Is anyone else having this problem?



<div title=Kreativer Administrator><b>Boarddoktor</b></div>
Beiträge: 10671
Registriert: Mo 5. Dez 2005, 13:15
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR, SRP-2100, SRP-2410CI+Eco
Receiverfirmware: aktuell :)
Wohnort: Fürth

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von Anthea » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 07:57

Hi Tango,

Yes, I know it, and I currently use it that way. Anyway, to explain my motivation for my question: If I have a folder containing 100+ Items, and I watch one file from that folder, I open the list again... and the folder opens in the default sorting, selecting the first item, whatever that might be, not the last active. So if I now use the pause key for the desired order, I am somewhere inside the list, wherever that newest item might be. Everything can be solved by a few keypresses, yes, but if I catch up with a series, or even worse show my children some episodes of a series with 5-minute-episodes, it gets annoying with the time, bringing the hope that there might be a solution for it.

Quelle des Wissens
Quelle des Wissens
Beiträge: 1470
Registriert: Sa 20. Jan 2007, 18:43
Receivertyp: VU+ Solo 4k
Vu+ Uno 4k SE
SRP 2401 Eco (im Keller)
Receiverfirmware: immer die Aktuellste
Wohnort: L.E.

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von Thorle » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 09:54

Ich frag nochmal; Kann ich irgendwo einstellen, dass ich beim umbenennen gleich die Zifferntasten als solche nutzen kann?

gefährdete Rätselquelle
gefährdete Rätselquelle
Beiträge: 2346
Registriert: Do 9. Jun 2011, 21:06
Receivertyp: SRP-2401CI+
Receiverfirmware: Jan 15 2020
Wohnort: Raum Amstetten, NÖ

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von mini49 » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 10:18

Hi Ameise / Listener,

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Are you saying with the new v5.2c that the FileList key brings up the native file list instead of TMSA file list?
Are you sure TMSA is running? Is anyone else having this problem?


Hi Tango,

the Problem with the new Version seems to be that it is not starting correctly. If you look at my Tapsystem-log you see at 09:09:06 TMSARCHIVE V5.2b is running.
Lateron I started TAPTODATE at 09:16:18 and installed V5.2c. But now it only stops V5.2b and doesn´t start V5.2c. Even after a reboot at 09:21:12 V5.2c doesn`t start and because TMSARCHIVE isn´t started the normal Topfield file list comes up with the FileList key.
Falling back to V5.2b solves the Problem - 09:27:03.

Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
Zuletzt geändert von mini49 am Mo 1. Feb 2016, 10:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
2x quattro LNB für Astra + Hotbird
Triax TMU983c vor Hirschmann CKR9160ND - umgestiegen auf Unicable mit 2x3 SAT-Tunern
10x VU+DUO 4K SE mit 8x DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner, 7x DVB-T2 Dual Tuner, 1x DVB-C FBC Tuner, 1-2 TB SSD
Image: VTI 15.0.02 Skin: Atile HD + Atlle HD pro
Plugins: vuTransferChannels | VU+Remote | AutoCutVFD skin | Automatic Full Backup | Automove | AutoShredder | backsNcovers | CheckFreeSpace | Dateimanager-VTi | Feed+ | InfoBarTunerState | InternetSpeedTest | Kiosk | MultiQuickButton | OpenWebif | Oscam + OscamButler | ORFSAT1Teletext | PiconManager | PlutoTV | RakutenTV | SamsungTV | Serienrecorder | ServiceScanUpdates | SmartEPGvu+ | SmartFilervu+ | TMDb | VPS | VTi Tweaks | VWeather3 | youtube |

Beiträge: 62
Registriert: Do 19. Jul 2012, 22:47
Receivertyp: CRP-2401CI+

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von listener » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 13:49

[quote="mini49"]Hi Tango,

the Problem with the new Version seems to be that it is not starting correctly. If you look at my Tapsystem-log you see at 09:09:06 TMSARCHIVE V5.2b is running.
Lateron I started TAPTODATE at 09:16:18 and installed V5.2c. But now it only stops V5.2b and doesn´t start V5.2c. Even after a reboot at 09:21:12 V5.2c doesn`t start and because TMSARCHIVE isn´t started the normal Topfield file list comes up with the FileList key.
Falling back to V5.2b solves the Problem - 09:27:03.


Hello Tango!

Sorry, I realized too late that I need to approach you in english. Well, I can confirm the findings described by mini49 above. In addition, the 5.2c does no longer appear as installed in TaptoDate after a restart of the receiver. I also went back to the 5.2b version. Cannot provide any logfiles currently, as I'm not at home. And, last but not least, receiver is a CRP2401-CI+.


Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Sa 22. Okt 2011, 16:02

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von tango » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 14:02

Hi mini49,

Thanks for explaining the problem and for the logs. From the logs, it looks like the copy of TMSA v5.2c you have is corrupt. I've checked what is available on TAP2Date and the .tgz is only 1kB (it should be over 300kB).
I suspect if you check the v5.2c TMSArchive.tap you have on your machine it will be less than 1kB (it should be 976kB).

I've recreated the package and uploaded it to TAP2Date. If you can download it again, it should be good now.

No worries Listener. It looks like anyone who downloaded v5.2c from TAP2Date will have this problem. If you download again, it should be good.

For anyone that downloaded direct from the TMSA homepage, you don't need to download again.


Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Sa 22. Okt 2011, 16:02

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von tango » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 14:14

[quote="Thorle"]Ich frag nochmal; Kann ich irgendwo einstellen, dass ich beim umbenennen gleich die Zifferntasten als solche nutzen kann?[/quote]
Hi Thorle,

I'm not sure if your request translated right... are you wanting to use the number keys on the remote when you're renaming a file?

When the TMSA keyboard is on screen, the number buttons on the remote should work as an SMS keypad. (eg. 2 = a/b/c/2, 3=d/e/f/3)


Beiträge: 2453
Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 13:40
Receivertyp: SRP-2100,
SRP2401 ECO,
SRP2401 CI+
Receiverfirmware: 25.01.13,
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach / NRW

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von ameise999 » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 14:20

tango hat geschrieben:Hi mini49,

Thanks for explaining the problem and for the logs. From the logs, it looks like the copy of TMSA v5.2c you have is corrupt. I've checked what is available on TAP2Date and the .tgz is only 1kB (it should be over 300kB).
I suspect if you check the v5.2c TMSArchive.tap you have on your machine it will be less than 1kB (it should be 976kB).

I've recreated the package and uploaded it to TAP2Date. If you can download it again, it should be good now.

No worries Listener. It looks like anyone who downloaded v5.2c from TAP2Date will have this problem. If you download again, it should be good.

For anyone that downloaded direct from the TMSA homepage, you don't need to download again.


danke für das update.
jetzt funktioniert alles. :hello:

Hardware: SRP2401-ECO, 500GB/FW 03. 2015, CI+ Sky, SRP2401 CI+,
Pana TH42PV60EH, Pana TX-55VT30, Yamaha YSP-1100, Harmony 785/900, POPCORN A100
AUTO-START: AutoMove, SmartEpg, RebuildNAV & RecCopy, FastSkip, dbfITMSArchive, BackupSettings, Screensaver, SmartDecrypter, AutoPin
ProgrammFiles: HDDInfo,TMSCommander, IQchanel, FirmwareTMS.dat, TAP2Date, SystemReport TAP, RoboChannel,
WebControl, BackgroundCopy, ChannelListSaver, Lost & Foound

Beiträge: 33
Registriert: Sa 22. Okt 2011, 16:02

AW: TMSArchive - die Fileralternative für den TMS


Beitrag von tango » Mo 1. Feb 2016, 14:30

[quote="Anthea"]Hi Tango,

Yes, I know it, and I currently use it that way. Anyway, to explain my motivation for my question: If I have a folder containing 100+ Items, and I watch one file from that folder, I open the list again... and the folder opens in the default sorting, selecting the first item, whatever that might be, not the last active. So if I now use the pause key for the desired order, I am somewhere inside the list, wherever that newest item might be. Everything can be solved by a few keypresses, yes, but if I catch up with a series, or even worse show my children some episodes of a series with 5-minute-episodes, it gets annoying with the time, bringing the hope that there might be a solution for it.[/quote]

Hi Anthea,

I don't think just remembering the sort order for a folder would help. It sounds like you also want TMSA to remember the last file selected (or played) for each folder. I don't have any plans to add that functionality. But I can make a couple of suggestions.

1) If you want to play multiple short shows for the kids, I'd suggest using the multi-select option to play them. You can select multiple files to play with the multiselect key (Red is the default), then press Play. Each of the files will play in turn (unless you press Stop or clear the multiselect list)

2) If you don't want the cursor position to jump when you re-sort with the Pause key, place the cursor on the parent directory ("..") when you re-sort. That way you'll stay at the top of the list.



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