seit langem wieder möchte ich mal eine mit dem Topf aufgenommene Sendung auf DVD packen. Dazu habe ich TFTool in der Version installiert. Nach dem Setzen der Schnittpunkte, Aktivieren der Checkbox bei 'Start ProjectX with GUI' und Klick auf 'schneiden' kommt eine Fehlermeldung der Art 'No matching FileType found or file doesn't exist: 'Rockpalast.rec'', genaues Log siehe unten im Code-Abschnitt.
Ich habe schon in Forum nach dem Problem gesucht und ein ähnliches gefunden. Dort hat der Dateiname, welcher in der Fehlermeldung stand nicht mit dem Dateinamen im Log übereingestimmt, das ist bei mir nicht der Fall.
Hat evtl. jemand eine Idee, was ich anders machen kann/muss ?!?
Viele Grüße
Code: Alles auswählen
Version: ProjectX
Version: ProjectX
Reading GUI-Switch...
Reading Help Switch...
Reading Config File Switch...
Start with GUI...
Loading Config File: 'C:\ Program Files (x86)\ TFtool_0_9_3\ tftdemux90.ini' ...
Loading Language -> 'en'
ProjectX TEST PROJECT ONLY , User: Antek
(1) this is a free Java based demux utility.
(2) It is intended for educational purposes only, as a non-commercial test project.
(3) released under the terms of the GNU GPL.
(4) there is NO WARRANTY of any kind attached to this software.
(5) use it at your own risk and for your own education.
Java Environment
14. August 2011 15:37:44 MESZ
14. August 2011 15:37:44 MESZ
java.version 1.7.0
java.vendor Oracle Corporation
java.home C:\ Program Files\ Java\ jre7
java.vm.version 21.0-b17
java.vm.vendor Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
java.class.vers 51.0
java.class.path projectx.jar Windows 7
os.arch amd64
os.version 6.1
ini.file C:\ Program Files (x86)\ TFtool_0_9_3\ tftdemux90.ini
ext.disk.access disabled or library not found
user.language en Antek
user.home C:\ Users\ Antek
quick CL usage:
Note: CL doesn't load the GUI components, except with switch [-gui]
<without options> ...starts the GUI
switches and inputfiles can be in any order
[-ini <path + inifile>] ..use that specified iniFile instead of the standard
[-dvx1] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile on demux
[-dvx2] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
[-dvx3] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
[-dvx4] ..create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav + mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
[-out <path>] ..use that specified directory for output
[-name <filename>] ..use that specified filename for output
[-cut <file>] ..use that text based file as cutpoint list
[-chp <file>] ..use that text based file as chapterpoint list
[-id <tokens>] ..use only these (P)IDs, separated by comma ","
[-gui] ..display the GUI using all given CLI options
[-log] ..write the normal logfile
[-saveini] changes made bei CLI in active .ini
[-split <xxx>] ..split output at xxx MB
[-demux, -tom2p, -topva, -tovdr, -tots, -filter] ..action types
Loading Basic Classes...
Multicolor OFF / switches 00000000
Reading CLI Switches...
Successful reading of 2 cutpoints
!> an error has occured.. (please inform the authors at '')
!> an error has occured.. (please inform the authors at '')
No matching FileType found or file doesn't exist: 'Rockpalast.rec'
!> an error has occured.. (please inform the authors at '')
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.file.XInputFileImpl.<init>(java.lang.String)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(Unknown Source)
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile.retrieveImplementation(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile.<init>(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Common.getInputFile(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Start.readSwitches(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Start.main(
!> an error has occured.. (please inform the authors at '')
No matching FileType found or file doesn't exist: 'Rockpalast.rec'
!> an error has occured.. (please inform the authors at '')
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.file.XInputFileImpl.<init>(java.lang.String)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(Unknown Source)
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile.retrieveImplementation(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile.<init>(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile.getNewInstance(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.JobCollection.addInputFile(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.JobCollection.addInputFile(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Start.readSwitches(
at net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Start.main(
File input error
Error while reading CLI Switches ...
Preparing GUI (if enabled)...
Loading GUI...
Loading Menus...
Loading Popup Menus...
Loading Quickload Panel...
Loading Control Panel...
Loading Status Panel...
Loading Input Directories...
Loading Main Frame...
Loading Main Frame...
Printing Environment Settings...
Showing Main Frame...
Check Commons-Net library access...
Loading AC3 frames...