TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration

Über die HDTV PVRs 7700HDPVR/7750HDPVR
Beiträge: 2015
Registriert: So 17. Feb 2008, 21:05
Receivertyp: 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: Enigma2-XXX
Wohnort: Nähe FFM

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von micha555 » Mo 17. Nov 2008, 12:25

micha555 hat geschrieben:
My last idea: deactivate the point "Info Auto refresh", because it looks like the GUI is refreshing the info between every file. Maybe that confuses the TF.


I've tested it and it works:
deactivated all options within the GUI
downloaded 4 films with 11 parts (rec, 001, 002, ...)

They are all correct. No confusion! Great! :hello: :hello: :hello:

Makes it possible to make a night download and to get free space on the HD!

Thanks flemion!!!

Can't you implement something like "if files are downloaded, do not refresh anything"?


Und bevor hier Fragen zum xten mal gestellt werden: Wiki für Enigma2 . Eintragen in die Verteilerliste für Infos zu den E2 Images könnt ihr euch hier

Beiträge: 271
Registriert: Do 6. Dez 2007, 20:45
Receivertyp: TF 7700 HD PVR
Receiverfirmware: AAF Enigma2 F1

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von Sunti » Sa 22. Nov 2008, 09:24

Hello guy`s - the second update - V.05:

Greets Sunti

Beiträge: 544
Registriert: Mo 5. Nov 2007, 23:59
Wohnort: EU-Mittelpunkt

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von BigBlue007 » Sa 22. Nov 2008, 23:31

Version 0.5 had already been released on 16/11, see page 2 of this thread.

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Sa 15. Nov 2008, 13:05
Receivertyp: TF770HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: TF-HSCD 7.00.26
Wohnort: Berlin

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von ormembar » Di 9. Dez 2008, 23:24

Hello Flemlion

First:my English is not so good.
Second:Thanks for Your App.
But,I have a problem-in one directory are files displayed twice,and when I download the first sample of these files it is also.In addition have this selected files in My download-directory a size of 0 Byte.(see My Attachments)
That is wrong?

Best regards Orm Embar
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Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » Mi 10. Dez 2008, 11:12

ormembar hat geschrieben:First:my English is not so good.

No problem, same with my German. Can read most of it, but writing is a different matter alltogether.

ormembar hat geschrieben:Second:Thanks for Your App.

You're welcome.
ormembar hat geschrieben:
But,I have a problem-in one directory are files displayed twice,and when I download the first sample of these files it is also.In addition have this selected files in My download-directory a size of 0 Byte.(see My Attachments)
What is wrong?

Firmware 0.26 is wrong if you want to know.
Sub-directory browsing is completely broken in that version, you can only use the web-interface in subdirectories (and thus my App which depends on it) with FW 0.24.

Now there is plenty more wrong with the web-interface in both FW versions, so much so that it fails completely now on my box. I suspect it's something to do with a .srt file that I uploaded in the wrong place to test subtitle support. :patsch:
The thing is that there's still no way to delete any file you see (you can just delete a .rec which most of the time takes the related files with it) and offloading files from the HD without the web-interface is a pain, so I'm nowhere near being able to re-format my HD. :evil:

For those that want to know, that's among the many reasons I haven't put a new version out for some time (combined with all the stomach-flu, colds and other viruses that run round our household for the moment).

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Sa 15. Nov 2008, 13:05
Receivertyp: TF770HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: TF-HSCD 7.00.26
Wohnort: Berlin

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von ormembar » Mi 10. Dez 2008, 21:37


Thanks for this rapid response!
So I will running FW 0.24.Maybe it can remedy my problems with subdirectories.For example:i create a folder named Science Fiction.In this folder was created a subfolder named Star Wars Serie to store many parts of a series.When I running the Topfield-Control(File-Managment) over LAN I can see the files of part 1 and 2 and one file of part 3.Will I see the rest and the files of part 4 by clicking on "next" it is nothing to pass.And in Your App I can´t see this subfolder.So I can nothing download everything. :confused:
When I have tested FW 0.24 on weekend I make a response.

Best regards Orm Embar

Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » Do 11. Dez 2008, 19:09

Having made a number of improvements, most notably with regards to error management and the user interface, I wanted to give you the opportunity to try this out for yourself.
I haven't been able to verify the state of the file download functionality, but it does suspend the sysinfo refresh while file transfers are ongoing.

For the interested: ... or ... nstall.jar.

Beiträge: 90
Registriert: So 9. Dez 2007, 00:10

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von cpeter » So 28. Dez 2008, 23:39


I got the following error messages (see attachment)

I use the acutal firmware which requires a login...

what should I do.

best regards
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Zuletzt geändert von cpeter am Mo 29. Dez 2008, 00:12, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 31
Registriert: So 10. Feb 2008, 15:44

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von semko » Mo 29. Dez 2008, 01:04

[quote="cpeter"]I use the acutal firmware which requires a login...
what should I do.

For now the only choices you have is to re-install the .26 firmware or to wait until FlemLion has integrated the login routine into his tool.


Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » Mo 29. Dez 2008, 16:06

From now a new choice is to use 0.7rc1, that includes a login routine, both for the GUI and the command line.

Note that you can use the command line options of host, username and password to start the GUI as well, at which time these will automatically be taken into account.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Fr 26. Dez 2008, 13:51
Receivertyp: TF7710HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: TF-HSCB 7.00.39
Wohnort: Delft, die Niederlande

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von MBijlsma » Mo 29. Dez 2008, 17:14

[quote="flemlion"]From now a new choice is to use 0.7rc1, that includes a login routine, both for the GUI and the command line.

Note that you can use the command line options of host, username and password to start the GUI as well, at which time these will automatically be taken into account.[/quote]

I still find it incredible to see that volunteering individuals can deliver faster and better software for the TF77x0 than the company that sells the equipment. Just great!!!!
I have gone back to using the july/august firmware after a frustrating evening/night battle with the .29 software; incidentally, an experience that made me decide to never ever buy another Topfield product again. In the mean time, it seems that the latest firmware has been withdrawn from the topfield website, suggesting that they even themselves considered this to be an unacceptable low point in delivering 'customer satisfaction'.
[ Not using the december firmware, is there a reason to upgrade the GUI software at this point, are there any other improvements other than the login option that would make an upgrade useful? ]
Just installed version 0.7rc1 and it seems much faster than the previous versions, the file list is build very quickly; fantastic!
Zuletzt geändert von MBijlsma am Mo 29. Dez 2008, 17:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 2015
Registriert: So 17. Feb 2008, 21:05
Receivertyp: 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: Enigma2-XXX
Wohnort: Nähe FFM

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von micha555 » Mo 29. Dez 2008, 17:47

Solved....don't know why, but now it works....
Is there any trick to use the new version? I'm unable to install it.... :-( Does it need the FW .29 on the TF?
When i doubleclick on the jar file nothing happens......
Zuletzt geändert von micha555 am Mo 29. Dez 2008, 17:58, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Und bevor hier Fragen zum xten mal gestellt werden: Wiki für Enigma2 . Eintragen in die Verteilerliste für Infos zu den E2 Images könnt ihr euch hier

Beiträge: 90
Registriert: So 9. Dez 2007, 00:10

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von cpeter » Di 30. Dez 2008, 01:17

[quote="flemlion"]From now a new choice is to use 0.7rc1, that includes a login routine, both for the GUI and the command line.

Note that you can use the command line options of host, username and password to start the GUI as well, at which time these will automatically be taken into account.[/quote]

Hi flemlion,

I downloaded "FlemLion-TopField-0.7rc1-install.jar" from you web-site and got the following error message: "Invalid or currupt jarfile ...."

is there another selfextracting file available?

best regards

Beiträge: 79
Registriert: Mi 19. Jul 2006, 08:47

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von Pinson » Di 30. Dez 2008, 12:35

[quote="flemlion"]From now a new choice is to use 0.7rc1, that includes a login routine, both for the GUI and the command line.

Note that you can use the command line options of host, username and password to start the GUI as well, at which time these will automatically be taken into account.[/quote]

What is the syntax of the log routine with Usrename and password ? Where must I chnage it ?

Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » Di 30. Dez 2008, 17:00

[quote="cpeter"]I downloaded "FlemLion-TopField-0.7rc1-install.jar" from you web-site and got the following error message: "Invalid or currupt jarfile ...."

I just (re)verified the file on the site, and it works fine.

I suggest you try to download it again.
If it persists you can verify the contents with any program that can open a zip-file. That way you can validate the jar, and if the contents are fine, but it still does not work, you can verify you java installation (the application needs v6)

The zip-file is an alternative if you really can not properly download the jar.

Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » Di 30. Dez 2008, 17:05

Pinson hat geschrieben:What is the syntax of the log routine with Usrename and password ? Where must I chnage it ?

In the installation directory you'll find a file 'list.bat', if you double-click on that, the parameters are listed (you might have to change the Layout->Screen Buffer Size from the properties of the window to see all of them).

You are looking for:

Code: Alles auswählen

-host <host-name/ip-address>
        Specify the host to connect to
-user <user-name>
        Specify the user name for login
-pw <password>
        Specify the password for login
And the place to change is in the Target property of the shortcut you use (right-click on the shortcut and select properties).
The extra parameters should be added at the end.

Beiträge: 17
Registriert: So 2. Dez 2007, 10:53
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 24

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von ToniMaroni » Fr 2. Jan 2009, 15:21

Hello flemlion,

the gui starts fine. SysInfo, timers and files are shown correct. Trying to modify timer setting or downloading files from TF causes an error (see attached jpg). The error occures on two different Laptops (one XP, other VISTA). Can you give me an advice, what is wrong?

I am using the following configuration:

gui 0.7rc1
Java Build 1.6.0_11-b03
FW24 on TF7700PDVR
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Beiträge: 68
Registriert: Mi 2. Jan 2008, 14:26
Receivertyp: TopField 7700 HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 0.34
Wohnort: Belgium

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von flemlion » So 4. Jan 2009, 13:31

[quote="ToniMaroni"]Trying to modify timer setting or downloading files from TF causes an error (see attached jpg).[/quote]

Are you able to create a new Timer entry?

The only reason for this error I can think of is that the service of the entry no longer exists and that's why it fails. For a future version I'll look into adding a proper error/warning message for this case.

Beiträge: 17
Registriert: So 2. Dez 2007, 10:53
Receivertyp: TF7700HDPVR
Receiverfirmware: 24

AW: TopField GUI - Application for Web Configuration


Beitrag von ToniMaroni » So 4. Jan 2009, 19:29

No, I am not able to do anything. It is only possible to look for the output of each window. Trying to access to the Topf in any window causes an error. Downloading from filelist=>error, new timer=>error, modify timer=>error, etc..


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