Jags3 search word sort disable

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Andy K
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di 5. Sep 2006, 13:54

Jags3 search word sort disable


Beitrag von Andy K » Mi 16. Dez 2009, 00:48

When you press |> and then RED it sorts your searches A-Z.

This is very annoying if you press it by accident :mad: :patsch: as I have found out twice now, as it looses your priority order.

Could you please make it require two red presses so this function can't be selected accidently :patsch: .

The same can be said about Yellow and Green.

I'm not sure why it is required at all ? :confused:


Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
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Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
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Wohnort: Wien Umgebung

AW: Jags3 search word sort disable


Beitrag von Twilight » Mi 16. Dez 2009, 16:42

i don´t think that jag will make any changes on this tap.....


Andy K
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di 5. Sep 2006, 13:54

AW: Jags3 search word sort disable


Beitrag von Andy K » Mi 16. Dez 2009, 18:48

thought that might be the case. Although this is a tiny change.

A great shame.

For the record, incase I do it again. This is how I solved it...
I had a backup of the search file but didn't know how old.

I took the backup and got jags to sort it the same way. (press red and yellow in this case).

I was then able to automatically compare the two files and manually made the changes on a PC.
I used beyond compare and saved the output as HTML.
Zuletzt geändert von Andy K am So 20. Dez 2009, 13:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.


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