DiscreteON - zum diskreten Ein/Ausschalten des TMS

TAPs für die SRP- und CRP-Serie
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AW: DiscreteON - zum diskreten Ein/Ausschalten des TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Fr 30. Jun 2017, 12:26

[quote="Twilight"]I have spokenvto Firebird abs you are right, it Must be a power Button from one of the possible remote contolls mode1 to 5...


That's OK, if I can compile versions for Mode 2 and Mode 3. Would the code work with the new function if it looped through each of the index values?

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Registriert: Mo 29. Apr 2013, 06:05

AW: DiscreteON - zum diskreten Ein/Ausschalten des TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 1. Jul 2017, 23:37

Thanks, everyone. DMC has compiled two new versions for me. He used a for loop for the index parameter, as I guessed. I will let you know if they work when my TP013 remote arrives.

I was trying to start these TAPs in a shutdown script of TMSServer (so that they are not running the whole time). They will not start. I assume TAPs are prevented from starting during a shutdown event.

Does anyone know if there is a C interpreter I could use to include the libraries and run the relevant code from a script?


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