Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Do 10. Apr 2014, 07:17

I am now even more confused.

I successfully connected TAPToDate, and downloaded several TAPs, by switching my connection type to DHCP. However, I have now lost FTP access.

I have tried it on DHCP, tried my original settings, and tried switching to several different Public DNS. Nothing reconnects my FTP, which I really need. Any suggestions?

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Do 10. Apr 2014, 07:45

Oh, word...what a senior's moment. I didn't notice for hours that the servers had switched to "Disabled." All is well, now.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von Twilight » Do 10. Apr 2014, 07:49

taptodate too??


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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Do 10. Apr 2014, 14:10

Yes, TAPToDate, too, thanks. I just pointed to my router as DNS, and let it decide from there. Once that was done, I was confused mostly because the servers switched to "disabled" without me noticing.

I even downloaded Moviecutter and tried it out. It is very nice. It cuts off the first few seconds of sound from some of the sections I keep, but is still a great tool.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Mo 14. Apr 2014, 23:16

Actually, I need some help with Moviecutter. Can I ask questions here? Basically, I cannot use the output with most video players on a PC, nor write it to DVD.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » Mo 14. Apr 2014, 23:21

I've copied to the MovieCutter thread as the author might not read this one.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von krzysau » Mi 21. Mai 2014, 04:58

Is there a way to configure SE (v 6.2) to have a solid background for channel list, especially Grid, instead of the live TV from the active channel? Just like justEPG has?

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » Mo 26. Mai 2014, 07:26

There is no such configuration in SE, you need to change it globally in the Toppy’s menu (Settings – OSD – OSD Transparency).

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von Tex515au » Mo 26. Mai 2014, 15:57

Hi to all

I have retired my TF5000PVRt ( using pbk TAP amongst others ) and purchased a TRF-7260 Plus. I am running Smart EPG which i really love but ......

I cant get the search button ( ie the red button ) to work from the EPG. I have to manually type in all my searches. I have searched extensively but cant seem to work out what is wrong.

Any clues



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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » Di 27. Mai 2014, 12:20

There seem to be two different 7260 models around (one with a plus and one without) and they have different key codes for the red button. Do you know which RCU you’re using? The TP602 or the one for the TBF-100HD?

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von Referee » Di 27. Mai 2014, 13:29

You can have a look here for your RCU:
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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von Referee » Sa 21. Jun 2014, 06:14

If one is watching a recorded file and the daily scan countdown begins, is there anyway that SE can return to the recorded file list so that playback can be restarted from the point where the playback stopped, rather than going back to live TV?

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » Sa 21. Jun 2014, 10:28

Currently not. And such a feature might introduce more problems: what about the SmartFiler or TMSArchive users? Are they always using the file list key to show the list or is it configurable? Then it would be impossible for SE to show the expected list.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von Referee » Sa 21. Jun 2014, 13:33

TMS Archive is configurable. I think that SF is as well.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 2. Aug 2014, 01:33

Hello. I would like to use the SE infobox, but it does not display the LCN when changing channels; instead, it displays the sequential number assigned to the station by SE. This confuses my wife. Is there any way to change settings so that the LCN is displayed here, as it is in most other places?

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:24

Just today, SmartEPG_TMS has started rebooting my Topfield 7160+ every two minutes or so.

I didn't even suspect it at first because it has served me so reliably for so long. Now, though, if I start up without any TAPS, the system stays on; as soon as I start SE it reboots. If I start up with all my TAPs running, and quickly disable SE, this also avoids the rebooting. There can be no doubt about what is causing the problem.

I had not updated SE for at least three weeks, and I am sure that I used a version with a 6 in it; oddly, though, the version I have installed reports as 5.3. I went to TAPtoDate, which listed it in the main list (not the updates), and reinstalled version 6.2b. Sadly, it still reboots the Toppy (and still reports as version 5.3).

Needless to say, I can't live without SmartEPG, so I sure hope that somebody can help.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von FireBird » Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:30

If SE reports itself as V5.3, the update has gone wrong. As you're using TAPtoDate, chances are high that there is more than one SmartEPG_TMS.tap file on your Toppy. Please use ftp to find and eliminate it and then update again.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:33

UPDATE: I'm not sure if this matters, but I thought I would add that I saved the program filename, and tried installing again. I expected a new installation to appear, but it did not.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:36

[quote="FireBird"]If SE reports itself as V5.3, the update has gone wrong. As you're using TAPtoDate, chances are high that there is more than one SmartEPG_TMS.tap file on your Toppy. Please use ftp to find and eliminate it and then update again.[/quote]

Thanks for the reply. Are you suggesting that I delete all the program files, including the active one, and update again? I would certainly prefer not to lose my settings, if possible.
Zuletzt geändert von keith_leitch am Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:38, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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AW: Using Smart EPG on Australian Model TMS


Beitrag von keith_leitch » Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:41

OK, I went ahead and did this. The new installation reported correctly as version 6.2b, but it still reboots my Toppy over and over when it loads. I am now using SmartEPG_Restore to backtrack through previous versions of settings, but so far without luck. As I said, the problem only developed last night, so I can't see this succeeding.
Zuletzt geändert von keith_leitch am Sa 16. Aug 2014, 00:46, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.


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