1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
Hallo alle zusammen,
Gestern ist meine Festplatte aus heiterem Himmel gestorben. Bisher waren alle Smart Werte in Ordnung.
Folgendes Problem:
Seagate ST31000322C8 Platte ausgebaut und mit Festplattentool getestet. Kurztest und
Langtest OK. Ultraschnelltest meldet Dateisystem nicht lesbar.
An Opensuse PC gehängt und festgestellt dass die Platte 2 Partitionen hat.
1. Partition 2GB ist Ok. Darin übrigens 3 Ordner Battletank, Battletank_Net und Systemfiles.
Mount funktioniert
2. Partition 929,5 GB defekt. Siehe unten.
TestDisk 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>
Disk /dev/sdc - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 121601 255 63
Current partition structure:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
1 P Linux 0 1 1 261 22 16 4194304
Bad sector count.
2 P Linux 261 22 17 121600 254 63 1949325698
Warning: Bad starting sector (CHS and LBA don't match)
No partition is bootable
Das Tool bietet Hilfestellungen allerdings nur in Englisch
Kennt jemand das Programm?
Ist hier noch was zu retten ?? (Normale Laufgeräusche, war nie überhitzt)
Wollte erst mal nicht neu formatieren.
Bin auf eure Kommentare gespannt.
Grüße HD_Topfgucker
Sorry gehört ins Forum SRP 2401 CI+ Allgemeines Forums
Bitte verschieben
Gestern ist meine Festplatte aus heiterem Himmel gestorben. Bisher waren alle Smart Werte in Ordnung.
Folgendes Problem:
Seagate ST31000322C8 Platte ausgebaut und mit Festplattentool getestet. Kurztest und
Langtest OK. Ultraschnelltest meldet Dateisystem nicht lesbar.
An Opensuse PC gehängt und festgestellt dass die Platte 2 Partitionen hat.
1. Partition 2GB ist Ok. Darin übrigens 3 Ordner Battletank, Battletank_Net und Systemfiles.
Mount funktioniert
2. Partition 929,5 GB defekt. Siehe unten.
TestDisk 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>
Disk /dev/sdc - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 121601 255 63
Current partition structure:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
1 P Linux 0 1 1 261 22 16 4194304
Bad sector count.
2 P Linux 261 22 17 121600 254 63 1949325698
Warning: Bad starting sector (CHS and LBA don't match)
No partition is bootable
Das Tool bietet Hilfestellungen allerdings nur in Englisch
Kennt jemand das Programm?
Ist hier noch was zu retten ?? (Normale Laufgeräusche, war nie überhitzt)
Wollte erst mal nicht neu formatieren.
Bin auf eure Kommentare gespannt.
Grüße HD_Topfgucker
Sorry gehört ins Forum SRP 2401 CI+ Allgemeines Forums
Bitte verschieben
Zuletzt geändert von HD_Topfgucker am Do 17. Mär 2016, 18:16, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Sorry im falschen Forum gepostet
Grund: Sorry im falschen Forum gepostet
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit Raise Datarecovery ?
- jkIT
- TFtool-Guru
- Beiträge: 3206
- Registriert: Sa 10. Dez 2005, 18:26
- Receivertyp: TF4000 & TF5000MP & SRP-2410
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
ich würde erstmal jfs_fsck aus den jfsutils versuchen.
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xen ... sck.8.html
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xen ... sck.8.html
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
jkIT hat geschrieben:ich würde erstmal jfs_fsck aus den jfsutils versuchen.
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xen ... sck.8.html
Rat befolgt und golgende Meldung erhalten.
linux-z5na:~ # jfs_fsck -n /dev/sdc2
jfs_fsck version 1.1.15, 04-Mar-2011
processing started: 3/20/2016 9:34:58
The current device is: /dev/sdc2
Block size in bytes: 4096
Filesystem size in blocks: 243665712
**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entries
**Phase 2 - Count links
**Phase 3 - Duplicate Block Rescan and Directory Connectedness
**Phase 4 - Report Problems
**Phase 5 - Check Connectivity
**Phase 6 - Perform Approved Corrections
**Phase 7 - Verify File/Directory Allocation Maps
Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map control information. (F)
Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map. (F)
**Phase 8 - Verify Disk Allocation Maps
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 16384 bytes at offset 119783424
Unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sdc2. CANNOT CONTINUE.
linux-z5na:~ #
Doch alles zu spät ??
Hat noch jemand eine Idee ??
Gruß HD_Topfgucker
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
Rat befolgt und golgende Meldung erhalten.
linux-z5na:~ # jfs_fsck -n /dev/sdc2
jfs_fsck version 1.1.15, 04-Mar-2011
processing started: 3/20/2016 9:34:58
The current device is: /dev/sdc2
Block size in bytes: 4096
Filesystem size in blocks: 243665712
**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entries
**Phase 2 - Count links
**Phase 3 - Duplicate Block Rescan and Directory Connectedness
**Phase 4 - Report Problems
**Phase 5 - Check Connectivity
**Phase 6 - Perform Approved Corrections
**Phase 7 - Verify File/Directory Allocation Maps
Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map control information. (F)
Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map. (F)
**Phase 8 - Verify Disk Allocation Maps
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 16384 bytes at offset 119783424
Unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sdc2. CANNOT CONTINUE.
linux-z5na:~ #
Doch alles zu spät ??
Hat noch jemand eine Idee ??
Gruß HD_Topfgucker[/quote]
Mittlerweile eine neue Festplatte eingebaut. Trotzdem noch Hoffnung auf Datenleitung bei der alten Platte??
Weiß wirklich niemand Rat.???
- Twilight
- Zauberküchencheflehrling mit extra Butter
- Beiträge: 64909
- Registriert: Fr 9. Dez 2005, 09:17
- Receivertyp: 1 x SRP 2100(TMS) TFIR und .1 x SRP 2410 M
- Wohnort: Wien Umgebung
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
ich hab mal folgendes gemacht nach anleitung von firebird und dann daten retten können...wobei bei mir ein defekter sektor das problem war...das schaut bei dir doch etwas anders aus.
mit true image wurde die platte 1:1 sektorweise auf eine idente platte kopiert und dann mit der neuen platte die reparatur durchgeführt. hier kam jfs_fsck dann über die problemstelle und dann konnte ich auf die daten wieder zugreifen.
mit true image wurde die platte 1:1 sektorweise auf eine idente platte kopiert und dann mit der neuen platte die reparatur durchgeführt. hier kam jfs_fsck dann über die problemstelle und dann konnte ich auf die daten wieder zugreifen.
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
Danke werde ich mal probieren
- HD_Topfgucker
- Topfversteher
- Beiträge: 275
- Registriert: Fr 24. Apr 2009, 22:00
- Receivertyp: TF 7700HDPVR
SRP 2401 CI+
VU+ - Receiverfirmware: immer aktuellste
- Wohnort: Thüringen
AW: 1 TB Festplatte Expertenrat
Leider War nichts mehr zu retten. Habe die Platte neu formatiert.
Beigefügt das Smartcontrol Protokoll. Was meint Ihr ? Platte in die Tonne ?
linux-z5na:~ # smartctl -a /dev/sdc
smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [i686-linux-3.12.53-40-default] (SUSE RPM)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, http://www.smartmontools.org
Model Family: Seagate Pipeline HD 5900.2
Device Model: ST31000322CS
Serial Number: 9VX0RFK2
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 0206859ea
Firmware Version: SC13
User Capacity: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate: 5900 rpm
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is: ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 1.5 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Thu Mar 31 18:44:35 2016 CEST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
See vendor-specific Attribute list for marginal Attributes.
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x00) Offline data collection activity
was never started.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 623) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x73) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
No Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 220) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x103b) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 103 096 006 Pre-fail Always - 5250256
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0003 096 093 000 Pre-fail Always - 0
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 092 092 020 Old_age Always - 9028
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 081 060 030 Pre-fail Always - 158149962
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 093 093 000 Old_age Always - 6891
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0013 100 100 097 Pre-fail Always - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 096 096 020 Old_age Always - 4498
184 End-to-End_Error 0x0032 100 100 099 Old_age Always - 0
187 Reported_Uncorrect 0x0032 022 022 000 Old_age Always - 78
188 Command_Timeout 0x0032 100 001 000 Old_age Always - 7143617
189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a 062 062 000 Old_age Always - 38
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 068 043 045 Old_age Always In_the_past 32 (0 164 32 26 0)
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 032 057 000 Old_age Always - 32 (0 18 0 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered 0x001a 046 038 000 Old_age Always - 5250256
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x003e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 80 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
CR = Command Register [HEX]
FR = Features Register [HEX]
SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
ER = Error register [HEX]
ST = Status register [HEX]
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.
Error 80 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:50.408 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:50.383 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:49.075 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:49.051 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
Error 79 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:49.075 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:49.051 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:47.728 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
Error 78 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:47.728 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:46.406 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
Error 77 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:46.406 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:45.053 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:43.769 READ DMA
Error 76 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:45.053 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:43.769 READ DMA
c8 00 80 bf 91 43 e0 00 00:01:43.758 READ DMA
25 00 20 ff ff ff ef 00 00:01:43.757 READ DMA EXT
SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 2 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 3 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 4 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 5 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6885 4428430
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
linux-z5na:~ #
Beigefügt das Smartcontrol Protokoll. Was meint Ihr ? Platte in die Tonne ?
linux-z5na:~ # smartctl -a /dev/sdc
smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [i686-linux-3.12.53-40-default] (SUSE RPM)
Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, http://www.smartmontools.org
Model Family: Seagate Pipeline HD 5900.2
Device Model: ST31000322CS
Serial Number: 9VX0RFK2
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 0206859ea
Firmware Version: SC13
User Capacity: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate: 5900 rpm
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is: ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 1.5 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Thu Mar 31 18:44:35 2016 CEST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
See vendor-specific Attribute list for marginal Attributes.
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x00) Offline data collection activity
was never started.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 623) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x73) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
No Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 220) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x103b) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 103 096 006 Pre-fail Always - 5250256
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0003 096 093 000 Pre-fail Always - 0
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 092 092 020 Old_age Always - 9028
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 081 060 030 Pre-fail Always - 158149962
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 093 093 000 Old_age Always - 6891
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0013 100 100 097 Pre-fail Always - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 096 096 020 Old_age Always - 4498
184 End-to-End_Error 0x0032 100 100 099 Old_age Always - 0
187 Reported_Uncorrect 0x0032 022 022 000 Old_age Always - 78
188 Command_Timeout 0x0032 100 001 000 Old_age Always - 7143617
189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a 062 062 000 Old_age Always - 38
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 068 043 045 Old_age Always In_the_past 32 (0 164 32 26 0)
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 032 057 000 Old_age Always - 32 (0 18 0 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered 0x001a 046 038 000 Old_age Always - 5250256
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x003e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 80 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
CR = Command Register [HEX]
FR = Features Register [HEX]
SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
ER = Error register [HEX]
ST = Status register [HEX]
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.
Error 80 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:50.408 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:50.383 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:49.075 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:49.051 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
Error 79 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:49.075 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:49.051 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:47.728 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
Error 78 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:47.753 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:47.728 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:46.406 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
Error 77 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:46.430 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:46.406 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:45.053 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:43.769 READ DMA
Error 76 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6890 hours (287 days + 2 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.
After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 8e 92 43 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x0043928e = 4428430
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:45.077 READ DMA
ec 00 00 8e 92 43 a0 00 00:01:45.053 IDENTIFY DEVICE
c8 00 80 3f 92 43 e0 00 00:01:43.769 READ DMA
c8 00 80 bf 91 43 e0 00 00:01:43.758 READ DMA
25 00 20 ff ff ff ef 00 00:01:43.757 READ DMA EXT
SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 2 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 3 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 4 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6886 4428430
# 5 Short offline Completed: read failure 90% 6885 4428430
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
linux-z5na:~ #